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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. peace*out

    Im not shadow, but as far as im concious of, you can change your answer until the deadline.
  2. peace*out

    RID kill>>block>>NK>>redirect>>spy Goodies: Wincon=eliminate baddies Harry--RID kill (kill only if he correctly IDs the target's role) Ron--block Hermione--role spy Dumbledore--can't be lynched Colin--follow spy (sees target of action only) 4 other people who get turned to stone--vanilla Slick is: not colin (b/c block), could be harry, but then he probably would be defending himself more. not ron/hermione not dumbledore (aura claimed dumbledore, and i have no reason to not believe her.) Im voting for slick. JK Rowling: Shadow7 Random House: Akriti 1. Peace - voting for Slick 2. nox - dead; RIDed by Harry N2 and revealed as Basilisk 3. Aaryan - dead; lynched D1 and found to be Hermione 4. Anon26 - killed by Baddies 5. yoDell 6. Thalia 7. Chaits 8. Q-Cumber - lynched D2 and found to be Riddle 9. Slick 10. Araver - voting for Slick 11. KlueMaster (EDM) 12. Auramyna 13. Curr3nt (Segul) edit: stupid quote tags
  3. again - close, but not it keep guessing!!
  4. peace*out

    its a lamb but its a part of hamelts face doubled and upside down
  5. nope, but closest so far~
  6. cubie and i both offered. use cubie, and if he changes his mind, ill do it
  7. for the sake of old times?
  8. peace*out

    ha. ha. ha. but those ARE the pieces?
  9. (1) unreality (2) shadow7 (3) peace! (4) (5) (6) I warn - i will probably be horrable at first!
  10. peace*out

    Making sure i have this right: Do i have them right?
  11. nope, but good try!
  12. :/ i havent taken that yet. what are you reading in english?

  13. oops and you win...that song... you win
  14. no and no. good guesses!
  15. bossed around 3rd graders yesterday. IT WAS FUN! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peace*out


      well i planted blueberry bushes and got called weird soo... :P:)

      readings not that bad...unless you dont like to read.

    3. peace*out


      yes. ohhh yes :) i got free bread and cheese too! AND I WAS CHEDDAR!! :D

  16. peace*out

    Team 1: Thalia, Silver Surfer, TheCube, peace Team 2: KlueMaster, Anon26, Akriti Team 3: Yuli, Izzy, Maurice, Hirkala,
  17. thats good! its not it, but its a good guess!
  18. englistory. thats awesome! :)

    whts your least fav. class?

  19. nice! cool! :) whats your fav class?

  20. :P yes, i tend to do that too...luckily its cleaned up now! :D i finished about an half hour ago! :) hows life?
  21. nice! :P

    glancing over my shoulder every second so my mom doesnt cath me on the comp - my rooms not cleaned up yet. :P

  22. peace*out

    Im going to admit, this is my making sure tht i dont die if it goes into a tie from riddle NK Rowling: Shadow7 Random House: Akriti 1. Peace - voting for Q-Cumber 5. yoDell - voting for Q-Cumber 6. Thalia - voting for Peace 7. Chaits - voting for Peace 8. Q-Cumber 9. Slick - voting for Q-Cumber 10. Araver - voting for Chaits 11. EDM 12. Auramyna - voting for Q-Cumber 13. Segul 2. nox - dead; RIDed by Harry N2 and revealed as Basilisk 3. Aaryan - dead; lynched D1 and found to be Hermione 4. Anon26 - killed by Baddies
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