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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Well this just blows! <_<

    I was voting to lynch peace!

    If you people weren't banned...

    If Izzy...

    It's just useless...

    Impervious you had the game thought out nicely... but it was useless!

    From being Profesor X to Stryker... hm... I wonder what did LIS find out the first night while he was still alive...

    It's quite useless to reintroduce a person that was killed in the game cause we don't know what they might of find out while they were in the game as some other character!


    I demand a rematch! Same players as different characters... cause this blows people! Impervious's great effort to write the game and the characters deserves a good game cause this is downright useless!

    Useless! <_<

    EDIT: For bigger useless!

  2. Just been reading in between times, and am at chapter 4. This book is such a breeze. I could have sworn the chapters were longer than this.

    Andromeda, the last sentence is '"I've got a better idea," she answered. "You can have it all."' according to the part I'm reading, but that's online, so don't take my word on it. ;P

    Thanks Iz... that's why I meant that those people holding their books should just please tell me... oh forget it, it's useless <_<

  3. I call Rookie to lock this... it's pointless... if we not going to play it right we better not play at all! <_<

    EDIT: Riranor you didn't even write who sang the song and what's it called...

    Yup! Useless! :rolleyes:

    i think its ok

    Maybe I'm just a control freak, but like I said if we are not going to play this right we better not play at all!

  4. Could one of you please post the last sentence of the Ender's Game (in a spoiler :)) so I'd be sure where it ends. I've downloaded the entire saga so...

    Well... that's great, but could someone please help me!!! <_<

  5. "Gas Dance" The Last Shadow Puppets" (yet again)

    And your jokes don't bounce and

    you've entered the early stages of bitterness

    And you washed all the wisdom out your mouth

    And the gas danced on the edge of your bottom lip

    Quick to scurry back behind the night

    To avoid the silent fight and the struggle



    Reminder: There's no need to put the entire song, just one verse will be fine ;)

  6. Wish I saw this topic before!!!

    Well, I'll try to find Ender's Game, but I'll be late since I'm still finishing His Dark Materials...

    BrainDen: I'm lovin' it! ;)

    We haven't started reading it yet. There's a link to the entire Ender's Saga at my post!


  7. I'm against it because it could easily go out of control.

    The only thing they might need help with is math and physics, maybe chemistry, everything else they can easily find by googling.

    But... I'm against it.

  8. Grayven = Very nag... <_<

    I suddenly wish I chose a longer name.

    edit: real name = "A major on dwarfness" New degree offered at universities?

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    My real name without the little doodads on č and ć, so I only putt c!

    Jive knock daze Cav - I don't even know what cav is?! :huh:

    My real name with ch instead off the letters č and ć!

    Chicken JV haze vodka - :lol: This one pwns!

  9. I have an advantage for these. I have an astigmatism. Basically, if I take my glasses off (they have a corrective prism) I almost can't help but to see the images in these things. Pretty cool.

    I've seen the galleries of both web sites where these are taken from... I'm looking at these all the time... I'm obsessed :o

    Funny thing... the hardest one for me to focus was the easiest... the forest... I took me 10 times to cross my eyes and to start focusing slowly in order to see it :huh:

  10. edit: added spoiler

    edit: Thanks clozo! I've seen the second one too!!! :D

    It looks like there's an air bubble caught in a colorful glass. The air bubble is shaped like a horse and the transparent "glass" layer seemingly covering it is perfectly flat!


    Amazing illusions once you actually manage to see them! ;)

    I saw it!!!!
    :D But it wasn't Saturn. I've seen multiple layers of colorful shiny flakes projecting out of the middle of the picture and they seamed like they are just inches away from my nose and then I tried to grab them with my hand (how childish :rolleyes: ) and then it was gone, but then I could easily do it again since now I know how! :)

    No more time to edit <_<

    I've managed to see the Saturn too on the first picture (small one) when I tried to look at it again, but the first time the colorful flakes was the thing that I saw :huh:

    The good thing is that once you manage to see it you can move your eyes around (left/right/up/down) without losing the image :)


    WTF? Now I've seen it like an air bubble inside the picture just like the horse? And it was bigger too!

