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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. I have to ask why are repeating this again?

    I thought we played a good game first time and then I didn't understand the repeat, and now you are starting all over again?!?

    Reaymond write a new mafia instead of re-repeating this one ;)

    The only reason I asked for X-men rematch was because of Izzy's stunt and the fact that it was over night two!

    Why are you keep playing this one is beyond my comprehension :huh:

    EDIT: And Izzy please stop with the Nick thing you are confusing people... :wacko:

  2. CPB you betrayed me. :( You said the previous roster was right but I got ST and AAP's roles mixed up. But do not worry, tonight I have a feeling it's going to be a bloody massacre. :P

    No I did not! :P I said you are on your own ;)

  3. Finally, someone that saw the truth through his invisible armor!

    Can you imagine the shame of being Brazillian just like this "Paulo Coelho" is??? And you were lucky for not reading the original portuguese version, because he just don´t know portuguese at all!!! I think the translators had lots of phrases to fix!

    At least we read something written by him, and we´re never going to repeat this mistake.

    Actually I started reading "11 Minutes" and I was reading it exactly 11 minutes :lol: I dropped the book, it was too boring :rolleyes: and then decided to have another go at his writing and thankfully I don't ever have to do it again :D

    If people want to read an amazing "Personal Legend" they should try reading "The Ogre" (or "The Erl-King") by Michel Tournier! :) That book just swept me away...

  4. also when you take these tests they are always timed. how are you supposed to finish the test when every c icle has to be nice and neat. One year my teacher, being a real jerk, glanced through the tests and if he didn't think they were neat enough, he'd just hand it back and make you fix every single bubble.

    OMG! That's just sick :o

    What happened to knowledge... does that even count anymore? :huh:

  5. I've heard of this one before and it does make sense since you wouldn't go deaf if somebody cuts your ears of! :rolleyes:

    I think that the doctor needs to try on the straitjacket for a while to see how it fits ;)

    Nice joke :)

  6. I read "The Alchemist" yesterday to see what is all the fuss about and :huh:

    Five minutes after I finished reading the book I forgot that I read it! There wasn't a single line that made me put the book down to think about it... The storyline itself is not so bad but the book itself is pretty dull. The characters in the story are one dimensional (in translation they have no character) and OMG it's a Sahara desert!!! He couldn't give us one line of breathtaking description or did he?? but then the description must have been pale cause I don't remember it! And the philosophical gibberish like Personal Legend for example, made me role my eyes so many times... come on :rolleyes: I can't believe that so many people are buying that c***!

    Paulo Coelho is so overrated...

  7. Now what's that supposed to mean? I was under the impression that ghosts had no feelings. Obviously you and Itachi have done some research on that and come up with startling, ghoulish conclusions. :wub::P

    Yay! India beat SL by 15 runs in a thrilling encounter.

    On topic, did I get the organization roles right CPB? PM won't be happy if I am wrong again. :unsure:

    Sorry sweetie... you're on your own :P

  8. It's understandable with the mistake I made with PM(again thanks to JS :P ). But if we do not lynch Xemnas today, she may block a kill tonight. And unlike with getting PM lynched based on other's statements, the deduction that ST is organization and Xemnas is based purely on the night actions. If you want, you can check this out, by filling in the organization roles. And I clearly cannot be organization, after the struggle I had with CPB.


  9. The best (and only) horror book that I have read is "Rabies" written by Borislav Pekić.

    I don't know if it's translated to English yet, but on THIS website parts of it are translated and there's a short description of the content.

    The book was so scary that I read it in three days and I had been scared of puppies for a month (including my own dog :unsure: ) :lol:

  10. Keys to the Kingdom: Garth Nix

    It is for a bit younger audience but My book club had a really in depth discussion on Ho society would be diffrent

    Although Unreality, i would NOT suggest reading 1984. or at least save yourself sometime and skip over the middle part. It is REALLY dry. Animal Farm was alot better in my opinion.

    What? The book is excellent! Every word!

