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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Host: Impervious

    1. woon - voting for SomeGuy

    2. Randro-voting for Star tiger

    3. Twin_Bro - voting for Star tiger

    4. JarZe - Voting for andromeda

    5. Reaymond voting for Star tiger

    6. SomeGuy - voting for andromeda

    7. GC - voting forStar tiger

    8. star_tiger - voting for SomeGuy

    9. Izzy - voting for Star tiger

    10. andromeda - voting for andromeda

    11. A. Person - voting for SomeGuy

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space SomeGuy

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep - voting for Star tiger

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    Next time make sure you take the right list! I already changed my vote!

  2. We found out nothing from this post! What can you find in it reaymond?? Vote added no explanation! smile.gif Twin _bro it would be cool to add couple of lines in the future to know why did you vote for that person? wink.gif

    That tells us that Twin_Bro either has no reasons (trying to bandwagon and get it over with to save suspicions of himself), or just forgot to post them. As a relative noob (no offense) Im guessing its just the 2nd option as he took note of what you said before. If it were an experience player that posted votes with no reasons then we would be suspicious...

    You said we find out something about everyone... well it isn't so. THAT WAS WHAT I WAS POINTING OUT!

    Now go back and read at what time did Impervious write his night post... *patiently waiting* OK now when did I post? Aha 25 minutes after, actually I posted right after I read it! If I were a baddie I would have consulted with my companions before posting anything of that scale. If I were a baddie I would have remained low profile and waited for someone else to make that assumption and then join the lynch. I will not be hinting at my role, but read the night post again!

    In other circumstances then it would have been a big move to vote for someone straight away, but as ST was practically outed as a baddie in Night post, it was pretty obvious what to do. All of us knew that ST needed to be lynched, so voting for her was no biggie and didn't really need confering with baddie friends.

    Are you implying that if I were a baddie I would point at ST knowing that she is a baddie... or if she was a goodie and I was bad it doesn't make sense to expose myself if I'm a baddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not my tactic I was excited to start the game!!!!

    In addition to my defense this is the first time in the game I can act alone without having BTSC with anyone and I love it! No waiting for what others will decide or say, I make my own decisions and I don't have to be careful what I'm saying cause I can always defend myself! biggrin.gif

    The last bit doesn't make sense. You don't have to be careful what you are saying? Of course you do, as if you were an important goodie/baddie then the other side would off you straight away, hoping to hinder your chances of winning. Sometimes its better to have BTSC with someone else as if you are JG/Cyclops, then the other can vouch for you and in extreme circumstances, out themselves to save you.

    Oh yes it does - in SWM I had a BTSC, in previous XMM I had BTSC with Wolverine, in KHM mafia I had BTSC with ORG!

    This is the very first time I'm with you guys, but figuring things out on my own and it's not working well...

    So please vote for me, it's not a tactic, I wanna die and make someone in this game very happy and it ain't gonna be the the goodies!

  3. Host: Impervious

    1. woon - voting for SomeGuy

    2. Randro-voting for Star tiger

    3. Twin_Bro - voting for Star tiger

    4. JarZe - Voting for andromeda

    5. Reaymond voting for andromeda

    6. SomeGuy - voting for andromeda

    7. GC - voting forStar tiger

    8. star_tiger - voting for SomeGuy

    9. Izzy - voting for Star tiger

    10. andromeda - voting for andromeda

    11. A. Person - voting for SomeGuy

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space SomeGuy

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep - voting for Star tiger

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    I was really looking forward to play this game and I defended myself multiple times, but nobody is reading my posts, so please lynch me and make this game interesting! I'm tired of posting links to my defense, repeating what I said and repeating to read the night post!!!

    <_< I'm voting for myself. Even if I survive the lynch... oh forget it... :rolleyes:

    After I'm lynched and when you find out my role, please read my posts one more time!

  4. 80 could maybe be


    I love these... since I love languages!!! :D


    I was thinking, are you sure that 8

    is nollow and not just nol? In that case 80 should be nollow.

  5. This is very interesting B)) You know that GC could be lying -_-

    Well he is not lying about being Light. He shown us Jaffar and I asked people to lynch him and I was Org!

    He knows who Axel is... have you been paying attention? Yeah I know Limey, haunting is hard! :(

  6. Umm, dunno, what does it look like?

    That's the point in this game Izzy and I don't know. I already said in one of the previous posts that it looks like an O or a zero but it's not! I also wrote ball, circle, sphere and it's not!

