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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. And trains don't run on ladders. =P This game/mystery/puzzle series is open (similar to Brian Dennis). All are welcome!
  2. For simplicity, the line segment must pass through the minimum and maximum of each axis (so I guess it's actually a cube and not a sphere). For instance, if the center of a ring is (1,5,9), the line must pass within 1 of each axis. Examples: (2,6,8), (0,6,10), and (1,4,9) would pass through that goal. (1,5,7) would not. As for the origin: it must be your last stop. Starting there doesn't count. =P I guess I forgot to mention that the teleportation device is located at origin--it puts you there and takes you out when you're done.
  3. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here, but I had a lot of fun with Super's and Ed's Racing puzzles. Next comes Hyperspace Racing. =P This is a variant on Superprismatic's challenge and Captain Ed's variation. The movement rules are the same, but include a 3rd dimension. In Super's challenge, you had to land on a series of marks in sequence; in Capt Ed's, the goal was to round a mark; in this challenge, you have to navigate through four spherical rings of radius 1 in any direction and in any order. Goal: Move your spaceship around the course, navigate through all four spheres, and return to base (origin) in the minimum number of moves. Movement: Your boat begins at the origin (0,0,0), with a velocity vector of (0,0,0). Before each move, you specify an acceleration vector (a,b,c), where a, b, and c can independently take on integer values from the set (-1, 0, 1). The move consists of: (a) update the velocity by adding the acceleration, and then (b) move the spaceship by the velocity vector. Example: if the prior location was (10,11,12), and the prior velocity was (2,5,6), and you choose the acceleration vector (1,-1,0), the new velocity becomes (3,4,6) and the new location becomes (13,15,18). Course constraints: The course consists of an unordered series of four rings. A ring is a sphere of radius 1 with centers at the points provided below. Crossing through a sphere means passing through the center or any of the 6 adjacent points. Assume the course is "infinite", that is, from (-100,-100,-100) to (100,100,100) Your path through the course must contain a move through each of the four rings in any order and in any direction. The first ring is (-22,18,19) The second sphere is (12,-12,26) The third sphere is (38,-13, 0) The fourth sphere is (-9,30,-18) Return to base (origin)
  4. I might be jaded, but if people are so easily manipulated, why not take advantage of them?
  5. Yeah...my vampire musing wasn't in relation to the backward part. =/ Sorry.
  6. Can't get to any topics. Database errors. =/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tiger_lily111


      No. ;) I just like to state the irritatingly obvious. :D

    3. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      Rule 1: Don't talk about fight club.

      Rule 2: Don't talk about fight club.

      Rule 3: Don't be mean. =(

    4. tiger_lily111


      (You're breaking the 1st 2 rules of fight club!!)

  7. I second Go. I almost gave up playing chess for Go. I balance between the two now, mostly because I can never find anyone to play. I'm stuck playing against the app. =(
  8. We are the same people. Shakee?
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