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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Well, assuming there is enough light to see, I would think there would be an infinite number of reflections


    either infinite with light or none with no light.

    What would the answer be if you were enclosed in a perfect sphere (that is lit for seeing purposes somehow) and the entire inside of the sphere was a mirror?

  2. My middle child was bragging to her little sister about all the quarters she had found in her easter eggs last weekend, so i being a "good dad" challenged her with this...

    I will give you one dime for every quarter that you can stand on end on the kitchen table. She gladly spent the next 15 minutes struggling to stand each of her quarters on end. She finally gave up after only getting 7 of the 10 quarters up on end.

    My question to you and of course my daughter was why she was so dang upset with me after I did exactly what I had said.

    because you gave her dimes for quarters which are worth less. Hopefully, you gave them back =)

  3. I am guessing this is how the question should have been worded.

    Nothing and something were in one room. Nothing left the room through the window, something left the room through the door.

    What was left in the room?

    Whatever was in the room before Nothing and Something. (chairs, carpet, floor, ceiling, lights, etc).

    Pete and Repeat went out to play by the river. Pete fell in, who did not fall in?


    Pete and Repeat went out to play by the river. Pete fell in, who did not fall in?

    Could you repeat that one please? j/k

    OK, so we're left with a room after nothing leaves through the window and something leaves through the door. In order for a room to exist there must be 'something' inside of it even if it is a vacuum or just plain old space. Also, there are most likely door hinges and a window sill in the room.

  4. i)Men may die without getting a chance. Women will have many chances if they are assertive on their special years, but they may never have any marriages

    ii)it favors women because they can be aggressive. Men have to be passive and wait for a proposal in order to act

    iii)i would say no because the probability (whatever that is =P) would be very high for perfect matches to have coinciding special days

    for iii) I meant to say the probability would be very LOW

  5. If there were two people in the fishing camp, and each of them caught a fish, and none of them caught the same fish then the total number of fish will be two, not three.

    No, the older one could have caught 2 fish. Check out the OP.

  6. ( i.) Will the Lyrans get married at least once in their life time or some of them may die without getting a chance to marry someone?

    ( ii.) Does the marriage proposal procedure favor to men or women, and in which regard?

    (iii.) Is the matching stable? Let me demonstrate by example what I mean: David -- Leila and Daniel -- Lea are two couples. If David prefers Lea to his current partner Leila, and Lea prefers David to her current partner Daniel, then we say that the matching is unstable. It would have been better to match David -- Lea and Daniel -- Leila ... at least one happy family.

    i)Men may die without getting a chance. Women will have many chances if they are assertive on their special years, but they may never have any marriages

    ii)it favors women because they can be aggressive. Men have to be passive and wait for a proposal in order to act

    iii)i would say no because the probability (whatever that is =P) would be very high for perfect matches to have coinciding special days

  7. I just heard this one and I like it:

    One lonely night, a king, queen, princess, prince and driver get on a bus. a king, queen, princess, prince and a driver get off. who is left?

    another silly answer: They're all left because they all get off on riding buses.

  8. Nothing and something where in one room.Nothing left the room throght the window,something left the room throught the door.What left into the room?

    Is this supposed to look like it makes no sense?

  9. The house is one-storied,there are no stairs.

    What if they had a couple of steps leading up to a podium or a mantle piece or whatever? Just because it's 1 story doesn't imply there are no stairs. The OP hinted about this.

  10. Obviously we are not going anywhere like that.Before to close this conversation I want to tell you two thinks:

    1.Yes,we live on planet Gaia.At least that's what believe approximately 13million people.

    2.Very good puzzle,smart one.I really liked it.

    Well, I live on Planet Earth. I'm not about to make any sacrificial offerings to Apollo any time soon.

  11. still might be barking up the wrong tree... Samus, as she's never been in a castle? Or had things to do with castles? (To be honest, I'm not too familiar with samus pre game cube, So this is true to the best of my knowledge) Also, she's not part of a pair like the others are

    Well, as writersblock shows us, there are a million answers to this, like 'Mario is the only one who wears suspenders'. But going with the historical idea, I think there's only one solid answer.

  12. Has to do with history you say... hmmm....

    Well it could be Samus, as she's the only one of those not created by Miyamoto

    Nice one. I was hoping this was an answer that would surface. I wouldn't say its historical though.

  13. Sure,

    Treasured only when possessed

    like saying ignorance is bliss

    Esteemed by every station

    all walks of life respect the wise

    Nurtured oft at patience’s b r e a s t

    usually wisdom is gained through patience

    And o’ercome frustration

    also, usually wisdom is gained from overcoming a difficult problem (something frustrating)

    Herr Kant’s life, once organized

    A German philosopher I believe, though I'm not familiar with him

    Modesitt’s folksy clerics

    I think Modesitt is a sci-fi/fantasy writer and clerics are wise

    The state of matters realized

    A matter can mean a problem and wisdom lies with its solution

    Danger without hysterics

    The wise do not succumb to fear or stress when dealing with a dangerous dilemma

    This was a good one, the 2 things that really got me thinking wisdom were 'nurtured by patience' and 'clerics'

  14. Samus, as the only one that uses a gun?

    Samus, as the only one modeled after movie character?

    Samus, as the only one fighting in world not her own?

    hehe, now that you say all those (which are correct) I can think of a ton as well, I guess maybe I could narrow what my original idea was by saying:


  15. What is the 100th number in this sequence?

    1 3 7 12 18 26 35 45 56 69

    Here's the answer in code:


    I always forget to carry the 1 or something stupid with my formulas

    with every increment (n+1) is added, though this procedure skips every (insert formula here) number beginning with 3. In English it doesn't add 3,7,12,18,25,33,42,52,etc.. until you get to 102 which should be the 100th place.

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