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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. What I mean is that a cockerel is not capable of laying eggs unless as you mentioned it was the product of science and it would be only a vague assumption.

    For the first part , I did not say that the statement 'it leaps over the fence and lays its eggs' is the confirmation that cockerel does not lay eggs.

    OK .genetic mutation is possible but then it would be an assumption and it could be the next possible answer. But this one is an oldie , and implies the straightforward logic that a cockerel is a male and hence cannot lay eggs. :)

    Point taken and I agree. I would say that the riddle would benefit from making this an 'if statement': If the cockerel leaps over the fence blah blah blah.

    Oh, StAnArchic already posted that, my bad.

  2. Sorry . But I do not agree . Before coming to the question one has to look at the logic.If the logic fails , then there is no question of a question being raised. In this OP the question is merely a distraction and distractions are part and parcel of any puzzle. :mellow:

    What do you mean by this?

    Also, please elaborate on how 'it leaps over the fence and lays its eggs' does not confirm that the cockerel is laying eggs? I'm still going with some genetic mutation.

  3. The question isn't asking whether or not they can lay eggs. It states explicitly that it did. So the question is who gets to keep the eggs it laid?

    I agree with Noct. The OP clearly states that the cockerel lays eggs. Whether it can by definition or not is irrelevant to the answer which is that the neighbors will have to make an agreement (friendly or formal) and follow whatever they decide. Maybe it's a hermaphrodite? :o

  4. Not sure what you mean. The town "wisdom" played a major role in those books. That was Nynaeve's title before she became Aes Sedai, etc.

    Oh yeah, my bad. That was back in the beginning. You're right. On a side note, they're going to finish the series with a different author. It should come out in 2009 I think. In case you didn't know already, that is.

  5. Found on the northern snow and on the southern plain

    Even though many have bested this game

    Millions still revel in its name

    A caricaturist makes it say the same

    Just thought this one up, hope you all like it

  6. Well, if this is right for the first clue it should get all our minds moving in the right direction. Hopefully it's right for the whole riddle :)

    opposite the piano. 8 and 8 makes 88. 88 keys on a piano. So, maybe it's on one of the 3 foot pedals?

  7. Without thinking I would say , it was hidden in the toy store. Because the puzzle said if the children find the $20 bill , they would go straightaway to the toy store. But not sure about the answer though. :)


    Maybe 8+8=16 was the grandpa's apartment number and opposite to it was the toy store.

    And the top of 1(3) may mean some toy's location.

    How about that? ;)

    I don't think so grey cells

    I have hidden a $20 bill somewhere in this house

    This is a good one, I'm totally stumped... <_<

  8. If it is a palindrome then


    i know it is dumb...but right now i'm stuck

    A palindrome's not what I had in mind, and also an easy out to any sequence :) I'm not quite seeing how you're example is a palindrome though unless 5 is the center.

  9. Going non-mainstream I like to say there were 2 people. A Grandfather (who is of course a son) and his son (who is of course a father). The grandfather bagged 2 and his son bagged 1, therefore each can claim to have shot a duck.

  10. Modesitt’s folksy clerics

    (DOH! I realized after I posted that I messed up the Author's name - It should have been "Jordan's folksy clerics" referring to Robert Jordan and his "wisdoms" - so embarrassing)

    I read all the Jordan Wheel of Time Books and there are no clerics or wisdoms in them (by exact name). Perhaps you mean the Aes Sedai or the Aiel Wise Ones?

  11. What are the next three letters in this sequence?

    A, B, G, D, E, _, _, _?

    N, G, H

    If the conditions are that every 3rd letter of the alphabet is replaced by every 7th letter of the alphabet (and repetition is allowed, which I'm assuming).

  12. I can think of one sequence that ends right there.

    Lists a prime factor (in order of increasing value) of 12 and then the result, in unary (ie, just that many 1's), of dividing 12 by the product of the prime factors listed so far

    12/2 = 6, so six ones

    12/(2*2) = 3, so 3 ones

    12/(2*2*3) = 1, so 1 one

    Of course, I don't think this is "right"....but its a (remote) possibility.

    Certainly a great guess, but like you said, it doesn't go past the final given "1" and therefore cannot fill the 3 blanks. Good looks though.

  13. Looks like hints are not helping much...

    If you remove spacing and commas, the sequence is the digits of PI where each digit is encrypted using rot5 ((x+5) mod 10).

    To get the spacing, it is the fibbonacci series, but whenever the sum is greater than 5, 5 is subtracted.

    therefore, the numbers are 5733, 964, and 26

    each number in the sequence will be from 1 to 5 digits. If you count 00047 to be different from 47 (I said the 0's were significant/needed in the question), then there are 111110 unique numbers in the sequence (100000 5 digit numbers, 10000 4 digit numbers, etc).

    I was thinking that the Fibbonacci series was involved with this after you basically told us that Pi was. But then I still couldn't see the answer. This was a really good one, but a bit too tough (for me at least)

  14. idk it might be a silly reason and it might have a simple answer that people might over look

    OK, here's a hint to get where I was originally going with this:

    There are infinite answers if you want to pick silly stuff like 'Mario is the only one who wears suspenders'. But there is one answer if you look at the names with a historical perspective

  15. they might be living things thats names is nothing and somthing and the living thing named nothing left the room through the window and the living thing named somthing left through the door...

    OK, but then what is left in the room? -to answer the OP

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