    The middle part shows you the extent of control in their society. I'm not going to start listing things... but the book is awesome!! :D

  11. I'm a biologist so I could help there, well science in general.

    Hm... I love Geography, I'm familiar with European history...

    If anyone needs help with Serbian or Hungarian :) feel free to ask me.

  12. Host: Reaymond

    1)Peace killed by Princess Leia night 1

    2) ST

    3) andromeda A. Person!!!

    4) BrandonB

    5) Riranor

    6) Impervious

    7) SG

    8) Izzy killed by Imperials Night 1

    9) Prince Marth killed by Imperials Night 1

    10) Rainthinker

    11) Randro

    12) Twin Pop Lynched Day 1 [Jabba the Hut]

    13) Twin Bro

    14) Renan

    15) IDNE

    16) Prof T

    I'm not in the game ANYMORE Reaymond!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

  13. You were riding a bike in the wind carrying an umbrella? Isn't that a bit, umm... what's the word... unwise?

    I had to go to the stupid hospital to get a confirmation from my neurologist that I'm OK! I had to go with the bike in order to get to work in time. Well I got to work in time, but I didn't see the doctor cause if I had waited I wouldn't have been able to get to work in time!

    It was an exhausting day :rolleyes:

  14. Thanks for the new rant topic!

    The prevalent usage of the word stupid is, quite frankly, stupid. (showing or resulting from dullness of mind)

    It has somehow become acceptable to be inarticulate. We no longer have to explain ourselves when we give an opinion. My teenage neice won't play trivial pursuit with me because "that's a stupid game." If we don't like something, we can say "It's stupid" and somehow that's explanation enough?

    The reality is that if a movie/book/game/idea challenges this generation to think/change/open their minds, etc., then we hear "that's like, stupid!" followed by the precious angel turning back to the television to watch TMZ make fun of Britney's latest public disgrace (again).

    PO, I think the reason your parents don't allow the language is because they care about you and want you to be able to communicate effectively. They do not want you to be percieved as ignorant, when they obviously know that you are bright, intelligent and capable.

    On the other side of the coin, I think you should challenge them next time they admonish you for saying stupid. Say, "ok, I understand that you disapprove of the word, but can you please articulate to me why it is important that I don't?" The ability to express onself separates us from the beasts, afterall. :P

    I disagree!

    Today I had to go to work for half an hour just to deliver some stupid paper (with my account number on it so they would know where to transfer my salary :rolleyes: ) and I had to drive my stupid small-seat bike (I already mentioned my blisters!) and stupid rain wouldn't stop for two days now, and the stupid wind kept blowing my stupid umbrella, and as a result of that my stupid umbrella kept inverting and on top of everything the stupid little doodad that holds the stupid umbrella open is broken so it kept closing on me... while I was driving the stupid bike in the stupid rain!!! <_<

    I was practically driving blind because the stupid wind kept blowing directly towards me!

    STUPID! <_<

  15. Than it would probably make you super pissed to know that there's a cure for AIDS too!

    I watched a science show about a very simple cure that they tested on a guy on a brink of death (so he wasn't just HIV positive, he had AIDS). Anyway, this guy was cured! I think that they said that the virus was out of his system?!

    The problem is that it'll take years of clinical testing before it gets approved and produced in large amounts.

    The cure works simply by blocking the lock on T-cells that the virus has the key for. It would be like somebody putting a key into your apartment's lock and breaking it, so you wouldn't be able to unlock it and enter. That is how that simple cure works!

    And then again that show could have been a scam... I don't know :blink: but the cure does make sense!

    Ma'am, if an incurable disease was founded, don't you think that it would be out in the open???

    I am involved with the Rotary Club, which as donators, helps kill things like polio and other things.

    I am not reluctant to believe it is not possible, however, you should post a link to this miraculousness. ;)

    Did you read that line?? I've seen that show on TV couple a years ago, don't know what program! *shrug*

  16. I havn't looked much into it, but me and and a friend from school were talking after class and we had got on the subject of cancer. She was telling me about how the search for a cure wasn't neccessary if the FDA would approve whats already there. When I asked what she meant, she said that in the U.S, there is a plant that cures cancer. Whether this is true (does anyone know?) or not it made me pissed :angry: to think that america would be so greedy as to not make it leagal. Charging outrageuos prices for cancer 'treatments' that have what docters say a "long-term benefit." And sadly her mom died the past year from breast cancer..