  11. no the first one is

    i can see them both. i find it quite easy. What i do to see them is go cross eyed, then when then image appears you should be able to uncross and it will still be there. this allows you to get a better look at the entire image. :)

    Have you ever tried making grid paper or patterns 3D? quite fun :P


    I saw it!!!!

    :D But it wasn't Saturn. I've seen multiple layers of colorful shiny flakes projecting out of the middle of the picture and they seamed like they are just inches away from my nose and then I tried to grab them with my hand (how childish :rolleyes: ) and then it was gone, but then I could easily do it again since now I know how! :)

    edit: added spoiler

    edit: Thanks clozo! I've seen the second one too!!! :D

    It looks like there's an air bubble caught in a colorful glass. The air bubble is shaped like a horse and the transparent "glass" layer seemingly covering it is perfectly flat!


    Amazing illusions once you actually manage to see them! ;)

  12. TURN NIGHT INTO DAY AND VICE VERSA: I am so good at this. I've got it down completely. The trick is to run into a wall at just the right speed and hey presto, suddenly it's night-time, or the other way round. I spent all of last week practising this. With great power comes great responsibility, you've got to make sure you don't run at the wall too fast or you time-shift to the following week and maybe teleport into a hospital bed as well.

    Interesting... some people do that by using a "magic potion" unfortunately there are side effects like dizziness, headache, disorientation, sometimes vomiting and in the worst case scenario lack of bladder control.

    TELEPORTATION: See "night into day", not one I have complete control over.

    The problem with using "magic potion" for teleportation is lack of accuracy. You may end up in an unfamiliar place without any recollection on how you got there.

    Tricky... :huh:

  13. Now what would be good is the ability to slow your perception of time (ie. make your brain go quicker) so everything you do is perfectly thought out. Imagine if you were in a conversation/fight/disco and every move you made was perfect because you had all the time you needed to think it over...

    Actually I've been wondering for quite some time If someone could train their brain to actually do than on command.

    Don't forget octopuppy brain requires fuel (glucose) so doing that frequently would make you collapse... slowly :lol:

    And in addition of speeding up, how about slowing down your brain, hence speeding up your perception... when you are on a boring meeting, or waiting at the doctors appointment... sitting on a boring date where you only "listen" and the other side does all the talking (about them selves)... slow brain down, speed up perception... now that would be perfect. :D

    EDIT: Previous post :lol: :lol: :lol:

  14. Well... when I'm looking at the first one I feel like eating a raspberry cake... and when I'm looking at the second one it almost looks like something I could find under the microscope!

    So... I don't see it :(

  15. Wow! I love it. I love it so much!

    Where do your this idea come from? I mean the story line, not the riddles. :)

    Thanks Woon... :)

    Well... you guys inspire me really! :D

    My first two hunts didn't have any characters and then I decided to add members.

    Andromeda's treasure hunt:

    1. /

    2. /

    3. Inspired by Flinchum and the picture of his kids at his profile plus one more message on somebody's profile that he wrote and I read inspired me to write that story about him and his daughter.

    4. Kat a Liam, brother and sister plus Christmas was all the inspiration I needed.

    5. Perpetual flirting with Impervious did the trick :lol: (perpetual meaning in this case - never changing ;))

    6. Fitz and I are both involved with the same branch of science - biology and he's quite athletic so I thought hm... agents on a mission; however I don't think I did justice on his personality... he has a much brighter character.

    7. Itachi and I were involved in an edgy debate about ghosts and I thought I just might have some fun with that.

    8. Grayven loves solving my riddles and I thought that his sarcasm will add up to the story... but I have no idea about the story line itself, it just popped my mind I guess; first I was thinking just stealing, but since it's not in my nature just to steal things from people I thought of stealing something that belongs to me... and that's where the story unfolded into what I wrote.


