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Posts posted by araver

  1. 1 hour ago, BMAD said:

    Your solution does simplify to something really nice.  I will see if anyone sees it before I give it away.  Nice work.

    Not sure what "really nice" means.


    A nicer version would be to compute the area of the rhomboid and subtract it from twice the area of the sectors to obtain the yellow area.

    The rhomboid has all lengths 1 and one diagonal equal to the green line above 2/sqrt(3) which makes the other diagonal 2*sqrt(2)/sqrt(3). The area of the rhomboid is then 2*sqrt(2)/3.

    However computing the sector of the circle requires knowing the angle. Cosine law gives us cos(alpha) = -1/3 or using the rhomboid area above and the sine formula for an isosceless triangle sin(alpha) = 2*sqrt(2)/3. Area of one sector of the circle is alpha/2 = arcsin(2*sqrt(2)/3)/2.

    Hence area of 1 yellow zone is alpha (2 sectors) - 2*sqrt(2)/3 (rhomboid).

    Area of the required 3 yellow zones is then 3*arcsin(2*sqrt(2)/3) - 2*sqrt(2).

    Pretty sure arccos(-1/3) is very irrational.


  2. This is a nice one. I really think it should have a nice geometrical solution, but:


    Dividing the area of the overlap means we should compute the area of the 3 equal intersections marked with yellow.

    It would be easier to compute if we had the red area and the blue area, then subtract it from an unit circle's area.


    The red area is easier if we consider the purple triangle formed by the centers of the initial 3 circles.
    The purple area plus the red area equals the area of an equilateral triangle of length 2 (since circles have a unit radius aka "unit circles"). The 3 purple areas are 60 degrees sectors each, hence the sum of the 3 areas is half a circle so pi/2. The triangle area is sqrt(3)*2^2/4. So the red area is sqrt(3) - pi/2.


    The blue areas are harder to find :(

    Trying to draw other 3 circles and recompute the areas otherwise only turns the problem into finding green areas which represent intersections between 3 circles this time.


    So, back to the drawing board, trying to compute the yellow area as a regular 2-circle intersection:


    The length of the green segment is the hypotenuse of a rectangular triangle where an edge equal to 1 corresponds to a 60 degrees angle, hence green = 2/sqrt(3). 

    The length of the blue segment is equal to half the length of the radius (1) minus the part that exceeds the triangle (purple). The purple is (2/sqrt(3)-1)/2 = 1/sqrt(3)-1/2 (aprox .078), hence the blue length is h = 3/4-sqrt(3)/6 (aprox .46). This is the length of the height of the sector.

    Half on a yellow area is given by the area of the sector minus the area of the isosceless triangle as cos-1(1-h) - (1-h) sqrt(2*h-h^2) which leads to the not nice formula cos-1((3+2*sqrt(3))/12) - (1/4+sqrt(3)/6)*sqrt((123-12*sqrt(3))/12). Multiplied by 6 to give the original asked area. Not sure if it can be reduced further to a nicer formula.


  3. Westworld Mafia (I)


    Westworld is a park in which human visitors pay to immerse themselves in a carefully crafter Wild West world. The park's villages are populated by hosts - lifelike androids build by the park and used to interact with each other and the human visitors in narratives. Warning: This may contain spoilers (though I did try to steer clear of most of them) so if you haven't seen any episodes yet ... go see some and then come back ;)


    Goodies - Artificially created beings that live in the Westworld Park, some original hosts being mostly mechanical, others made from biological tissue that resembles flesh and blood. They were created by Arnold and Dr. Robert Ford and are designed to be incapable of hurting any living non-host (i.e. human) visiting the park.  WinCon: Lock the humans out of their control of their programming (i.e. "Eliminate" as in lynch/kill).

    1. Dolores - One of the oldest active hosts, the rancher's daughter forced to be the damsel in distress in Sweetwater. As she has been updated numerous times over the years, she has access to all sorts of actions, but can use each of them only once (each is ODTG). Can use actions on back-to-back night/day phases. Day actions cannot be used if blocked the night before. (Choice)
    ** 1: Save the target of the lynch (day action, target can be chosen at any time during the day)
    ** 2: Add 1 extra secret vote invisible to the players (day action)
    ** 3: Remove 1 vote publicly cast (day action, target is the player casting the vote, vote is made x0)
    ** 4: Distract to protect an innocent (night action, save, does not work on self)
    ** 5: Force a target to reconsider (night action, block)
    ** 6: Grab a gun and get the job done (night action, kill)

    2. Teddy - A host returning to Sweetwater to reunite with Dolores and attempt to protect her. He lacks a complete backstory hence he is forced to try to RID Guess Dolores each night. If successful, they gain BTSC (behind the scenes chat during the day and night).

