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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Looks like an "open SE" and then another picture that is the "SAME," so together they are "open SE SAME." So the book is the arabian nights. specifically, the tale of ali baba and the 40 thieves. though i am not sure what number would follow as a result of that. 1001? (for the number of nights? but there are no zeros...

    Welcome to the Den g0atb0y37! :)

    Next time use spoilers please ;)

    You are spot on about the phrase! It is "Open Sesame"

    :D Yes the book that Grayven pulled is "Tales From One Thousand and One Nights".

    About the number code - read the end of the riddle what does Grayven say? The book and the story are not important here, just the phrase!

    Yes! if goatboy is right,

    Arabian Nights or Tales from 1001 nights. The Code is 41 because ali baba (1) + forty thieves (40) so, 41.


    Nice thinking but like I said in the riddle, only the phrase "Open Sesame" matters when generating the code!


    Basically you need to translate "OPENSESAME" into numbers!

  2. Was it a chemistry book? Se standing for Selenium. Then the code would be 3434, based on its atomic number and the fact it's repeated twice?

    Welcome to the Den! It's funny, cause you only been here for a while and you already think like a Braindenizen!

    Good thinking, but the answer is no.

    Little help then!

    The picture will give you a two word phrase that will lead you to a story (Google) that will lead you to a book!


    Nuff said I'm off to zzzzzz...


  3. 1. Kathleen - voting for Neptune

    2. dms172 - voting for Neptune

    3. RainThinker - DEAD (Lynched and found to be Demyx)

    4. Firebird766 - voting for Neptune

    5. grey cells - voting for Neptune

    6. peace*out

    7. star_tiger - voting for Neptune

    8. FIF

    9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent)

    10. SomeGuy - DEAD (Killed by Xigbar)

    11. A. Person - voting for Neptune

    12. Impervious

    13. Limeliam

    14. Twin Pop



    17. LIS - DEAD (Killed by Roxas)

    18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord)

    19. Awesomely-Awesome Person

    20. Riranor

    21. Foxtacy

    22. Andromeda - voting for Neptune

    Added Kat's and A.Person's vote! Pay attention! :D

  4. 1. Kathleen

    2. dms172

    3. RainThinker - DEAD (Lynched and found to be Demyx)

    4. Firebird766

    5. grey cells - voting for Neptune

    6. peace*out

    7. star_tiger

    8. FIF

    9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent)

    10. SomeGuy - DEAD (Killed by Xigbar)

    11. A. Person

    12. Impervious

    13. Limeliam

    14. Twin Pop



    17. LIS - DEAD (Killed by Roxas)

    18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord)

    19. Awesomely-Awesome Person

    20. Riranor

    21. Foxtacy

    22. Andromeda - voting for Neptune

    I changed my vote... pay attention ;)

  5. 1. Kathleen

    2. dms172

    3. RainThinker - DEAD (Lynched and found to be Demyx)

    4. Firebird766

    5. grey cells

    6. peace*out

    7. star_tiger

    8. FIF

    9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent)

    10. SomeGuy - DEAD (Killed by Xigbar)

    11. A. Person

    12. Impervious

    13. Limeliam

    14. Twin Pop



    17. LIS - DEAD (Killed by Roxas)

    18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord)

    19. Awesomely-Awesome Person

    20. Riranor

    21. Foxtacy

    22. Andromeda - voting for Neptune

    I'm convinced :D but I'm still watching you GC <_<

    Neptune... it's your turn!

  6. Well, everybody. CPB's intention is clear, she wants me come out with my role, so that Sephiroth can kill me tonight, even I manage to escape. The ones who will start following her lead are clearly Darkness.

    But I have proof, definitive proof about a darkness member, in specific, Jafar. Please hold a sec while I post it.

    Well... if you know who Jafar is wouldn't it make sense to vote for him to lynch him. What are you saving him for??

    And what are you waiting for? Vote!

    You didn't quite think this one through... did ya? :rolleyes:

    EDIT: GC you were here posting and then changed your mind about it?? What's up with that? :huh:

    I still vote for you!

  7. 1. Kathleen

    2. dms172

    3. RainThinker - DEAD (Lynched and found to be Demyx)

    4. Firebird766

    5. grey cells

    6. peace*out

    7. star_tiger

    8. FIF

    9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent)

    10. SomeGuy - DEAD (Killed by Xigbar)

    11. A. Person

    12. Impervious

    13. Limeliam

    14. Twin Pop



    17. LIS - DEAD (Killed by Roxas)

    18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord)

    19. Awesomely-Awesome Person

    20. Riranor

    21. Foxtacy

    22. Andromeda - voting for grey cells

    I really wanna know who you are! Who's with me?? B))

  8. Well, Roxas! I could be wrong or you missed my post. And LIS was just saying it could be a mistake. I don't know what, but you may have after all got a baddie. Let's just hope LIS was one. Sorry LIS, don't know why Roxas chose you.

    You are putting a LOT of effort into this, too much I might add. And no I didn't listen to you. I'm suspecting you are on the dark side from the beginning and you won't fool me! <_<

  9. Windows like that open from the inside out, so you'd have to be inside the house to open/close them. Closed, from the inside, the window reads (backwards) E, (backwards) S.

