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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Now I feel like a jerk (like the overzealous bullied kid who ends up killing a puppy... =/ ) Sorry, Ann. *Hug* Your narrative gives me chills, WoD. It makes me feel funny, since I've got the flu, as well. I'm also on drug medicine now. I hope that's not obvious.
  2. None. Other parts were shot down whenever someone brought it up.
  3. No, I haven't, but I've been running on the assumption that turning on the mark is optimal. I wonder now if maybe it isn't. Since one dimension will always be turning about, that should be the longest leg of that particular journey. I think perhaps defining a trip from point A to B based on the greatest expected distance, an optimal path could at least be limited to several possibilities. I understand that the velocity (mainly direction) will also play a large factor, so the turnaround dimension should likely have the shortest next path.
  4. Thanks, Captain. For the record: A line segment doesn't have to end in a cube. Because of the placement of points, I don't know how much difference that would actually make, since you're almost always turning on your heel after hitting a mark. But maybe I just can't see it. I think the hardest part is determining an order. The possible orders should have probably been added without the third dimension (or added the third dimension, but specified an order of points).
  5. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    That was no mistake--it was a space station.
  6. Host: Molly O'Mae 1. Miss Kitten 2. EDM 3. WitchOfDoubt 4. Flamebirde 5. mew 6. Cave 7. 8. TheChad 9. A. B. plasmid C. D. Backups: 1. Shad 2. curr3nt 3. Playing in TMMs is not a requirement. Mafia isn't a hard game to figure out and Cave + WoD are smart guys. They'll do fine. I can provide a mentor. EDIT: For the Nina question: Yes. She can use the RID Save ability. I would like to use Borda Voting in some game, but I don't care to tweak the vampire rules for getting votes. If I come up with something, I'll let you know.
  7. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    When time runs tough, the tough run time.
  8. You don't raise cats. They raise you. =P
  9. I'm a twist fan. I like the kind of movies that make you rethink the whole movie after a single scene. Some of those movies are listed below. Sublime (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0822858/) Donnie Darko Cube Pi Twelve Monkeys
  10. I just finished Hyperspace and picked up Parallel Worlds last night. I <3 Michio Kaku. I've been doing cross sums lately. I can't put them down. =P EDIT: Tried to close a url tag with a /spoiler... =/
  11. DISCLAIMER: I don't really care about the feelings of thin-skinned people. If you get offended, go cry. While this post isn't intended to offend, I won't lose sleep if it does. I most certainly would not do any of those things "because it is morally wrong." But I might do them in spite of them being morally wrong, given the right circumstances. I could almost assure you, however, that I would never do all three at the same time. You want to talk about my real meaning, though? Take a house cat. You don't own a house cat. A house cat owns you. Seriously. You take care of it, feed it, clean its litter box. You pet it, play with it. If the cat wants to cuddle, she'll cuddle. If the cat wants to jump on the counters and refrigerator, she'll do that. She's taking advantage of you in the most literal sense of the phrase, but if asked point blank most people would say that a cat is a lower life form. Why? Because cats don't think and reason using complex rationale? Because cats don't slave away night and day working two jobs while getting a degree? Cats don't worry or stress on an hourly basis. They don't wake up late and freak out. Cats are the highest life form because they've found a way to survive (and have a pretty high quality of life) while doing very little.
  12. Just because the latter is presently essential doesn't mean that it can't be rebuilt on a better model that would make Flash (politics) obsolete.
  13. Yeah, I forgot and did the first post. =P
  14. Thanks. I think I got it now. =P
  15. Yeah, I was guessing at 4-letter words with the letter S and saw that you said it was easy. =P I most certainly wasn't calling it easy. I'm still trying to figure out the bands. =P
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