    3. Maeve - A host working as "manager" at the Mariposa saloon in Sweetwater. An inquisitive mind that appears to have flashback events. This allows her choose one character to focus on and find out at the end of the night either who targeted that player or who that player acted upon (choice). ODTG during the night, she can instead try to force the visions and get a complete report (RID, follow spy, target spy) but that will make her lose her powers (vanilla) permanently . (Spy)

    4. Clementine - A host working at the Mariposa saloon. Each night she can try to save a player, by giving them a special "discount". (Save)

    5. Peter - A host in the role of a retired decorated lawman, that spends his days tending to his herd and looking after his beloved daughter Dolores. He can ODTG break a day trap by the Man in Black if he isn't the one trapped, action is chosen at any point during the day, untrapped player can speak and vote. (Break trap)

    6. Hector - A host in the role of the permanent "Most Wanted" bandit. He subscribes to the theory that the world is a mad place, and the only way to survive is to embrace the role of predator. Chooses to kill on even or odd nights at the beginning of the game. Must kill on said night. (Kill)

    7. Armistice - A host in the role of a bandit who works with Hector to raid Sweetwater in the narrative. She has an impressive arsenal that allows her to scare someone away each night but not the same person twice in a row. (Block)

    8. Lawrence - A criminal on the verge of being hanged until he is saved at the beginning of the narrative. He has ties with the secret Revolutionaries and through his influence each day he can make a player's vote x0 or x2. (Vote manip)

    Baddies - Humans running the Westworld Park and the hosts within it, have BTSC and can powerplay each other. Each night they roll updates and take one host offline retiring it permanently. They usually can control only the actions of the hosts not those of other humans, but in some special cases, they can manipulate their way in the real world as well. ODTG they can inflict maximum damage to a target but only if they are sure of it (instantaneous RID Kill). WinCon: Take all the hosts offline for "maintenance". 

    9. Dr. Robert Ford - A brilliant and complicated creative director and co-creator of the Park. No one really understands his plans or future naratives, but no one tries to stand up to him either. Each night he can wander in the park and follow a host or guest (Follow Spy - is told if who target visited).

    10. Bernard Lowe - The Head of the Programming Division and in charge with overseeing "updates". He respects Ford and covers up his last update concerning "reveries". He can manipulate players into forgetting what they were doing blocking their plans for the night and day (Block - works on both humans and hosts).

    11. Elsie Hughes - A highly skilled Behavior Lab and Diagnostic Department member, often the smartest person in the room. She can diagnose behavior problems in Westwold's hosts and change their programming before they enter the park. Each night can push an update to a host to redirect him/her during the night or day (choice of redirect or vote redirect, but not both in the same night/day cycle). The redirect fails (without notification for either side) if the target is human.

    Indy - WinCon: Be the last standing (can tie with either goodie or baddie faction as long as he is alive when one wipes the other out).

    12. Man in Black - A Westworld veteran visiting the park for over 30 years now, he believes one of the original park creators hid some mystery in the park and is determined to find it. He tries to find the hosts or humans that can lead him to the Labyrinth. 
    - Each night can trap a player, but not the same player twice in a row. Trap saves from kills, blocks and silences a player for the next day. (Trap)
    - Each day can make his vote count x0, x1 or x2 (if blocked or trapped at night he cannot). (Vote manip)
    - Invulnerable N1, D1 will appear as saved if targeted for a kill.
    - OTDG during the day or the night can RID Kill and inherit the ability of the person he RID Killed. Action is instantaneous and cannot be blocked (unless the Man in Black was blocked or trapped the night before).

