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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Not the answer I had intended, but also a great fit. Maybe it's too vague. =P
  2. Quick revision. I might revise more later. Ferocious beast is on the hunt, Prepare your offering! He'll take it all and chew it up, Hear his wild roaring! If it does, he'll move along Next sacrifice he'll seek. Wipe not your brow or sigh relief, He will be back next week!
  3. Not what my answer is, but I like that line of thinking. =P
  4. I expect this will go quickly. Ferocious beast is on the hunt, Prepare your sacrifice! He'll take it all and chew it up, Pray it must suffice! If it does, he'll move along Next offering he'll seek. Wipe not your brow or sigh relief, He will be back next week!
  5. Sorry that took longer than it should have. Yesterday afternoon was kinda busy. Plus it was game night (but I kind of want to host this off forum). Aaryan vs Hirkala Aaryan steps up and slashes at Hirk, scoring a hit right across his chest that does 2 damage (13/15). Hirk swings in a counter attack and hits Aaryan for 2 damage (23/25). Aaryan's counter to the counter strike's Hirk in the face, doing 2 more damage (11/15). Aaryan follows it up with another attack that Hirk casually deflects wide. Hirk takes this last opportunity to lunge at Aaryan, but misses by several dice (er...inches). MikeD vs Hirkala MikeD darts in for a quick power hit on Hirk, but Hirk dodges to the side and only takes 2 points of damage (9/15). Hirk strikes from the side as he is hit and lands a blow on MikeD for 4 damage (15/20). Angry, MikeD swings again, striking Hirk's chest for 1 point of damage (8/15) and following it up with a second blow to the face for 1 point of damage (7/15). Hirk's final counter is brushed aside, the fight finally ending. Panther vs Aaryan Aaryan's quick reflexes put Panther on the defensive after several quick jabs--the first being blocked (10/25), the second striking for a point of damage (9/25), and the third missing wildly. Panther replies with a quick jab that Aaryan deflects. Aaryan again moves to the offensive, the first strike being blocked, the second being blocked, but the third and most powerful blow landing right on his shoulder, doing 3 damage (6/25). The pain of the blow is enough to make Panther swing blindly, missing Aaryan. Hirkala vs Aaryan Aaryan again steps in and strikes immediately, his blow deflected by Hirkala (7/15). Hirk counters with an unexpected strike to the leg, doing 2 points of damage (21/25). Aaryan's next attack looks solid, but Hirk manages to absorb the entire blow with his armour. Angry, he swings again, this time scoring a hit on Hirk's cheek for 1 point of damage (6/15). Hirk's final attack comes down hard, striking the earth for a lot of damage, but missing Aaryan by a sizable margin. 1. MikeD (20/20) 2. Panther (13/25) 3. Aaryan (25/25) 4. Hirkala (13/15) Day 5 is beginning now. Send me your stat and who you're attacking. If there is little or no progress by the end of Day 6, the following changes will be imposed: 1. A static regeneration of 5 points per day 2. Coins earned per day increases to 5 3. Two stat points earned per day. If there is no progress after that, after Day 8, the minimum number of attacks increases to three for attacker and two for defender.
  6. I'm half expecting that, but I do have a plan and my questions do end up coming back around to the Tower...
  7. There is a queue, but no games have actually come together since the outage. I'd say just post the sign-ups and try to get mafia back on its feet.
  8. I'll let someone else have a go. I've got quite a bit to actually work out.
  9. That's fine by me. I'll invite you to his thread.
  10. I'll let Y have a go. =P I do have my next few BT's ready, though.
  11. All right. I'm going to eat lunch pretty soon. If nobody wants to replace Flamebirde by the end of lunch, I'm going to continue on without him.
  12. @Aaryan: We have to figure out 1. What the Tower is; and 2. What the Light in the Tower is. We do that by posting (with relative evidence from this and other threads) clarifications for what the Tower is or could represent. Using Blue Text, you force the Witch to respond and either confirm or disprove your Blue Text/Truth by using her own Red Text/Truth. We must assume that Red Truth is, in fact, True, otherwise the game falls apart. The best method for using the Blue Truth, I believe, is short assumptions instead of long theories. If you say "The Tower is actually a Radio Shack in downtown Manhattan that's run by a group of Witches trying to reproduce a lightsaber before the aliens return", he might come back and say "There are no aliens to contend with!" and then we still have no confirmation on Radio Shack, Manhattan, Witches, or Lightsabers...
  13. I'm trying to do a little more narration. Health following statements indicates the defenders HP after that statement. I included it every time someone lost life and sometimes when they didn't. Aaryan vs Panther Aaryan lunges early and does 1 damage to Panther (7/25), but his swift follow-up misses Panther. Bringing his weapon back around, he lashes a leg, doing 1 damage to Panther(6/25). Panther holds his ground and counterattacks, bashing at Aaryan and doing 1 damage (24/25). Shaky, Aaryan's counter attack misses Panther, but is followed up by a quick blow doing 1 damage to Panther(5/25). Aaryan's last attempt narrowly misses Panther's face, allowing Panther to step in close and strike, doing 1 damage to Aaryan(23/25) Flamebirde vs Hirkala After bowing to each other, the warriors raise their weapons and charge. Flamebirde lands his first blow, doing 1 damage to Hirk (14/15). Dazed from being struck, Hirk narrowly misses Flamebirde (14/20), who also narrowly misses Hirkala. Sure to do at least something this round, Hirk musters all of his energy into one wild swing--but what he has in rage he lacks in accuracy, for his swing is wide and Flamebirde doesn't even need to dodge. Hirkala vs Aaryan Ready for anything, Aaryan begins with a wild show that Hirk shrugs off (14/15). Upset from his last big miss, Hirkala charges at Aaryan, but fails to land any blow (23/25). While Hirk is busy burning up energy, Aaryan musters one quick jab, doing 2 damage to Hirk (12/14). Aaryan sees an opportunity to continue his assault, but his next attack is quickly deflected. Hirk's counterattack looks promising, but Aaryan absorbs the blow through pure ninja skills and doesn't take damage. Panther vs Hirkala Hirk, now being in his third fight today, is certain he'll do some serious harm, but again swings wide when Panther came at him (5/25). Hirk deflects Panther's first the blow! Hirk slices at Panther and does 1 damage! (4/25), Hirk misses Panther, Hirk slaps at Panther who narrowly guards against the attack; Panther swings round after the guard and Hirk blocks the blow. 1. Flamebirde (19/20) 2. Panther (10/25) 3. Aaryan (25/25) 4. Hirkala (15/15) You know the drill. Send me your stat choice and who you're attacking. If anyone wants to replace Flamebirde, let me know. I'll also be sending each of you a PM with your current status.
  14. Waiting on the choices of one more player before D3 can end.
  15. We really need someone on the other side of the table to post. =P Updating the table.
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