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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. I tried to label it so others can understand, but it isn't exactly straightforward (I moved a lot of stuff around to make it clearer). If you found something that I've missed, feel free to add it.
  2. All right, maybe we should just start with 4 for the first game. *Shrug* I'm starting this off now. You'll be getting a PM from me shortly. If someone joins before we start, woo-hoo.
  3. I don't know if there's a trick here like "the windows on subs are actully a non-glass polymer" or something, but there are 13 different kinds of cars presently used by the NYC CTA for the subway system. The MTA will finally release the R211 this year, so the style of cars is constantly changing (especially with the 179's coming out). So....Yes. I would use your steps above.
  4. Wish in one hand and hope in the other. They may take longer to fill, but you'll be happier when they do. Who said dreams come true overnight?

  5. I don't know that you can say that with any kind of scientific accuracy. You can't compare the results of choosing one over the other. You also can't determine the future worth of one choice over the other. So you're always looking for what works right now instead of what might work in the (relatively) far future. You can use these same arguments on me, however, and then we eventually break down to "Does it even really matter?" It's an opinion. But, for the record, I am the 1%.
  6. plainglazed first try results in undefined. molly's try only has 5 numbers. Oh, right. 7 numbers.
  7. Oh. Right. Still need a fifth. =P 1. Aaryan 2. Flamebirde 3. gvg 4. Panther 5.
  8. If you want, you can send me information for while you're gone (which stats to increase, who to attack, conditions for buying items). You might be a bit disadvantaged by not being able to revisit decisions based on days, but I'd allow it. Add your name to the signup if you're interested and we'll start today. I'll end the day as soon as I get information from everyone. We could probably even do multiple days in a single day if we're all available. As for your question about Strength Potions--it adds 2 STR. The Potion of Haste doubles speed and only one can be used per day.
  9. The only rules I have are that you submit your day actions in the PM thread that I start with you and that you invite nobody to that thread.
  10. What if all copies of me independently choose to do the same thing each Friday?
  11. Woon did something like that. If I have a puzzle, I'll post it and give a reward for anyone who can answer it. Answers would be done through PM and more than one person would be able to answer it. Otherwise someone who's typically asleep won't ever have a chance at it. We'll start as soon as we get our fifth.
  12. Me too. =P The schedule might be a bit looser than mafia. For weekends, I'll try to post an update if everyone has submitted. We'll likely do a scum-style weekend as I am usually not home until late Sunday night.
  13. A good question. I had originally considered it, but decided against it for one reason: I'm trying to keep this game very simple. I tried making a game similar to this last year and it accidentally turned into a d6-based tabletop game that Hirk and I are finishing. So to keep it simple, it's whoever kills the person.
  14. It's a paradox, though, and not a lie. Reconsider flame's example.
  15. I actually miscalculated a case. I'll update shortly.
  16. Once a hand is raised, can it be put down? Or would that qualify as illegal communication?
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