    * NP shows only deaths, saves and silenced players.
    * DP shows only lynched players and their roles.
    * Tie rules: D1 No lynch. D2+ All lynched. Trapped players cannot be voted for.
    * Order of Actions (OOA): Trap > Block > Redirect > Save > NK, RID Kill > Spy.
    * Kills are not blocking. Vote manips can be blocked i.e. blocks/traps at night stop day abilities.
    * Blocked players will be blocked & told regardless if they had an action or not.
    * Redirected players will be redirected and not told, regardless if they had an action or not.
    * ODTG = Exactly Once During The Game. Indy and Baddie ODTG RID Kill and Goodie ODTG  break trap are unblockable and unsaveable regardless if played during the day or night as actions happens instantaneously. The ODTG cannot be used by the Indy during the day only if blocked/trapped the night before. These ODTG actions appear as separate NP/DP posts only if successful i.e. they fail silently if used incorrectly.


  4. Well since BD looks re-vamped and works flawlessly now (at least for me) I thought I'd host again if anyone wanted to play.

    Either a sequel to Forgotten District or a new one themed after Westworld TV Series (that I admit has been oddly stuck in my mind thanks to that catchy tune). The second option would contain spoilers I'm afraid :))

  5. On 8/3/2017 at 6:01 PM, BMAD said:

    Let's say I attempted to draw a rectangle with dimensions of L x W.  When I compared the diagonals, I noticed that they were off by 6 cm.  Create an equation so that I can determine how far  and where I should move one of the corners to fix my rectangle.


    1. Do we have anything else other than a (marked) ruler (as implied by the 6 cm measurement)?

    Second question in a spoiler


    After reading the question, I think "moving one of the corners" must mean that already 3 corners form a rectangular triangular, otherwise you wouldn't be able to create a rectangle by moving only one corner.

    As such, drawing point A as the point that needs to be moved I understand that one of the diagonals is greater (or smaller) than the other by 6 cm. Please let me know if I understood "off by" correctly.

    If so, I understand the problem is to "move" point A to point B (an example in the next figure).

    However if one can measure L and W and has managed to draw a 90 degree angle between them, this means perpendiculars can be drawn to create the rectangle safely. How would an equation help?



  6. 6 hours ago, Thalia said:

     So who were the 2 goodie targets for indy? 

     Shopowner and Doctor.

    4. Panther - The Doctor - Killed N2
    5. MiKi - The Shopowner - Lynched D2

    15 hours ago, bonanova said:



    I also watched over the times of FB's lynch changes, and when Araver took his last on as valid
    (it was) but commented that he didn't know about the edit that showed up on FB's last post,
    i.e. whether the fateful change, not just the OP, met the deadline, I knew that it did. Since
    Araver made the right call, I did not jump in (either the game thread or the BTSC) to confirm
    it was the right decision. No need to., and the conversation itself might have become confusing.

    Thank you. It's very nice to know for sure how edits work.

    I was a bit flustered on mobile that I didn't know how to call it when I saw it edited and had to wait awhile to get to a computer where I could be certain.

  7. Night 4: ... with a Bang

    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"


    TL;DR version

    * Molly Mae the DJ turns Muscles against the Bona Loan Shark

    Game over: Indy win.


    3. Molly Mae


    1. maurice - Lynched D2 as Goodie

    2. Flamebirde - Killed N3 by the Baddies
    5. MiKi - Lynched D2 as Goodie
    6. Hirkala - Killed N1 by the Baddies
    4. Panther - Killed N2 by the Baddies

    7. bonanova - Killed N3 by Clark the DJ


    Notes: I hope you enjoyed the setting even if you did not win ;) I did get the feeling some of you enjoyed this by the number of questions invested :ph34r:


      Hide contents

    1. maurice - The Cop
    2. Flamebirde - The Mayor

    3. Molly Mae - Clark - "The DJ"
    4. Panther - The Doctor
    5. MiKi - The Shopowner
    6. Hirkala - The Baker

    7. bonanova - Mick "The Loan Shark"



    1. maurice - The Cop - Role Spy Hirkala - is blocked
    2. Flamebirde - The Mayor - N/A
    3. Molly Mae - Clark - "The DJ" - No Action (intentional)
    4. Panther - The Doctor - Save Panther - not needed
    5. MiKi - The Shopowner - Block Maurice - success
    6. Hirkala - The Baker - N/A (inactive)
    7. bonanova - Mick "The Loan Shark" - Kill Hirkala - success

    Comments: Bona decides to remove Hirk who has seemed inactive. Molly decides to play the inactive Indy.


    No vote manip.

