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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. She's not talking about a "he's a goodie/baddie," she's saying that she knows his role. So, I guess I was just curious as to how. It would be enlightening.

    Well duh! Of course he's a goodie!

  2. We went through a lot of posts where we narrowed the baddies...

    Now that andro might know who he is, makes me wonder...

    I might change my vote... But not now.

    When Izzy put Randro on her baddie list I told her NOT to narrow the search down... but I guess that hint was too subtle <_<

    edit: stupid o at too

  3. OK people I'm not pulling an Izzy (previous X-men) stop voting for Randro I found out who he is. I didn't want to say anything because that would concentrate a lot of attention on him... baddie attention, but I have no choice. I won't hint who he is, but he is very important!!! :(

    I'm switching my vote from LIS (not because I'm not suspicious anymore, but to save Randro from the lynch.)

    Woon, Izzy, JarZe, Reaymond help!!

    Host: Impervious

    1. Woon - - voting for Randro

    2. Randro - voting for A. Person

    3. Twin_Bro - voting for Lost in Space

    4. JarZe - voting for Randro

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy - voting for A. Person

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy - voting for Randro

    10. Andromeda - Voting for A. Person

    11. A. Person - voting for Randro

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space voting for ZEREP

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

  4. Keep voting for Randro and lynch me! This game will be over than! I should have never asked for a repeat! <_<

    And LIS I have given so many hints. The only thing I didn't do is spelling it out, letter by letter! Jesus!!!

    Lynch me... I already said that... I'm tired of mafia anyway and for the MILLIONTH time accusing one of the three guys to be bad WASN'T a defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was just thinking and posting my thoughts... which was quite futile, so it seams...

    Woon... BIG NO, NO!! :mad: Why? Well just because :rolleyes:

  5. Mystique did not act last night. Mystique targeted Rogue on night 1.

    I've missed the not two nights in a row part! <_<

    Well basically I'm clueless...

  6. First of all, that's basically the same defense. If we've narrowed down who the baddies are to 5 roles, either you or your brother are *definitely* a baddie. I'm assuming both of you, just because that would be easier on your dad's part to help you, and it isn't surprising that Nick would set up something like that to make things easier on people.

    Just because we have no proof you're a baddie doesn't mean we have any proof that you're a goodie. Start hinting at your role, become a confirmed goodie, and we have the baddies narrowed down significantly. If you're resistant to this idea, that, again, pretty much confirms your baddie-ness. ;P

    Izzy... don't narrow your search down... you lose perspective. Put all the names on the list. You might miss a baddie if you're just looking at those four names!!!

  7. Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe - voting for Randro

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy - voting for A. Person

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy - voting for Randro

    10. Andromeda - voting for Lost in space

    11. A. Person

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space voting for ZEREP

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep - voting for Twin_Bro

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    Something does not add up in your story LIS and I would like to hear from you more. You just seamed to post too much with nothing significant to say...

    I think LIS might be Magneto!

    First night he saved Star tiger and he was luckily saved by NC! This night he decided not to waste that save on anybody else. Maybe Impervious deliberately wrote that he run away to not make it too obvious.

    Don't forget about Toad, maybe he stopped those X-characters from acting. Maybe he is targeting the same person. Mistique was probably acting too last night, maybe A.Person was Mistique and she "stole" a saving action?

    I really don't know what else to say?

    I just thought of something... I think that GC was Rogue and she's dead now. I was the only one to say that Rogue should attack LIS and maybe he listened to me :(

    Man... I take that back being alone is hard :wacko:

    I also fixed the colors! :)

  8. Tiger... when does the night end?? :)

    People started to over think this. Did everyone PM you?

    If you don't believe that I'm one of the X-men ask Impervious ;)

  9. A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings.

    The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.

    When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor.

    Before she says a word, Bob says, 'I'll give you $800 to drop that towel.'

    After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob, after a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.

    The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs.

    When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?'

