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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. It doesn't matter which child it is. Having a child is an independent action. There is no implied questioning like: if a couple is starting from scratch, what will the probability be, etc... As for the link to the HS girl's example, that really wasn't very impressive evidence. I will only believe this being 1/3 if someone can do what bonanova has requested and make a program. My answer is 1/2 unless I see that it is not via some kind of substitution example. Also, text books have been proven wrong plenty of times which is why they have multiple editions, so I'm not going to say: "oh, some random girl's High School Math Textbook says it's 1/3 so that must be the answer."...

  2. A man and a woman have two children each. At least one of the woman's children is a boy, and the man's oldest child is a son.

    What is the probability that the woman's child not mentioned is a boy? And the man's? Are they even different?

    I don't think I'll ever be sold on that Noct. What's the difference between GB and BG in this particular question?

  3. 06 and 60, because it's the only one that makes sense, but I have to argue that 6 REVERSED is what? Not 60 in any kind of normal numerical fashion. Also, when writing, depicting or thinking about age, a zero beginning single digits is never used.

  4. Noct..you r using permutation in probability....I think there is some mistake..or misunderstanding..

    1. one is boy...so

    2. the other is either boy or girl..so the chance is 1/2..

    I know according to the theories of probability, u r correct...but in some cases probability theory does not impress me much...from my high school...upto my postgrad..it sometimes seems very fruitless to me...

    I understand the posts about probability and 1/3 etc..., but I agree with Storm about the logic involved in this particular situation. It shouldn't change the probability if you know that a certain gender is born first because in both cases we know one of the genders.

  5. Lost in Space's response made me think of this, but it's a long shot.

    Is it based on phone keys? My cellphone is close at hand. Each number can represent 1 of 3 letters, but it would take a lot of time to go through the possibilities.

  6. Well, taking the riddle on its own I definitely thought it was a trick question because you can't sail around the world exactly on the equator. But after reading the responses I realize the intent was for the highest part of the ship, though I do think the sails flapping back and forth is an interesting answer.

  7. Built to last, but made to fall

    It is made to fall(on others) , but yet it is does not die.

    I will not answer if you call

    It is non-living.

    You must know how to make me stall

    One has to know how to stop it.

    Or death will be upon you all

    If it is not stopped , it will result in individual death(Or)death in large numbers.


    duh puck got this one right off the bat, congrats and sorry for the late reply, but I guess it needs a bit of an explanation. grey cells has some great explanations, but just looking in the wrong place. I'll use that answer for my reasoning

    a parachute.

    Built to last, but made to fall

    It is made to fall (for falling purposes), made well (hopefully functional and will last many times).

    I will not answer if you call

    It is non-living Exactly. if you yell at the parachute, it won't deploy.

    You must know how to make me stall

    One has to know how to stop it. Not quite right: the object doesn't have to be the one stalling given this line, it just has to stall (in this case, it stalls someone or something)

    Or death will be upon you all

    If it is not stopped , it will result in individual death(Or)death in large numbers. Good call on seeing that this could mean each individual's death, but again (referring to line 3) if it does not stall (the rapid descent of who or what to which it is attached) then they will die or be destroyed

    nice work everyone. I'll have to come up with more difficult riddles from now on I guess. At least it has a nice flow to it :)

  8. I think you're stretching that logic. It says 'if you are Harry'. It might as well say 'if you are person B'. It's not really correct to respond with 'I'm not Harry', when the setup for the answer is 'if you are Harry'.

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