I really like that one as an alternative answer so will consider this one solved. For what it's worth, mine involves a neighbor of yours. The work I'm looking for costume jewelry is a straight synonym but perhaps now realize not so common knowledge? The "spousal reception" clue can and should probably just read "spouse." Nothing about a wedding but the "reception" bit relates back to the answer. The "mount" in one of the other clues is similar. Totally! And, nice find on that last one. yeah, oops right on plasmid, nicely deciphered nah, no wedding involved woot woot, these last two were kinda extra credit and figured they'd go last. well done, Thalia gonna go with no on that one. hey plasmid - your last one above will call half right. this one's not my proudest. your middle one above is quite clever/chuckle inducing, nice. guess the first one's also half right and along the right subject. yes indeed! cruisin now.