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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Letting CPB(Andromeda) live is dangerous for both Light and Darkness, even for one more day. Sorry CPB, let's get this over with.

    I knew I should have killed you night one... <_< That was my initial thought that I had given up! WHY??? :lol:

    Organization members it's over, I'm getting lynched! :)

    Don't do anything silly to compromise yourselves ;)

    Like I said - great game PM! :D

  2. I made a tiny error Impervious is Light! Sorry :blush:

    So Darkness forget about my first deal!

    I just went through the night posts and I'm curious GC's name was never mentioned.

    How is it possible that he was never attacked??

    Impervious I think GC is playing you!

    Light wouldn't attack him because they trust him!

    Darkness wouldn't attack him because he is a member!

    Vote for GC to reveal his baddie identity! B))

    EDIT: I'll convince Xemnas not to revive the following night so I'm dead 100% Impervious can kill me if he wants!

    Lynch GC! Make this game interesting instead of predictable and make this mafia the best ever! Make GC defend for him self! He outed Jaffar yes maybe because he is more important in the Darkness hierarchy! Lynch GC!

  3. Guys, I don't advise letting us know when you've sent your actions in. It gives away part of your role (Assuming you're being honest, but, sorry, because I don't expect any of you three to delude us about sending in your action. Not really a noobie thing to do.), and frankly, I don't think anyone cares.:P

    Izzy everyone was doing that... we are excited that we are playing this again. Posting was more for the yippees then to let people know that we sent in our actions and it's still to early to point fingers! :)

  4. As the host...I find all this so very amusing. :lol: :lol:

    Why thank you! :D

    I'll try to find some incriminating evidence against GC maybe to unite Organization and Light! :)

    GC you have the word lynch spelled all over you!

  5. i say light and dark team up against the organization.....

    Oh Impervious Lord of Darkness I'm disappointed with you! :)

    I said lynch grey cells... however if Sparanda is a Light member that will do as well! :D

    Is this mean that you are both members of Darkness since you didn't want to vote for him? ;)

    Where are the others? :huh:

    Let's make this interesting people! B))

    Let's find out who GC is! If you look at the night actions and GC's instructions something doesn't add up.

    They didn't quite follow his lead... distrust? Well duh! He is a Darkness member and he was just playing them! :lol:

  6. 1. Kathleen

    2. dms172

    3. RainThinker - DEAD (Lynched and found to be Demyx)

    4. Firebird766 - DEAD (Killed by Cloud)

    5. grey cells

    6. Sparanda

    7. star_tiger

    8. FIF

    9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent)

    10. SomeGuy - DEAD (Killed by Xigbar)

    11. A. Person - DEAD (Killed by Sora)

    12. Impervious

    13. Limeliam - DEAD (Killed by Axel)

    14. Twin Pop


    16.Neptune – DEAD (Lynched and found to be Jafar)

    17. LIS - DEAD (Killed by Roxas)

    18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord)

    19. Awesomely-Awesome Person

    20. Riranor

    21. Foxtacy

    22. Andromeda - voting for grey cells :)

  7. Well... since it's out that I'm an Organization member the lynch is inevitable, unless... *evil grin* unless the remaining Organization members make a deal with the remaining Darkness members not to lynch me but GC! :D

    Think about it. I'm sure there are few of you left. When I add that number to the number of people we still have, that will outnumber the Light.

    If both Organization and Darkness lynch GC, Light will of course lynch me... we will know who they are.

    If you are a Darkness member GC no hard feelings, I’m just trying to survive :P In that case let’s target a known goodie.

    After today we could eradicate all the goodies, lynch the remaining one the next day and then may the better evil alliance win.

    How’s that? :)

    I’m pretty sure I’ll wake up dead tomorrow, but think about it, wouldn’t it be more interesting if you spare me.

    You know that I’m Organization!

    I used up all my defense!

    Feel free to attack me the following night!

    Great game PM! :D

    EDIT: Just to add that I'm off to sleep soon so I won't paticipate in the discussion, even though I doubt there will be any...

    Lynch, lynch, lynch! :lol:

  8. *Hands Andromeda a steaming cup of calming tea* We understand Andromeda...Izzy started this, I believe she gets to make the rules...

    When she Stares - Span

    When she stares at me I go down

    When that stare hits me I'm wrapped around

    When she stares I know it won't be long before I crawl


    Well think about it Kat... that crawl you italicisied could be crawl, crawling, crawled, crawls etc... and that's not by the rules, it's crawl that we were supposed to find ;)

    Thanks for the Book Club post! :D

  9. do i have to put this in a spoiler? :blush:
    I see the redcoats marching

    their guns glinting in the sunlight

    and i am wishing i could be there.

    with them instead of sitting here

    with me and my loneliness

    rolling around in my head.

    I love it! No rhymes! :D

    I just made a minor adjustment in you spoiler ;)

  10. Mystique - Any night but not two in a row, she may change her appearance to that of another player and perform that players action on another. That person will be notified that their likeness was duplicated and their action was not successful. The new target player will be chosen at random.