    'It was Bob the next door neighbor,' she replies.

    'Great,' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?'

    Spoiler for Lesson Learned:

    If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders, in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.

    Shame on you Brandonb :lol:

  10. Okay, I have a plan by which I can prove that I am one of the X-men.

    Wolverine, attack me tonight!

    If Magneto saves me I am obviously not one of the X-men. If a X-men saving role saves me, then it's obvious that I am one of you guys.

    If the Brotherhood target me, it's clear that I am not one of them. If they kill me, they are obviously wasting a kill. Which baddie would want to kill a suspected baddie and facilitate the X-men narrowing down the suspects. :P

    EDIT: Emphasis

    Um... don't forget that I'm a priority save since I proved that I'm a goodie (important one) and don't LISten to LIS we'll check him out tomorrow ;)

  11. Matbe we find out in the lynch

    This is the first useful thing that you said, if you live the night we will find out in a lynch who you are! <_< There's a lot of inconsistency in your posts and they are way too long because you change your opinion three times before you reach the end.

    Reaymond I expect you to imply the same amount of pressure on LIS as you did on me?! Understood! (It wasn't a question)


  12. OK since it's out that I'm not one of the baddies... you may suspect that I might be Stryker. I really don't know what to say to make you believe me, because... oh forget it.

    I need a save from Angel tonight if he is still alive. Cyclops should kill! Go through the posts, you'll no who ;) In that case unfortunately JG can't protect.

    If by any chance the Professor targets me to read me I won't send a message, because I won't know if it's really Professor or Mistique.

    Rogue target LIS again!


    I hope you trust me...

  13. I wasn't accusing you Andromeda :rolleyes: I was saying in general you can't reveal anything about the game

    I repeat I did not reveal anything that wasn't already been in the posts. I won't rummage through posts and waste my time just to prove my point. If you have something more to add, PM me! We polluted this thread just enough with our gibberish.

  14. Andro - You have been having fun here too remember Not anymore and reason I bandwagoned, well no one seamed to be complaining when we did that to Neptune in KHM?? - and you were just taking it personally It wasn't personal it was just TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON ONE SINGLE PLAYER!!!. I think you know why I did not switch my vote from S/guy to push on you - but give us room to torture next time There won't be next time, I'm fed up - and any spare attacking power go to that twit magneto - the one who pointed at there own player - pick a mafia virgin/noob Yeah do that and kill me too, and then all will be peachy!!!

    I was accused before but it was never so persistent. It was so persistent actually that I lost desire to play mafia ever again and I don't care about this one either. I'm only here so that Impervious wouldn't have to search for a new player.

    I don't care why you didn't switch your vote because you should have. And tomorrow if I live please lynch me, I can't take it anymore, going through posts and reading all the blabber. This is a great game though and maybe I'm taking it bit too seriously but there has to be a limit somewhere when you're accusing someone, or it turns into something I no longer want to be part of.


  15. Well I've only read the last 2 pages and you can't reveal anything as a ghost <_< :(

    I didn't reveal anything that wasn't already there Lime! <_<

    Actually ST accused you of the same thing in SWM! Not paying attention and not reading the posts. Read the posts than post. And have a nice day :)

  16. Wow!!! I went through a lot of posts to end up believing that Andromeda is indeed a goodie. But don't stress Andro, I think this is all part of the game. I know reaymond was hard on you (big time), but he was very suspicious of you.

    I believe you Andromeda you're an almost confirmed goodie, someone please save andromeda since she argues being an important role...

    We'll see what happens on night 2

    I don't care anymore you should have lynched me. I'm surprised though that one particular person didn't stand up for me. You should have known, you should have known...

    ALMOST, but almost *insert desperate grin* lynch me before Imp comes back and you'll know 100%!!!

    That's an understatement <_< cause he was paired up with SomeGuy and it's interesting that the three people that I named as potential baddies are the ones to "believe me" now. JarZe, Reaymond and SomeGuy. And Reay and SG were to ones to attack me... It don't matter anymore. At lest the person who replaces me won't have to defend him/herself!