    Is it relevant that there are two windows? Could this be done with just one?

    Does it mean go to section "E" of the library, look under "S", and look for a book with the initials "ES"?

    Books everyone knows of: The dictionary, the thesaurus, the bible (well, not everyone, but the majority of people living in my country), ... Ender's Game? Does this have to do with the book club?!

    I repeat!!! E stands for E, S stands for S. Those are not acronyms nor indicating where the book is. Those are just two letters E and S! THAT'S ALL!


    It's a specific book that has nothing to do with the book club.

    It's relevant that there are two windows, but you only need one of them.

    Inside/outside does not matter. When you close the window from your perspective, what does it say, and then what does it mean when you put it back the way it was.

  10. I closed them. Assuming you gave a hint. :P

    They read: S E S E

    Was that really a hint?

    Close just one of them!

    ;) What do you see on the picture that I provided in the riddle?? Forget about the other window, only focus on one of them!
  11. I will put in a good word for you Star tiger. (does saving dance for the gods of saving to protect st!)

    BTW I was not in Serbia, just met two serbian gals in Cooke city, montana. I was mostly in Wyoming

    visiting Yellowstone but Lamar Valley is Montana. Its where the Druid wolf pack is.

    Yeah... I would have been offended if you would have been in Serbia without telling me about it :D

  12. is it a real book or something you just made up?

    Real book! Everyone should have heard about it.


    Just guessing. Hey! But the location's good. :P

    Does it simply indicate South-east?

    The picture comprises 2 windows and sunlight(light) is falling on an edge of the part marked S of each window. So E may indicate East, the Sun rising and casting it's rays on the part with S. So maybe the book is about the Nazi organization, SS which is located on the bookshelf, to the east of the lamp or opposite to the window, from which the rising sun can be seen.

    Wow... nice conclusions! :D

    To be honest I was to lazy to remove the sunlight and I was hoping that you won't pay attention to that. S is just an S and E is just an E! They don't stand for anything.


  13. the frame is a row reference and isle reference in the library and the book was - her own reciepes?
    - guessing


    i think the numbers were


    you may be right. the backwards S could be a 2 and the backwards E a 3


    why is it "backwards"??

    Maybe the book was:)
    about copying because the two pictures were duplicates

    The exact title will be necessary!

    Oh... come on guys... I wouldn't make it that obvious! ;)

  14. “OK! I disabled the motion detector... I think it’s safe to go in now”, Andromeda silently creept through the balcony door into the immense library.

    “You THINK it’s safe?” Grayven wasn’t comfortable with Andromeda’s lack of confidence.

    “Schhhhh... keep your voice down! It’s even bigger than I remember”, Andromeda took off her balaclava to look around.

    “Now what?” Grayven was in a hurry to get this over with.

    “I have no idea... I was hoping that I’ll know what to do once I’m in... but... sorry...” Andromeda apologized.

    “Great... instead of being home with my wife, I’m here... in a billionaire’s mansion stealing artifacts...” Grayven was second guessing his decision to accompany his friend in her crazy endeavor.

    “We are not stealing... we are only breaking and entering. Besides, I only want what’s rightfully mine. Grandma left that statue to me! It’s my legacy!” Andromeda was convinced that she was doing the right thing.

    “OK...” Grayven sighed. “What now?”

    “Well... um... we’ll just take a look around... we only have to find the safe and crack the code to open it” she replied.

    “It’s a good thing we scheduled dealing with the effects of global warming, curing the plague and saving the world from an asteroid for some other day of the week, cause seriously I don’t know how in the world would we be able to manage all of that in one night?!” Grayven’s sarcasm was always entertaining Andromeda... but not this time. She pierced his eyes with a long stare and squeezed out through her teeth “Go look around!”

    “Alright grumpy”, Grayven took her ‘advice’ a started silently pacing around the library until they both ended up at the large desk.

    “Wasn’t she pretty” said Andromeda holding her Grandma’s photo. “When Grandpa died she remarried to this guy, they spent little less than three years together before she died and he just didn’t want to give up any of her possessions to her family and she promised me that I can have that statue, but he wouldn’t listen...”

    “Andro... what does this picture represent?” Grayven took a weird photo off the desk.


    “I have no idea?!” she replied.

    “I think it’s a picture puzzle” Grayven’s eyes sparkled, “I think I know what it says!”

    Grayven went to the book shelf and without hesitation pulled a certain book. The wall silently opened to reveal a massive safe. Andromeda greeted his discovery with a big happy grin. “I knew I didn’t bring you with me just to hold the flash light!”

    “Don’t thank me yet. We are only half way there” Grayven was reserved.

    “OK, what now? Seriously, I have never seen a four digit safe keypad” Andromeda’s enthusiasm suddenly dissipated.


    “Well maybe we should just use the picture puzzle solution” said Grayven and started to punch in the numbers.

    What book did Grayven pull?

    What numbers did he punch in?


    No math, anagrams and funny stuff

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