    Than it would probably make you super pissed to know that there's a cure for AIDS too!

    I watched a science show about a very simple cure that they tested on a guy on a brink of death (so he wasn't just HIV positive, he had AIDS). Anyway, this guy was cured! I think that they said that the virus was out of his system?!

    The problem is that it'll take years of clinical testing before it gets approved and produced in large amounts.

    The cure works simply by blocking the lock on T-cells that the virus has the key for. It would be like somebody putting a key into your apartment's lock and breaking it, so you wouldn't be able to unlock it and enter. That is how that simple cure works!

    And then again that show could have been a scam... I don't know :blink: but the cure does make sense!

  17. What's up with bikes and their small seats... I have blisters on my hiney! <_<

    I have a cell, but most of the time we ignore each other -_-

    I hate people throwing garbage on the street when the bin is just few feet away... actually even if the next bin was few miles away they still shouldn't throw garbage... I'm psycho pissed when I see that! :mad: :mad:

    Oh... and puffing cigarette smoke in my face *cough* :mad:

    I find eating while standing in a line/queue more annoying than talking on the cell! :huh:

  18. Host: Reaymond

    1)Peace killed by Princess Leia night 1

    2) ST- Voting for Twin Pop

    3) andromeda

    4) BrandonB

    5) Riranor

    6) Impervious - voting for Randro

    7) SG - Voting for Twin Pop

    8) Izzy killed by Imperials Night 1

    9) Prince Marth killed by Imperials Night 1

    10) Rainthinker

    11) Randro - voting for Star tiger

    12) Twin Pop - voting for Renan

    13) Twin Bro

    14) Renan - voting for Twin Pop

    15) IDNE- Voting for Twin Pop

    16) Prof T

    Removing my vote. I'm going to wait until more people vote to make a better judgement.

    Reay... why is my name still here, I told you I was out! :huh:

  19. Aka - there are and will be no clues - but does give names so you may have to refer to it for role ability

    - I feel as bad as when i did not join the bandwagon N1 in X-men, so would have helped us.. l

    get your back up (role)


    Sorry Andromeda - thought you had given it a break, then saw you were in SWM2 this morning - Brainden addiction double whammy!

    Nope I posted this and then I decided to drop out of SWM II and did and then started reading through X-men rematch again and got upset when I run into a certain post, yet again and I wanna play mafia because it's fun and I love it, but X-men rematch still upsets me and I know that I'm boring you with all my whining so... I'm OUT! :(

    No mafia until I manage to read X-men without being upset... I don't think that will ever happen though because it's written black on... er... light-grayish-blue.

    And stop quoting me and answering on my posts... :(

  20. I'm not ready yet!!!

    If you don't believe me... here we go again :rolleyes: read THIS post!

    I don't remember being upset over something so insignificant my entire life and being upset for so long. It usually blows over in 15 minutes, but this I just can't let go!

    I'm pathetic... and OUT!

  21. Seriously though people... do NOT lynch SG, or even make him put up a defence as it oculd be critical to the goodies chance of victory... I said that before and nobody listened...

    I'm a masochistic psycho and I'm reading this thread again to see where things went wrong and I run into this post!

    I should have said the exact same thing - except I only said I won't give a hint about who I am! As a baddie I would have probably lied to save my skin... but no, you just couldn't get it until I almost spelled it out!!!!!!!

    In the end you made me put up a defense and revealed my role wide open!

    I'm obviously still not ready to play a new mafia game and won't be for quite a while <_<

    (I posted this after I posted that I'm out of SWM)

  22. I'm out guys... I don't think that some of you would be able to play the game as you would have otherwise because of my blown out of proportions sensitivity! :rolleyes:

    Sorry.. have fun ;)

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