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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. My first guess would be Princess Toadstool. For two reasons: The other characters' names are current and well known (she is now known mostly as Princess Peach now) and the others "fight bad guys". Samus Aran, Zelda (Sheik), Mario, and Link all fight evil, but I don't recall Princess Toadstool/Peach ever doing that. As I remember, she usually just ends up getting kidnapped. But I could be wrong.

    The universality of these names is too debatable for it to be a distinction in this case. As for her never being the protagonist, surely you're not forgetting the game Super Princess Peach?

  2. I would say zelda because she is the only one that is not the protagonist for any game

    Good guess, but Princess Toadstool is never one either. She is as Princess Peach or Peach, which would make your answer correct, though not what I was looking for in this case.

  3. A word of guidance:

    When criticizing a puzzle, or insisting that one answer must be right,

    or another answer can't be right, try to keep in mind exactly what a

    puzzle is intended to be ...

    It's in the nature of a puzzle to place an answer out of plain sight.

    The puzzle solver's task is to determine where it could be, so long

    as a provision of the problem is not explicitly violated.

    In other words, don't treat a puzzle as if it were a blueprint or an

    engineering specification; treat it as a challenge: find an answer.

    If the OP were to have made it absolutely clear that the character string

    i-n-c-o-r-r-e-c-t-l-y was meant instead of the word itself, there would be

    no puzzle.

    Now try this one:

    Is one of the words in this sentence misspelled?

    The dictionary would say No.

    The puzzle maker would say Yes.

    1)the dictionary would say everything is spelled correctly

    2)the maker would say misspelled is a word in the sentence

  4. If this helps the discussion ... and I'm not sure it will ... :huh:

    For itachi-san..

    embolden: verb: give encouragement to

    In other words, you make a person bold by emboldening them.

    To refer to words that were put into bold type, I don't know of a word for that.

    For LIS..

    embold/ed - not a word, as you point out.

    On the other hand, no one said that it was.

    Great. That's settled. Back to the debate. B))

    Wait a minute, it's not settled. What's the term for making type bold? If there is one that is...

  5. Just to beat a dead horse: we have 2 issues: 1) Hades = Pluto? and 2) why no Earth?

    1) According to Wikipedia Hades was also called Pluto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades in Greek. Nothing is said about having to convert names from Roman to Greek (i.e. Uranus is Greek)

    2) Earth is simply not the name of a God. It was named before the God naming convention of Planets took place. It is derived from a number of languages including Old English. If it were named after a God (therefore fitting all common naming conventions with the other planets) we would live on Planet Terra or Planet Gaia

  6. Some of these might be posted here before, I didn't check before posting this. However, if at least one of these hasn't been posted, I would prefer this post not to be locked.

    Find the pattern in each set of numbers below:

    1: 2 4 8 16 32 64...

    2: 3 9 27 81 243 729...

    3: 1 3 6 10 15 21...

    4: 1 4 9 16 25 36...

    5: 1 8 27 64 125 216...

    6: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34...

    1)multiply each instance by 2

    2)multiply each instance by 3

    3)add 2, add 3, add 4, etc..

    4)square each instance

    5)n^3 for each instance

    6)add the preceding 2 instances together

  7. You wanna check something,check this:


    I don't know if you know greek,but I can tell you what is written there-AGAIN AS I SAID THE GREEKS CALLED THE PLANET EARTH GAIA(Γη),THERE IS NO PLANET CALLED HADES.PLUTO IS PLUTONAS( Πλούτωνας).YOU'LL THANK ME LATER.Good night.Please,next time when you post a puzzle check better the background.No bad feelings.

    Wow. Read my posts before spouting off please. The Earth problem you have should be answered at least twice by now so read the posts over carefully. For your recurring Hades problem: to repeat, I used the ORIGINAL SOLAR SYSTEM. If I used the current solar system (which is not entirely agreed upon as far as dwarf planets go), it would have been not only too difficult to solve, but a very messy setup... any other complaints?

  8. I just heard this one and I like it:

    One lonely night, a king, queen, princess, prince and driver get on a bus. a king, queen, princess, prince and a driver get off. who is left?

    I like this one, but it doesn't work well when it's written. I wonder if there's a way to write this so it has no flaws...

  9. I heard this one a decade ago, but I haven't been able to find it in a search or anywhere else on the site yet:

    Consider a pink one-story house with a pink roof. The walls are pink and the floor is pink. The chairs are pink and the tables are pink. In fact all the furniture is pink and even the ceiling is pink. But I ask you, what color are the stairs?

    We can't know the color of the stairs. Just because it is a one-story house does not mean that there aren't stairs somewhere. It just means that there are not stairs that connect two or more (non-existent) stories of that particular house. In fact, given the entire question we should assume that there are stairs somewhere in the house because the question implies their existence.

  10. You can safely go through the North, West or East door. Each door is filled with starving lions, bees, and snakes respectively. I guess the doors are very deep if they can hold those animals and, because the animals are in the door, not behind it, there is no reason to think that opening the door will release the animals. Walk to the exit. Viola! :P

    Nice 1 B))

  11. I never mentioned anything about legal killing i just said assume a country where it's not legal for a husband to kill his wife. therefoere the objebct becomes in such a country how is it possible for a huband to kill his wife without being accused of murder, that then brings you to the answer. Valid points again however it's not my riddle so i can't change the answer (http://www.riddles-online.com/brain_twisters/brain-twister-killer.htm) your euthenasia point was good and i got that but it a country where you can't legally kill your wife the question arises again how do you do it and the answer as a husband and hangman of a condemned prisoner

    Can you please clarify the parts I emboldened? On another note, is emboldened the proper way to say that?

  12. Here's one for you. Is the following a statement or a question?:

    Is is a word

    Neither, because it has no punctuation. Therefore it is just four words in a row ;)

  13. You don't have to understand it. It's just to waste time standing still. If you keep moving, you'll eventually anger the bees.= thousands of use of the word ouch.

    But you can't read something if you don't understand it. Illiterate people can't read and therefore can't re-read. The OP should have just said 'stand still while the bees pass.'

  14. The answers are great glad to see people enjoying it, itachi-san thought this might be right up your street what with the motto and all. i'm assuming the snake thing means stealth all the way which is best but i left ways in for frontal assults just in case

    hehe, nice. Solid Snake (Snake Pliskin) is the character from the Metal Gear video games. He's way cooler than Tom Cruise could ever hope to be.

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