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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Everytime I look at the questions on this site they are so fundamently flawed I have remember that I don't have to look at this site.

    I try to look at what the questions pose, and present from every angle of perception I can try to think of. I realize that not everyone is coming from what I believe reality to be.

    So given that my problem wisth this question is this.

    George was dead.( depending on how you pronunciate this statement, does it mean he is alive now or is it just a fact. I'll not make a big deal about this cause I get it when I put myself in someone elses mind.) The guy is dead he was found face down squashed in the sreet. ( This implies that the actual being george was found with his body squished (meaning crushed, deformed physically altered by force)..The statement in the riddle does not say a picture, Likeness, drawing something other than such.

    He must have been there some time he was cool to the touch. ( No problems with that.)

    In addition he was found with a bird perched on the back of his head. ( Even If you can argue that it was a dollar bill or a quarter, #1 there is no bird perched in either. the depictions of both the are free floating with arrows and branches clutched in its grasp, Lastly the picture of the eagle is not on the back side of georges head it is on the reverse side of the bill.)

    TO ANSWER THE QUESTION CORRECTLY: If you make the statement that George was dead and you want to know his Last name, It was George. That was his last name he had before he died.


    Wow buddy, you must have had a bad year or something... Clearly you're not familiar with the literary devices commonly used in almost all riddles. Just go with it. If the question was 'A dollar bill was laying face down in the street. What's the last name of the President on the front of it?' It wouldn't be much fun would it?

  2. It's been a while since this low literary form was en vogue.

    Here are my three favs followed by a potpourri of the genre for a blast from the past.

    [1] "But you don't deserve an A," said Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his student.

    [2] "Oh, I've dropped my toothpaste," said Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    [3] "OK, I'll send the code again," said Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


    [4] "Yeah, I forgot to pay the electric bill again," said Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    [5] "Look! This chicken has no beak!" pronounced Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    [6] "Never, never, never force-feed this a lion," declared Tom, _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    [7] "I'll have the chicken soup with matzo balls and gefilte fish," said Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    [8] "Alright! You can borrow it again, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tom.

    Use the spoiler, Luke.

    3)resentfully(1 less character than asked for though)

    4)no idea


    6)no idea either



    Well, some you lose, Itachi said winsomely

  3. Sorry, I wasn't around to response... well here is the solution!

    itachi_san already covered it, the cleaning men said they cleaned the corners of the KINGDOM, when they were supposed to clean the CASTLE. So,they did it. However there are more logical solutions.

    w00t! I knew a group of cleaners cleaning a whole KINGDOM sounded fishy...

  4. I like that 3rd option alot, but I feel like the favorites box would be more useful for topics that are clearly going to die out (new post wise), but contain either some cool information or are just an awesome puzzle that I'd like to have easily at hand.

  5. Oops

    Leaving Samoa at 11:30 PM Tuesday I will arive in Fiji on Thursday at 12:30 AM

    Leaving Fiji at 11:30 AM Tuesday I will arive in Samoa on Monday at 2:30 PM

    You got it redsnuff! Nice! The International Dateline is set between these two island groups so it makes for some confusion.

  6. There are some similar versions of this puzzle on this forum, but none that I could find really replicate it. I figure I'll give this one a try, since I think it's pretty cool.

    Fiji and Samoa are two islands in the South Pacific. Fiji is about 970 kilometers (600 miles) west of Samoa. A small airplane can fly this distance in two hours.

    When will you arrive in Fiji if you leave Samoa on a small airplane on Tuesday night at 11:30 PM?

    And what if you went from Fiji to Samoa leaving at 11:30 AM on a Tuesday?

  7. Though not high-priority, I agree. I think it would be sweet if there was a box below 'recently read topics' in My Controls that was for 'my favorites' (similar to YouTube). And when you are reading a topic, there is in the lower section that has reply, edit, etc.. a box 'mark as favorite' and it would then appear in the 'my favorites' box in My Controls. Just an idea.

  8. Please forgive me if I'm being blind and it's right in front of me. But is there a way to select topics as favorites and then view a personal favorites page? If not, then I think that would be a sweet idea. If so, can you please guide me to the function? Thanks.

  9. If the guy in the picture still has no idea what's going on then he's probably still drunk (public intoxication) since he walked over (he could even have driven over)

  10. Could you please clarify this?

    Suspect 1 is James (the email was sent to him, assuming James is a guy's name)

    "I took one look at the picture and I just knew it was a camera phone that took it." she was still shaking as she was trying to drink her herbal tea.

    is suspect 2? an unknown girl?

    and suspect 3 is of course, suspect 3

    the guy in picture should be charged with public drunkenness

  11. This could be made into a smaller group then: Grandfather (a father and a son) and his son (also a father whose kid isn't present). So 2 people (who make 2 fathers and 2 sons) caught 3 fish. They caught a total of 3 fish and neither caught the same fish.

  12. you cannot deny the friend a ride, but he can apparently wait for a ride since there's no immediacy pertaining to him in the question. So he waits with the fiancee while you drive the old woman to the hospital

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