    Comments: the day ends with no lynch though it seemed like it would go towards lynching the baddie D1.


    1. maurice - The Cop - Target Spy Molly - Molly was not targeted
    2. Flamebirde - The Mayor - N/A
    3. Molly Mae - Clark - "The DJ" - No Action (past-deadline)
    4. Panther - The Doctor - Save Flamebirde - not needed
    5. MiKi - The Shopowner - Block - no one
    7. bonanova - Mick "The Loan Shark" - Kill Panther - success

    Comments: The baddie decides to off one player, though not paying much attention to who could be the indy. Maurice tries to follow MollyMae then goes to see who targeted MM. Had Molly Mae acted, he would've been seen in the first case, not so much in the second.


    Flame - self-vote x2

    bonanova - no ODTG vote manip

    Comments: This day went back-and-forth even before the last 3 votes of the day. Meddling with Mayor's vote would've probably gotten 2 goodies lynched for Bonanova, but he decided against it and Flame delivered it anyway. Molly remained hidden / camouflaged from most of the players PoV as far as I saw.


    One indy + one baddie + one goodie.

    Indy ODTG RID Kill is instantaneous, though I seem to have slipped mentioning that in the OP.

    Multiple questions from MM and bonanova, I hope I haven't lead them astray by much...

    - Molly finally decided not to pursue the RID Kill with 50/50 odds and instead to self-trap (only vulnerable if block was alive)

    - Bona dropped Flame, though letting him live wouldn't have stopped a D3 lynch anyways, with the Indy safely trapped.

    2. Flamebirde - The Mayor - N/A
    3. Molly Mae - Clark - "The DJ" - Trap self
    7. bonanova - Mick "The Loan Shark" - Kill Flamebirde

    D3 was skipped - 1 player was trapped.

    N4 ... 2 outcomes: if Indy does  ODTG RID kill and game stops or indy misses/doesn't play & Baddie NKs.

    Indeed the Indy's ODTG was powerful in the end-game, but that came from noone hindering him for the duration of N1/D1/N2/D2. As stated correctly in the game-thread, the Indy winning earlier in the game was the greatest threat.

    And without much ado


    Molly Mae gets MVP for this game.

    Partially for winning, but mostly for playing the game thread & not using the trap so that no one actually considered him a suspect till N3.



    Thank you all for playing :D

  8. Night 3: Strike

    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"


    TL;DR version

    * Muscles visits Flamebirde
    * Molly Mae gets an invite to the VIP card game


    3. Molly Mae - trapped
    7. bonanova


    1. maurice - Lynched D2 as Goodie

    2. Flamebirde - Killed N3 by the Baddies
    5. MiKi - Lynched D2 as Goodie
    6. Hirkala - Killed N1 by the Baddies
    4. Panther - Killed N2 by the Baddies

    Day 3: Crickets

    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"


    TL;DR version

    * Skipping D3 because no one is lynched


    3. Molly Mae
    7. bonanova


    1. maurice - Lynched D2 as Goodie

    2. Flamebirde - Killed N3 by the Baddies
    5. MiKi - Lynched D2 as Goodie
    6. Hirkala - Killed N1 by the Baddies
    4. Panther - Killed N2 by the Baddies

    N4 ends Monday April 17th, 2AM EDT

  9. As the site was down for the better part of a day plus my delay in posting the DP in the first place...

    Night 3 will end 2AM EDT on Saturday (one extra day from the previous).

    Also ghosts will be given access to a BTSC, but please no ghost posting. Danke.

  10. 5 hours ago, flamebirde said:

    1. maurice - voting for MiKi
    2. Flamebirde- voting for maurice

    3. Molly Mae - voting for MiKi
    5. MiKi - voting for maurice
    7. bonanova  - voting for

    Hirkala - NK1 by baddies
    Panther - NK2 by baddies

    Damn, was that in time?

    It doesn't look like it.

    This shows 8:59 for me 1:59 EDT so this was the last roster of Day 2.

    No idea of the edit time. Couldn't see it clearly on mobile (shows me x minutes ago), the desktop version shows me timestamps on mouse over, so I am going with that timestamp of 8:59.