  16. Looks like an "open SE" and then another picture that is the "SAME," so together they are "open SE SAME." So the book is the arabian nights. specifically, the tale of ali baba and the 40 thieves. though i am not sure what number would follow as a result of that. 1001? (for the number of nights? but there are no zeros...

    The book is "Tales From One Thousand and One Nights". (OP's comment)

    you and your "no math" stipulation on puzzles always puts quite the difficult twist on them. I tried the standard A=1, B=2 code, and came up with 15-16-5-14-19-5-19-1-13-5. Doesn't work to type that into the keypad on the safe.

    I tried using the periodic table, but there are no element symbols of Pe or En, so that doesn't work.

    Tried using a phone keypad, got 6736737263. Again, can't type that into the keypad on the safe.

    Tried your trick from Treasure hunt 2, and got 1-?-8-9-(6 or 7)-8-(6 or 7)-?-?-8. Not even close.

    The only other thing I can think of right now is pen strokes needed to write each letter. So it would be 1233131343. Finally, a combination that is possible to punch into the keys on the safe! It's counting, but it's not math. :P Am I close? Should I be counting something else?

    apparently my counting skills need honing. It should actually be 1243141344. Forgot to count the down stroke in the E, I guess, and didn't catch it until it was too late to edit.

    That's correct! :D

    [spoiler=The conclusion! Warning - bit cheesy! :lol: ]The massive safe door opened with a silent hiss revealing all it’s treasures. Letters, photos and various memorabilia including the desired statue that Andromeda wanted so much.

    “OK... get the statue and let’s get the hell out of here!” Grayven was impatient.

    “Wait... all this stuff... it’s worth nothing really... and he kept everything in the safe” Andromeda opened one of the letters and started to read them.

    The door to the library suddenly opened. The old man turned on the light and walked slowly towards them. Grayven almost screamed, while Andromeda stood up with tears in her eyes “These letters date way back... you were in love with each other since you were teenagers...”

    “Yes... she moved away and got married, but I was waiting for her. When your grandfather died I waited a year and I wrote her a letter asking her to marry me. To my surprise she said yes, unfortunately our “Until death do us part” didn’t last long, but I don’t regret the second of it” The old man calmly finished his story and gently smiled at Andromeda and her freaked out companion. “There’s no need to steal the statue, I have no children so one day all off this will be yours. Now I know it’s 3:00 AM, but how about some tea? We could also have a discussion about a painting I’ve seen in the National Gallery that’s not for sale, maybe you could be of some assistance there” said the old man and winked at two young thugs.

    “You’re kidding right!” Andromeda laughed and waved to petrified Grayven who was still unsure whether he will spend the next 20 years in prison or not.

    I hope you liked it! ;)

    PS. Too bad that Grayven didn't catch this one in time :(

    EDIT: Added lazboy's previous post! :)

  17. you and your "no math" stipulation on puzzles always puts quite the difficult twist on them. I tried the standard A=1, B=2 code, and came up with 15-16-5-14-19-5-19-1-13-5. Doesn't work to type that into the keypad on the safe.

    I tried using the periodic table, but there are no element symbols of Pe or En, so that doesn't work.

    Tried using a phone keypad, got 6736737263. Again, can't type that into the keypad on the safe.

    Tried your trick from Treasure hunt 2, and got 1-?-8-9-(6 or 7)-8-(6 or 7)-?-?-8. Not even close.

    The only other thing I can think of right now is pen strokes needed to write each letter. So it would be 1233131343. Finally, a combination that is possible to punch into the keys on the safe! It's counting, but it's not math. :P Am I close? Should I be counting something else?


    you are only three digits off. It's not the pencil strokes that you are supposed to be counting. No pen and paper this time

    ;) If you think about it M is only one pencil stroke and you wrote 4 and that's correct! :)

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