    Have a good game.

  17. Tut, tut. I just admire CPB, she is hot in the brainy sense. :D

    Thanks but I'm not that brainy... and I probably won't be playing mafia anymore, cause games should be fun and I don't find it to be so fun when I have to defend myself for two hours straight, not fun. I wish I could change things, I wouldn't be the first one to vote for ST ( I was really eager to start the game, that's all :( (since I was the one who suggested to repeat it)), but somebody would have done it anyway so... I'm just going in circles with this.

    Actually I don't even think that Imp should replace me, he knows why because I'll probably die tonight so who cares.

    Nice game Impervious, sorry...

    Have fun guys...

  18. So you are a character that dies even when saved? Wolverine attack me instead then... easy?

    My trap was simple (so simple I don't think it could even be called a trap)... I waited for someone to post something that could be contradicted or contradicted me, and then I argued ;) I know I pushed and pushed, but thats what happens and it worked so well I know know quite a lot about you, and you have proved to me that you are not a baddie!

    Oh really thank you, but I already PM-ed Imp for someone to replace me...

  19. Nightcrawler is protecting you ;) thats why i told wolverine to attack me or you - as we had saves on ourselves so cannot die. If the baddies now know who you are (how???) then you are protected by nightcrawler. Simple as.

    edit: typo

    Reaymond get the poll water out of your ears and listen to me! If Wolverine attacks me I'm dead! Get that through your thick scull. And if you were setting a trap as you said I don't see it that way. It was full frontal. You were pushing, and pushing, and pushing up to the point when I didn't see any point playing mafia anymore. You are bad at setting traps because you don't read the track that your prey has left and thanks to you I'm dead unless somebody saves me!

    EDIT: I'm PM-ing Imp for a replacement I don't have time for this...

  20. Day should be ended now. ST is going to be lynched so carrying on is just postponing the inevitable.

    After my interrogations over andro today, I think that I will need a save too. Me and Nick have come to the conclusion that we both have quick similar styles, but I remain more hidden so I have decided that in this game I will play much more openly to see how it works. I will be covered for tonight, but I have posted an "ideal" set of moves for the next night;

    Professor X -Andromeda... and then follow previous plans accordingly

    Wolverine - kill me/andro (if we are saved then your kill will fail and we can use your ability without risking a teamkill)

    Rogue - steal... your choice. But DEFINATELY NOT mine SG's or andro's ability

    Cyclops - no kill...

    Jean Grey - save yourself (or cyclops if you are already targetted :P)

    Nightcrawler - save andromeda

    Beast - find out about Nightcrawler. It could be critical is crawler dies later on leaving wolverine vulnerable to stryker/baddies when we need a kill

    Colossus - save me :P

    Angel - save SG

    Storm – I don't know what ability she has...

    OMG! I'm dead! That's all I'm saying... :lol: Wolverine do not attack andromeda for the love of God don't...

    Now since the baddies know who I am I need a protection... thanks reaymond, thanks a bunch! You should have keept your fingers to your self!

    Oh I'm so enjoying this! I'm so gonna die if you don't protect me and the X-men are so over! Thanks reay! :D

  21. I can not believe this! I was eager to start the game and I'm a cute PSYCHO bunny! My motto is shoot first ask questions letter. I have a hard time controlling my temper when I'm excited. That is a bad explanation because you don't know ME!

    This is my first mafia game where I'm ALONE right and excited because I don't need to consult with anyone before the action. I wanted to send my night action as soon as I received my role without knowing anything. Before Imp even posted the Prologue I wanted to send in my action! Why? And I don't know what baddies do this is my 4th game! :rolleyes:

    I'm not hinting at my role, but if I said that I wanted to send in my action without thinking as soon as I received my role, what do you think, who I might be?

    And I only registered at incognito I never read anything, nor I know what was discussed!

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