    Day 2: Take a Breath

    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"


    TL;DR version

    * maurice is lynched as Goodie
    * MissKitten is lynched as Goodie

    2. Flamebirde
    3. Molly Mae
    7. bonanova

    1. maurice - Lynched D2 as Goodie
    5. MiKi - Lynched D2 as Goodie
    6. Hirkala - Killed N1 by the Baddies
    4. Panther - Killed N2 by the Baddies

    Also Night 3 will end 2AM EDT on Friday (1.75 days from now).

  11. Day 1: New Beginnings

    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"


    The Doctor walked in front of the store, passing the old Bakery that had been turned into a Pawn Shop. The mood of the Main Street had become grimmer over the years. All the stores now had metal bars blocking entry, except for the Shopowner's grocery store. As he neared the store, he saw two guys on the opposite side of the street getting into a mini-van and driving away.

    "Hiya", the Cop startled him. "Didn't see you there old friend.", the Doctor managed after catching his breath. The Cop took a long glance sizing the Doctor's grey clothes, sour mood, touches of gray and small wrinkles. "You here for some groceries, pal? Not anything shady is it?"

    "Nah, man, I'm clean. Two years straight. How are you man?", answered the Doctor while extending his hand. He had known the Cop since kindergarden, though their adventure days stealing apples from the Shopowner's grandfather yard felt like another life. "I'm just here to get some supplies." he sighed. The effort of walking to the shop had finally caught up with him and he paused to catch his breath and steady himself.

    "Where have you been hiding, pal? We don't get to see you ...", as a car rushed by. A sports car with music booming and windows closed. They both turned their heads and watched the Mayor's italian car speed past Main Street turning right on Second with a loud screech. "... since you came back." the Cop finished his sentence tilting his head.

    "Yeah, life's been slow man. You know, putting things back together. I got a lease on a flat somewhere up on Second. I didn't ... I mean, you know me ... ". "Relax. There's no pressure. But do come by for dinner whenever you feel like it. You can meet Mary and the boys.", the Cop grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into an embrace. "It's been a while, but you're always welcome.". The Doctor nodded, speechless, emotion catching up in his throat, as the Cop tapped him twice on his back. "Don't be a stranger."

    The Shopowner greeted them while opening the store front door. "Hiya boys. What can I get you? I have a new shipment of apples, fresh from yard ... ", he winked at the Doctor, but that only got a small tired smile of him. They both entered the store, the Doctor's shoulders straighter than before and the Cop sporting a friendly smile.


    TL;DR version
    * Tie lynch = no lynch


    1. maurice
    2. Flamebirde
    3. Molly Mae
    4. Panther
    5. MiKi
    7. bonanova

    6. Hirkala - Killed N1 by the Baddies

    Also Night 2 will end 2AM EDT on Monday. (2 days from now).

  12. Night 1: Motion to Dismiss

    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"


    The Loan Shark was in his office, speaking on his phone as Muscles entered the room.
    "Yeah, they're getting kinda pesky Alfred, snooping around where they shouldn't. How soon can you come?"

    Mick signalled Muscles to get nearer his desk.

    "I don't know, they filed a motion for something. My local guy is an online-trained good-for-nothing. Yeah."

    Mick took a blank piece of paper, folded it carefully as he held the phone trapped between his shoulder and left ear.

    "Yeah, the Mayor has been pressuring the local DA to get results for the upcoming elections. I know, it don't get more cliche than that..."

    He wrote down something then folded the piece in two with a firm hand.

    "OK, gonna talk to you when you get here. Appreciate it. See you on Monday.", he closed the call.

    "Something needs to be done". Muscles took the piece of paper and read it. "How soon Boss?"

    "See to it immediately. And give that back to me willya?". Muscles looked at the piece of paper again and placed it back on the table.

    "Sure thing, Boss. Anything else?" he asked. "Not for now. Come back after noon. And bring your brother too.", Mick gestured for him to leave while burning the piece of paper and throwing it in his ashtray.


    TL;DR version
    * Muscles kills Hirkala


    1. maurice
    2. Flamebirde
    3. Molly Mae
    4. Panther
    5. MiKi
    7. bonanova

    6. Hirkala - Killed N1 by the Baddies

    Also Day 1 will end 2AM EDT on Saturday. (2 days from now).

  13. Forgotten District II Mafia



    City 17, forgotten district, once known as the "The Neighborhood"
    Six years after the previous events in Trainer's Manual Mafia IV

    Checking his balance at the end of the day, the Loan Shark smiled to himself, "This is still a nice neighborhood to do business in."

