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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Okay, I agree with all said above.

    Erm, can we get a good idea of who's dead? Rogue, Pyro, Magneto, who else?

    Hopefully Stryker but we can't be sure. Storm didn't perform any actions?? That's five and that's how many people is dead!

    Congratulations on your thousandth post! :D

  2. Okay, cool. How do we know Andromeda is good again? Reaymond knows... go with it <_<

    Wolverine, attack PM. I agree

    Cyclops, attack LIS. I agree

    Prof., check out with Twin_Bro or Woon. Be subtle in reporting your findings. Assuming you have BTSC with beast, maybe get him to say it? I agree

    Nightcrawler, save me. I agree

    Colossus, save SG. I agree

    Angel save Andromeda!!! It's a MUST! Izzy wrote Zerep but he is not as important as I am!!!

    Storm, if still alive, attack Woon or TB. Not sure

    Let's do this. :D

    My notes in red! :)

  3. I need some time to read all these posts.

    Too much for me to read right now. But I hope I won't be the target of brotherhood tonight. :(

    Woon you shouldn't worry about being the target of the brotherhood, but the target of the X-men!! ;)

    All we need from you is a hint that you're with us!

  4. OK the X-men list... three of the people left in black are bad! Wolverine will need a name. We have to pick one name!

    Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy

    10. Andromeda

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

  5. dunno where to post this so doin it here

    just got rather depressed reading a thread (now locked) on the puzzle / riddle about throwing a ball so u catch it again under some conditions

    how on earth can some people be so nasty to others? is there noone who can remove offensive posts?

    the expected answer to the puzzle was neat and simple - but many people came up with quite complicated alternative answers - surely that is a good thing? is it not inherent in the very nature of this brainden thingy that we try to be creatively clever? doesnt the continuing progression of the human race depend on it???

    sorry - i feel a bit better now :)

    Yeah... I get frustrated reading old threads too. Too many posts, silly answers and questions, criticizing the riddle and the answers, etc.

    If you think that someone crossed the line (I'm talking only about the recent posts ;)) hit the REPORT button and write down in one or two words that you find that post offensive :)

    Welcome to the Den :) and have fun!

  6. Give me a hint LIS about who you are, or I'll unleash the fury!! :mad:

    Wolverine do nothing until LIS defends himself!

    Reaymond is leaning towards trusting you LIS, why are you ruining it by accusing him of being bad?!

    The problem is that Mistique can act tonight... we desperately need a baddie kill...

    If Reaymond is bad The Brotherhood wins tonight, because he figured out some of the goodies and their roles.

    But I'm still suspicious of you LIS, you type a lot... Give me one coherent hint about who you are, one sentence! :blink:

    I'm acting as told by reaymond.

  7. JarZe was sticking with me and SG on day 1, and the way he has been playing, I'm pretty certain hes a goodie.

    LIS is either XMan or Stryker... which I'm not sure, but at the moment I'm leaning towards stryker... I want this confirmed though by Prof X before I make any rash decisions.

    It was a tactical stick! I think we need some explanations from him, a hint maybe! I don't trust him... gut feeling.

  8. To repeat what Andro did, and add to it, this is my goodie list ;):

    Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy

    10. Andromeda

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    Prof X We really need to know about LIS. I'm pretty certain he isn't a baddie, but he could be stryker. Did follow my last moves and investigate him? because I need to know. It will fill in a lot of blanks on my spreadsheet and if I get LIS's role then I basically know who everyone is ;).

    Professor X - LIS if you havent already. If you know his role then tell us...

    Wolverine - kill Twin_Bro/Marth/Zerep. Coordinate which with rogue so you dont get the same target.

    Rogue - maybe GC? if you are still alive then Twin Bro/Marth/Zerep. This will tell us which baddie they are.

    Cyclops - no action yet...

    Jean Grey - save andro. If she is dead, then tell us cyclops ;)

    Nightcrawler - save Izzy

    Beast - Dead... we have had no info what so ever off him. IF YOU ARE ALIVE TELL US EVERYTHING YOU KNOW! ;)

    Colossus - save me.

    Angel - save Someguy. Or andro if JG is dead.

