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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed


    I kinda like the idea of a new topic: Re-ROLLO 500 - Season 2. Will leave it up to the OP. In the meantime - _ _ _ _ _
  2. @nana - that's a stretch @plasmid - I don't get your point @dee - ooh la la gonna still stay different with #5 - shocking I know
  3. plainglazed


    BLURT (1) From BESET - 1; not B from BASIS - 0 and not SE from EASES - 0 so one of the first E or T must be correct (2) If BLURT - 1; not B from BASIS - 0 and not UR from HOURS - 0 so one of L or T must be correct only way for both (1) and (2) to be correct is if T is last If BLURT - 0 then E is second; from (1) above now not T
  4. with only 3 and 4 left, guess i'll go with ...3
  5. rats, too late. sorry all. but for this round, gotta be number 2 so I'm going with number 4.
  6. feel like I vaguely remember this one. perhaps number 1?
  7. plainglazed


    T R E N D ABOUT - 0 EASES - 0 EERIE - 0 CLEAR - 1 ABETS - 1 CASTS - 0 +5 Logophobic SPECK - 1 TREND - 5 +25 Logophobic This round: Logophobic - 30 - plainglazed - 8 Logophobic - 467 Maurice - 429 Araver - 241 Nana - 170 Marksmanjay - 88 Plainglazed - 118 Phaze - 48 Framm - 34
  8. plainglazed


    _ _ E _ _ ABOUT - 0 EASES - 0 EERIE - 0 CLEAR - 1 ABETS - 1 CASTS - 0 +5 Logophobic SPECK - 1
  9. plainglazed


    _ _ E _ _ ABOUT - 0 EASES - 0 EERIE - 0 CLEAR - 1 ABETS - 1 CASTS - 0 +5 Logophobic
  10. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ ABOUT - 0 EASES - 0 EERIE - 0 CLEAR - 1 ABETS - 1
  11. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ ABOUT - 0 EASES - 0 EERIE - 0 CLEAR - 1
  12. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ ABOUT - 0 EASES - 0 EERIE - 0
  13. plainglazed


    Sorry all. Got caught up at work and really did not expect that would take the cake. Cookin' with gluten now! _ _ _ _ _
  14. plainglazed


    Think the second being L is proven. If not, from FLOWN - 3, two of F W N would have to be. And from CLOCK, CLONE, ALOOF all - 2, one of CCK, CNE, and AOF would also have to be which is not possible. FLOUR
  15. Oh good. Was traveling yesterday. Thanks Mo. gotta be #3.
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