    Ups it was a circle! ;)

  7. And I'm pretty sure that one of the three guys that voted for me is bad!

    They are JarZe, reaymond and SomeGuy! It would be great if someone would investigate them.

    You are twisting my words SG!

    If you would like to investigate me tonight, then I recommend that Rogue do it. She would get a useful ability from me, and it would answer quite a few questions rather quickly. However, Andromeda, the "the people that vote for me must be bad" defense is in the pinned topic ;) Suspicion does not a baddie make. And Izzy, I wasn't referring to your plan as the mistake, but rather your accusation. Regardless, it looks like the day is essentially over, so if Rogue or the Professor (or both) would like to investigate me, and steal away my precious powers, I will not complain. However, if one of the three people voting for you is bad, Andromeda, then it is ONLY one of them, and that's all the hints you're getting out of me for day 1.

    It's not a defense :rolleyes: it's more of a gut feeling... I already defended myself. <_<

    It makes sense that one baddie will vote (regardless whether there already was a vote or not) for me hoping that others will follow in order to save ST!

    Wouldn't you say that it makes sense?

  8. I was hoping that someone would be smart enough and catch on, but I guess that won't be happening any time soon <_< I really didn't want to explain why Magneto protected me (the less the baddies know, the better), but I see I don't have much of a choice. I have a secret ability to allow a saving role (randomly chosen that I guess includes baddie saving roles as well) to protect me twice in the whole game. I chose to use it last night because the goodies tend to attack each other on Night 1's since there hasn't been enough discussion to make an accurate suspicion against someone else. Plus the fact that the baddies obviously wouldn't attack each other, there's a higher chance of me getting killed and I thought it was better if I used one of my saves last night.

    I very much don't want the goodies to lynch another goodie on Day 1 when they can be using this day much more effectively, and I definitely don't want to have to accept apologies after the day ends.

    Hm... you are probably not lying about your secret ability, however it sounds more like a secret ability that a baddie would have! Cause taking a random save from someone is a rather selfish ability and it's most likely that Imp would give that to a baddie! :)

    If you are a goodie I won't be apologizing the same way I won't be asking for an apology from the people that accused me and vote to lynch me <_<

    I think I'm posting quite enough and you want to apply some more pressure?? Now that's a waste of vote :rolleyes:

    And I'm pretty sure that one of the three guys that voted for me is bad!

    They are JarZe, reaymond and SomeGuy! It would be great if someone would investigate them.

  9. sorry I'll make sure to give an explanation in the future

    I was just making a point when reaymond said that everyone has to vote and that that's our chance to find something out about everyone. Posting few sentences is good for you actually, because you'll be less suspicious in that case and that's your chance to get the hang of it ;) posting in a mafia thread I mean. Same goes for Zerep! :)

  10. Host: Impervious

    1. woon - voting for SomeGuy

    2. Randro-voting for SomeGuy

    3. Twin_Bro - voting for Star tiger

    4. JarZe - Voting for LIS

    5. Reaymond voting for Izzy

    6. SomeGuy - voting for GC

    7. GC - voting for Star tiger

    8. star_tiger

    9. Izzy - voting for Star tiger

    10. andromeda - voting for Star tiger

    11. A. Person

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep - voting for Star tiger

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    We found out nothing from this post! What can you find in it reaymond?? Vote added no explanation! :) Twin _bro it would be cool to add couple of lines in the future to know why did you vote for that person? ;)

    no point getting SG to talk, outing/giving hints about him will only be harmful to the goodies (any really clever people should know a lot about me now and my rank in the goodies heirarchy.) I say we go for Andro as she seems obsessed with ending the day asap, contradicting my posts about getting info out during the day which makes me think that we she wants to remain hidden.

    On iPhone so could my vote be changed to andro please ;)

    Now go back and read at what time did Impervious write his night post... *patiently waiting* OK now when did I post? Aha 25 minutes after, actually I posted right after I read it! If I were a baddie I would have consulted with my companions before posting anything of that scale. If I were a baddie I would have remained low profile and waited for someone else to make that assumption and then join the lynch. I will not be hinting at my role, but read the night post again!