    OK... lemme get this straight, Mystique has chosen ST to take her power and then Impervious has randomly chosen (how is that done anyway?) to attack me with her power?

    I guess Mystique had a secret ability that she could perform on those nights when she can't transform into someone else.

    And then Woon rescued me from Mystique and then he died by the hand of reaymond!

    Wicked! :)

    Oh and I know Nick's name is Nick ST... I was just wondering why are you calling him like that all of a sudden? :P

  11. I have a question Woon, why did you save me the first night?

    It was a good thing really :D

    Star_tiger, why did you attack me the first night?

    I'm just trying to figure out how this works :huh:

    EDIT: I knew crazypainter is bad... she would be the next one investigated by me <_<

    Yippee! I can hardly wait for this to start! :)

  12. In the above post, there's no change in plans for Light, if indeed you plan to act as I have said. But I would urge you guys to stick to that first plan I charted out. :)

    OK? If everyone uses their defense tonight... then night after that will be mayhem :huh:

    Are you sure you know what you're doing? :rolleyes:

  13. Host: Impervious

    1. Twin Pop

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC

    8. star_tiger

    9. Izzy

    10. andromeda











    i'd better give them a spot before they have my head....you know how women are...

    I was just about to sign up! :P

    What's with the Nick thing Nick? :)

  14. I might have to make do with CPB's e-book link(thanks sugar ;) ), if I don't get the book within tomorrow. But there's nothing like the feel of good ole' paper and I like to smell the book once per chapter. A sort of ritual, I guess. :P

    OMG! I love to smell books too. People always look at me funny when I do that I just can't help it. I prefer the smell of the old books rather than new ones ;)

    I got pretty far in the book last night...I'm kinda hooked o.O I read until late last night...I'll probably be done this by tomorrow night at this rate...anyway, I agree, GC. Books should be paper, they should smell like new book smell *though old book smell is good too*, and you should be able to fold the corner over when you leave it XD


    Could you please, please, for the hundredth time please tell me the last line off the book. Last two sentences cause I downloaded it from the net and I'm not quite sure if everything is OK???

    I can't believe I'm asking this for the third time!

    Read previous posts people... everyone is just so self centered! :rolleyes:

  15. You know what's funny GC... you've just given an order to yourself! ;)

    And I assume that some of us are already dead... so... pfff... it's gonna be tough! :unsure:

    What if Namine is already dead GC and can't protect you? :(

  16. Um... about this morning (my morning)... :blush: and the whole blows - useless thing... I have some personal issues... it's not an excuse I know... I was blowing off some steam... I'm OK now. :D

    It was a great game Impervious :) too bad it ended too soon!

  17. You did not Rain...

    I was the mystery Man. :)

    And LIS knew no other roles besides his own. Contrary to what seems to be the accusation here, I would not reinstate a character that had any other knowledge of any other character in the game. LIS's original character was already outed so there was no secret information that only he knew (except his secret ability)

    SG sorry about that mis-write, i thought i had all the actions out in front of me when I wrote it.

    And andromeda, X2 isn't goign to happen for a while, Izzy and I are in the process of working on another game that will come before it. however since it was apparently useless, I very well may just choose to drop the x-men line............NOW. ok :)

    Also to clarify....Wolverines is invincible to anyone so long as Nightcrawler is alive except to Stryker. (a flaw i've noted)

    To clarify LIS won and lost the game at the same time! How is that possible? <_<

    I didn't mean to play X-man II but to repeat X-man I cause this outcome blows!

    EDIT: I have a feeling that everything I say today is useless, because nobody reads my entire post, hence - it's useless! <_<

    EDIT: Totally agree with Twin Pop - every letter - yes I read the entire post!

  18. I'm not done yet!

    Newbie's guide to mafia says that even if your character dies in the game you win if your team wins!

    LIS was with the good guys - died!

    LIS then resurrected as an independent! - Won the game!

    The good guys lost the game! - LIS was a good guy at first!

    LIS lost and won the game at the same time!

    Those two things cancel each other out!

    Nobody wins the game!

    Rematch! I'm sorry not a rematch cause the first game doesn't count! Impervious don't recycle players anymore! LIS I like you, this has nothing to do with you! But am I the only seeing that there's something not right here??

    If I'm the only one I'll stop playing mafia! <_< Because it's useless!

    1. Andromeda
















    Who's with me? :)

  19. I wouldn't say it was useless. It was a fun, mind-twisting, brain-numbing, murderous, lethal, brilliant game. A bit short for my taste, but LIS's/Peace's win condition stands. I would love playing in X-Men 2.0. :D Maybe we should have some more difficult win conditions though?

    Nonsense! Two nights and a day were stretched on week and a half. I barely played the game...

    Yeah... the win conditions do stand... but what did LIS find out on night one when he was still Professor X?!

    And why did you defend peace if you didn't know who she is?

    And people... next time if someone says "I swear!" do not take that seriously please... :rolleyes:

    This just blows! <_<

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