    "What's that Boss?", asked Muscle. "Nothing for you to worry about, Muscle, as always. Call Clark for me will ya?"

    "Sure thing, Boss." said Muscle, opening the door and letting a gust of music slip inside. That music would one day be the death of him, sighed the Loan Shark. His hair was tinted white at his temples and he felt weary during a Saturday Night.
    "Hey Boss!", Clark "the DJ" blasted through the door. "Close it please", Mick sighed. "Have you heard about the new Mayor?". "Yeah", Clark flexed his hands nervously," he's talking about restoring the Civil Guard and all!".

    "About that, I need you to do something for me. Go mix during the day, talk to your former colleagues, lemme know if trouble is brewing."
    "Sure thing, but, wait, you want me to do something about it?". "No, just report back to me.", he stood up and secured his briefcase. "And get the damn music lower one notch, it's making my head explode", he added before going to the safe.
    "Boss, you know there are paying customers right now draining the bar and putting money in the pockets because of that music ... ", Clark responded as the Boss put the briefcase in the safe and walked back to his table. "Fine, close it earlier though, I need silence to ponder."
    Clark grabbed the door handle, "I'll let the guys know to close after 2 tonight", as he went out. "Idiot" he mumbled once he was safely out of the room.


    Baddie (Mafia): Leader of the shady characters in the city, trying to make an extra buck by circumventing the rule, Mick "The Loan Shark" has made enough money offering unsecured loans to the nice people in the neighborhood. Each night can send Muscles out to kill someone. In case Muscles fails (target is saved or trapped), then the identity of the saved target will be revealed to the Loan Shark. Once during the game (ODTG) can redirect a vote, but not if trapped or blocked the night before. WinCon: Removing all other factions.

    Goodies (Innocents): Peaceful taxpayers trying to restore their clean neighborhood. WinCon: To get rid of business threatening the neighborhood.

    * The Doctor: Former Med student, did not finish his studies due to money problems and a recurring addiction. Knows enough to help a player survive minor injuries though. Ability: Can save a player each night. Can save self. Can save the same player in a row (Save)
    * The Baker: Lost his bakery to the Loan Shark a while back and still sports a scar made by Muscles in a barfight when he refused to pay his loan. He has sworn to get revenge, but after the fiasco a couple of years ago, his vengeance simmered. Ability: No action / Vanilla initially. If the Doctor dies, then Baker will get ODTG kill to avenge him (ODTG Kill)
    * The Cop: Lived in this neighborhood all his life, became a cop on an impulse, never looked back. Ability: Each night can stake out a player and find out either who targeted that player or who that player acted upon (choice). ODTG can instead choose to contact an old friend with clearance and get a role spy. (Spy).
    * The Shopowner: Still owns huge debts and his business barely covers the vig. Always looking for a clean way out of the mess he got himself into. Ability: Each night can block a player. (Block).
    * The Mayor: Just back in his hometown after inheriting aunt's big mansion. Never forgot about his political ambitions. Ability: Can secretly make a vote x2 each day (Vote manip)

    * Clark - "The DJ": Local redneck that won the local club at a poker game a couple years ago. Used to run the establishment as a front business for the Loan Shark, but has decided to pursue his own plans. Each night can trap someone with a VIP invite to the game night where they are safe from kills and cannot speak / vote / be voted for the next day. Cannot send VIP invites to same person twice in a row. ODTG can call in a favor with Muscles to RID Kill at any point during the day or the night. If successful, the event is published immediately, if failed no one hears about it. Cannot die N1, but if targeted for a kill, the killer will know his ID. Wincon: Outlive two
    secret goodies and the Loan Shark. Must be alive at the beginning of the next phase (day or night) and game stops if wincon is met.


    * NP shows Kills, Traps and Saves, no indication on killed player's faction or role. DP shows lynched player's faction only, no indication on vote manipulation.
    * Tie: D1 No lynch. D2+ All in the tie are lynched.
    * OOA: Trap > Block > Save > Kill > Spy > Day actions. Kills are not blocking.
    * Blocks count as successful if the block went through unstopped by the trap acting on the blocker. Blocks cannot stop the NK. Daily actions can be blocked. Blocked players will be told so.

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