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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Ok, everyone keeps giving providing things that are alive as answers. By line two I'm convinced it's an activity of sorts. Could you provide the correct direction between the two aforementioned choices? Thanks for this HORRIBLE puzzle :P

    You're very welcome. Since nobody's solved it yet, it can't be THAT horrible B))

    And a no for Rubik's cube. It doesn't fit the 4th line. That's also a good try, though Etch-a-sketch is still my favorite attempt.

  2. Suppose you have a bag with R red marbles and B blue marbles.

    R + B is even.

    You reach in and pull out two marbles and place them side by side.

    You continue pulling pairs until all the marbles have been taken from the bag.

    What is the expected number of Red-Blue "couples"?

    Edit - removing spoilers for the moment ...

    Wouldn't the expected number of couples vary depending on the total amount? I.e. if you start with 3R and 5B compared to 300R and 500B. The bag with 800 marbles would have way more expected couples, right?

  3. Mario Bros didn't precede Nintendo. How else could they exist?

    It's an argument of semantics, really.

    Look up Mario's history if you don't believe me. The game Mario Bros. was available on Atari. Super Mario Bros. was the first installment for the Nintendo generation. Generation refers to the console if that's where you are having problems. I.e. right now we are in the Wii, X Box 360, PS3 generation.

  4. You could argue not, on 2 counts.

    In Donkey Kong, 'Mario' was known as Jumpman.

    Also in Donkey Kong, Daisy could be compared in many ways to Princess Toadstool.

    Sorry, no.

    1) The game Mario Bros. featured Mario and Luigi and preceded Nintendo and Super Mario Bros.

    2) Daisy is not Princess Toadstool. Princess Toadstool is Princess Toadstool and first appeared in Super Mario Bros.

  5. Yeah, Itachi was as close to being right as possible, and you got it totally right. The "hint" was in the fact I said I'm not "a Master" - like a "Master" lock (I know, eye roll, please). ;)

    Hehe. The only part I didn't get was the hint :rolleyes: -there you go

  6. There are four people at the table.


    a = 4, b= 3, c= 2, d = 1

    After passing to the left:

    a=3, b= 2, c= 1, d= 4

    You're not accounting for the first part of the puzzle when they each put money down on the table.

  7. Everyone else is coming up with poetry style riddles, so I wrote the cheesiest one I could think of. Needless to say, I am not a Master of this stuff :)

    In my chest,

    it secures all of my best,

    and the only way in

    requires you to spin.

    I think I got it

    jewelery (box). A chest that holds your valuables and requires a key to spin and open it.

  8. At this time he has four times the money to his right person.

    brhan, can you please clarify this for me? Does it mean the leftmost guy has 4x the money of the person directly to his right?

  9. There are two boys who look exactly alike. They have the same parents and the same blood. They share the same birthday (they're both the same age), and they were born only a few minutes apart, but they are not twins. How is this possible?


  10. If the fourth line is anything to go by , it is a penguin. ;)

    Caricature generally implies a portrait in black and white.

    Many also use colours , but I will go with penguins.

    Not many penguins in Northern snow or in Southern Plains, but good guess.

  11. That would work except it says "On top of 1 of 3" Though it is our best option yet.

    What about

    It is hidden in his hand?

    "On the opposite side of 8 + 8"

    8+8=16 reverse the numbers and it is 61 (his age??)

    "On top of 1 of 3"

    In his hand on top of his cane? the other two being his legs.

    On top of 1 of 3 piano pedals makes total sense. I sincerely doubt the riddle would require us to guess his age. And the cane, legs thing doesn't work. The riddle says on top, not in. And even it were on top, the kids would see it right away.

  12. Metal Gear was on the NES...and Ryu Hayabusa isn't in Smash Bros

    Nice GIJeff. I included both Snake and Ryu to eliminate any Smash Bros. references. The other similar puzzle took these 2 characters off because I figured not enough people would be familiar with them. Here is the historical answer I had in mind:

    Mario is the only 1 to arrive before the Nintendo generation

  13. Touching one, yet holding two

    it is a one link chain,

    binding those who keep words true

    'til death rent it in twain.

    What is it?

    My first thought is:

    a wedding ring

  14. Well, I'll post my original answer to this one, since there are, as been pointed out, infinite answers. My original thoughts had to do with video gaming history.

    Mario. He is the only character to be introduced to video gamers before the Nintendo generation.

  15. Itach-san . What is it?

    The Yeti (Abominable Snowman) or the walrus or neither. ;)

    So far nobody has gotten the right answer. Just try to apply a yeti or a walrus to all 4 lines, and neither fit.

  16. H , H , e , L , i , B, e , B , C

    The elements in periodic table. ;) I have assumed the letters are not case-sensitive.

    You got it. Nice grey cells. You get a gold star for remembering the first e =)

  17. In some puzzles your argument holds true. But in this one , the fact that a cockerel cannot lay eggs is already established. So we need not analyze the truth. :)

    I think this tangent about analyzing the truth has raised the real problem here. If it's inherent in the question that the cockerel laid eggs, which it is, is this an established truth or not?

    Also, about Noct's post concerning typos, etc.. I totally agree, and would never hold a typo against someone unless the question was totally illegible or didn't make sense because of whatever typo, mis wording, etc.. to which we all should simply ask for a re-phrasing or explanation. But, looking deep into the heart of riddles is what makes these long discussions fun. It can be silly at times, but it can also unearth totally new and reasonable answers or help to create new riddles that branch off of the discussion.

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