    In addition to my defense this is the first time in the game I can act alone without having BTSC with anyone and I love it! No waiting for what others will decide or say, I make my own decisions and I don't have to be careful what I'm saying cause I can always defend myself! :D

    As far as discussion is concerned, I don't think we are going to accomplish much on the first day. The first day is usually a random-vote-day but here we are placed in an ideal situation with a baddie's identity out. Unless ST or for that matter anybody else gives us the identity of Stryker, I suggest we stick with ST.

    Exactly! :)

  11. When I read all the new puzzles in the NP section and decide to visit the LP section and end up reading 8 pages of posts, post something silly and get warned by the watchful eye that posting that wasn't necessary... sorry :blush: and then I end up defending myself via PM as I would in a mafia game... <_<

    Stay away from mafia Grayven! It takes over your life, and your dreams will never be the same again! :o

  12. Night posts are not meant to give us any big pieces of info - just some subtle hints. Days give us a reason to force people to post, which can then be analyzed and decoded allowing us to gain alot more info from days instead of nights. Also, we can bandwagon on somebody and then force them to defend themselves (which involves outing valuable info that they know) ;)

    How can a day post give you an overall picture when only one quarter of people are involved?? One or two baddies tend always to stay low profile... how do you smoke them out?! Vote for inactive ones... and then they complain, blah, blah and you get nothing! :rolleyes:

  13. I think SG is right, we've already discovered one of the baddies, it would help if we could discover another one without having to wait another night (risking the life of more goodies)...

    I might change my vote in a while...

    If we accidentally leave ST alive she might kill a goodie the next night?! And if she's Sabertooth or Pyro... good riddance!

    Let's not risk, because we don't know anything about their secret abilities!

    I love mafia :lol: I can't believe I didn't play this before :)

  14. The sense in that is that yes, we have found one baddie, but "not lynching a goodie" is not the only concern. Killing a baddie is important, yes, but killing 1 baddie doesn't win us the game. We need 'em all, and the best chance we have of learning who people are is through their day posts. Immediately hopping on the bandwagon tells us nothing about you, beyond that you've decided that the outed baddie is better off dead than alive (and obviously everyone (yes, even the baddies) agrees with that). So, while preserving the lives of the goodies is important, preserving the discussion is just as (if not more) important. If nothing conclusive comes out, then we can all jump on the ST bandwagon later, but for now the learning must continue!

    Actually... I think we learn more from the night posts!

    If we lynch a baddie it will be 4 baddies left plus Stryker and he has a much more difficult winning condition this time.

    Beast - feel free to find out who I am the next night, but it's a waste of action! ;)

  15. OK number 1 concern on day one lynch is not to lynch a goodie is that right, or am I wrong? We are lynching a very probable baddie!

    So some of you suggested to try to have a discussion and make more people defend them selves and then you do what, vote randomly, or vote for someone else other then the person, besides ST of course, was mentioned, where's the sense in that?

    To Eli - feel free to post your opinion and point fingers to possible baddies and make yourself feel at home ;)

  16. Hahahaha... it was hilarious Impervious :lol:

    OK since Magneto saved Star tiger we all know what to do!

    But lets analyze things first. If one of the baddies would have attacked Star tiger and saved by Magneto, we could have concluded that maybe they made that plot to make the X-men believe that Star tiger was good! However Star tiger was attacked by Stryker! Star tiger could be any of the baddies really... but I think that there's slim chance for her to be a goodie :) cause I don't think that Magneto would waste a save on a goodie! I'll take my chance and vote for ST :) since I don't want to throw a random vote.

    Host: Impervious

    1. woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC

    8. star_tiger

    9. Izzy

    10. andromeda - voting for Star tiger

    11. A. Person

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    EDIT: GC is right control you're self Wolverine until we manage to deduct something useful, then you'll know who to kill! I hope we are on the same side this time around GC ;)

  17. I love the post except few minor things:

    1. I put up a hell of a fight!! :excl:

    2. I tried to convince Light to vote for GC! :D

    3. I've demonstrated no fear and said "Bring it on!!" B)) in cold blood! :lol:

    I'm so looking forward to the outcome! :)

  18. Well all this was overly dramatic... in a fun way... cant wait for the night post now :D

    Day post actually ;) and it was fun for me too and it will be fun for PM to write it I'm sure ^_^ I was hoping to live the night to attack and hopefully kill someone... :lol: I was 99% sure that my plan is not gonna work, but hey at least I tried *shrug* I may die soon but I can still win the game!!! :P

    EDIT: Yeah! Write the post PM! ;)

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