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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Ok, everyone keeps giving providing things that are alive as answers. By line two I'm convinced it's an activity of sorts. Could you provide the correct direction between the two aforementioned choices? Thanks for this HORRIBLE puzzle :P

    OK, since this one seems to be dying out I'll point the way. Yes, there are 2, maybe more, ways to read the second line. The intended direction is toward the living. But the duality was intended to make the riddle more difficult.

  2. I have to ask: Why do people feel the need to take apart puzzles on semantics? :huh:

    It's true you can't sail along the Equator... 'so what!'... was that the first thing thought about when reading the puzzle?

    My first thought was: the flag at the end of the high mast! [i'd make it a Pirate flag at this point... but it might be another semantic picked on!]

    Given the sail flapping back and forth answer (which I would never have thought of simply because there was never any references to changing winds in the problem), I'd have to say that in alcacace's plane the answer should be the flight attendant... running up and down the ailes throughout the whole flight serving refreshments (or worse yet: my wife if she should be a passenger at one end of the plane... always running to the bathroom at the back of the plane and back :P )

    Oh well... Semantics do stimulates discussions - I'll grant you that much! :D

    Have a great day everyone!

    I'll tell you why people (myself in this case) thought it may have been a trick question. Probably 1/10 of the riddles I've read/heard are trick questions... What is spelled incorrectly in this sentence?, What is the man's last name?, How many days was Moses on the Arc?, etc...

  3. Shame i am so tired, I can't work anything out today!

    edited cos i realised it actually works - for a lot of people anyway!

    I'm not sure I'm following you LIS. If you're saying that 'beer' works, could you please explain how it fits the first 2 lines?

  4. I Dug this one up from the archives, but it's pretty clear the OP will not be around to post the answer he/she had in mind:

    I'm also interested if there are any other new ideas for this one. I'd have to say...

    Black. A clue within the riddle is that the kid was up all night (the night sky being black). Since black is the absence of color how can there be a first time for it?

  5. Pacifist

    I'd have to say I'd be a pacifist and here's the deal. Killers are only killed in pairs (when 2 killers meet) so eventually, maybe after or BEFORE all pacifists are killed, 5 pairs of killers will meet and anhialate the killer race. We can't say that all pacifists will die, but I assure all killers will!!

    Oh, nevermind that last post.

  6. OK, here's a small hint. This hint is actually a riddle, but may help to get you started.

    Perhaps coffee would shed some light onto this one

    Maybe it's not fair to post a riddle within a puzzle :huh: so I'll make this one a solid clue:

    What's another word for coffee? ...Java(slang, but it works). And what also claims the name Java? Look at this one through the eyes of a computer programmer.

  7. Making it late rather early

    6 months later all is twirly

    Shocked to find something's gone

    Half dozen again, back on song

    Is'nt hard to find the date

    sometimes early, some times late!

    Sorry for the silly rhyme

    Keeping it simple just this time

    I think I got this:

    day-light savings time

  8. Think About It...

    Look at the names of the states and the numbers next to them.

    What do you think the numbers represent and what number should be listed beside Ohio?






    North Carolina-4

    South Carolina-6


    I couldn't help but notice that nobody solved this one. The answer is Ohio-5. There is a typo in the OP though. It should be South Dakota-6. The numbers represent the number of states each particular state borders.

  9. I think you're a little off Nikyma. For 2 you put C, meaning B for question 4, meaning there are 2 answer Ds. But you only have 1 D. I originally thought this was right too.

  10. I knew this would be a rather difficult one. The topic name is headed 'for English buffs' for a reason. The answer is most certainly not a commonly used word. Try figuring out what the riddle could be about first, then put a name to it.

  11. do a 200 person randomly selected double blind test...

    But not sure I would call this a brain teaser

    Agreed. Even if the point is that we don't know which pills are sugar and which pills are real, the double-blind test with 200 people will still prove the effectiveness by the number of participants who show the desired effects of the real pill.

  12. i thought this meant:

    Nothing, And, Something, went in

    - "Nothing" left

    - "Something" left

    - "And" did not leave...but the 1st bit says "And" went in.

    So and is left.

    Not sure, that's just what i thought you meant, ash013 -- is it?

    I think you got it Sue. And is meant to be left in the room (which is what i gathered from ash013's spoiler answer too). It doesn't make sense though.

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