    Storm – dead...

    edit: I'm thinking GC was rogue, Kat was Storm and Riranor Beast. Kat would have had the idea to tell us what she found out if she was Beast ;)

    What about Woon? He is not telling anything and JarZe... I went through day one posts and he joined the bandwagon ST lynch right away without questioning it and after SG and reaymond spoke up about pressuring some other people than he change his vote and started being argumentative :huh:

    And I wish LIS could make sense at least in some of his posts! His arguments were all over the place... I don't know what to make of it.

    We heard nothing from Twin Bro (Twin Pop if he is a goodie... since you are mentoring them hint please)

    PM had problems with his computer I think, but he could still be a baddie.

    Zerep... there were accusations tossed back and fort between him and LIS so I think that one of them is definitely a baddie!!

    So Zerep or LIS? :huh: One of those two should die tonight!

    I will perform the action as reaymond said! :)

    EDIT: I think Zerep is an X-men but I need a confirmation from him, some kind of hint!

    Twin Bro say something! :)

  9. Score!!! :D

    OK now we will wait until reaymond wakes up, reads the night post and decides what to do! :)

    I only have one request... somebody check or kill LIS! NO time to waste anymore people...

    LIS I'm still wondering how did you manage to escape Rogue the second time around?

    I hope you all believe me now that I'm one of the X-men!

    If I were a baddie I wouldn't have protected Randro and given up the most important baddie to lynch and reveal his role, we were lucky there cause I had no idea that A.Person is Magneto.

    Since there was no activity from Stryker last night lets hope that he's dead, but we still can't let our guard down.

    I'll need a save tonight! And I really think that reay should give names for Cyclops and Wolverine to kill!!

    This is my goodie list:

    Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy

    10. Andromeda

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    The people that are not in blue should convince us that they're with us!

    Sorry LIS I still don't trust you. Woon and JarZe I have no clue on what side you are? :huh:

  10. This is my "New Year's Resolutions" list and I thought I might check where I'm at so far!

    OK here are mine:

    1. Get a job!! Check

    2. Get a lock for the fridge (with one key hidden by my parents) Check

    3. Get a crowbar (just in case my parents don't lend me the key) Check

    Then busted the fridge and the lock with a crowbar - bought a new fridge Check <_<

    4. Start exercising! My muscles will start atrophying Check

    5. Continue studying Persian and learn Spanish and German!!! This resolution is an absolute MUST DO!! NO check yet! :(

    6. Umm... spend less time on BD Well kinda check

    7. Write more "easy riddles" NO check, no time :(

    8. Oh... oh... oh... find a boyfriend!! :wub: well... at least someone to put up with me... (mission impossible) NO check this one either... volontaires :D (description - someone to put up with a moody cute psycho bunny with a obsessive-compulsive disorder and a split personality... where one personality is paranoid of the other :rolleyes: )

    9. And... um... er... read more!!! Check

    So overall I have three NO checks to work on and it's only 20th of January - SWEET! :D

  11. Grayven: the show will not be canceled :) It has a 6-season story arc that they planned during the very first season. It ends after that. The fifth season starts in 5 days ;D

    I think that J.J. said that they thought there would be one season only... but then again maybe he was withholding information.

  12. I only watched the movie, but haven't read the book (I didn't even know there was a book until after the movie came out!) I've never read a book after seeing the movie version, and I think that may effect my judgement on the writing. Never tried it though...

    When are we starting the discussion on Ender's Game?

    I think you should read the book and it's even better to see the movie first because if you read the book first and then you go to see the movie you get disappointed. But if you watch to movie first and then read the book... :)

  13. Do you want me to post another list like last night? I know a lot more roles now so there shouldn't be any mistakes ;)

    Oh please do cause I'm clueless :) I read every post but had no time to think about who is who?!

  14. *sighs* There are going to be far too many goodies that have been outed, and therefore need saves tonight.

    Ya think?! :rolleyes:

    If there's any saving role left I need it (randro is covered ;))

    And I will need few goodies to give us one name! We have to kill someone tonight people!! B))

  15. TY andro i dont know what i would have done if you didnt speak up for me. This is all a little confusing for me as it being my first game. So Ty again andro. I still dont know why you guys were voting for me in the first place?

    "Inactivity" ;) People here like to squeeze you until they drain every bit of information...

    Sorry I didn't react earlier... this was too close :o

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