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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Hmm. Just throwing this in the air, but would any of you be interested in reading Ender's Shadow instead of Ender's Game? I thought I had Ender's Game, but apparently I don't.. I'd be fine with buying/borrowing it though.

    Nope... not translated to Serbian. Ender's Game is translated! Of course that doesn't mean that I'll be able to find it <_<

  2. I'd rather not. My vote was for G,E,B and since it's the only one it's useless. So I'll move it to Ender's Game :P that makes 5 if there are no complaints.

    OK so do we read Ender's Game for sure??

    I'll try to find that book... I'll go to my book dealer :ph34r:

  3. Wib!

    Just as a quick catch-up, everyone is getting ready to change their vote to Impervious (the host) for the Day 1 lynching. :)

    Snap out of it Izzy :lol: We're not lynching fur-ball! End of discussion! :)

  4. So......


    Any ideas?

    IF the discussion is about linching, i think it's to early in the game to accuse anyone yet, but that's basicly how it works - randomness...

    What's the discussion supposed to be about anyways?? :huh::blink:

    Well... for example if I'd change my vote to DMS he would have to convince the rest of us that he's with the goodies! But I'm not gonna do that! :)

    Host: Impervious

    1. star_tiger - voting for Limeliam

    2. reaymond - voting for DMS

    3. A. Person - voting for DMS

    4. peace*out - voting for DMS

    5. Izzy - voting for Star_Tiger

    6. Limeliam voting for RainThinker

    7. Lost In Space [dead-killed by Stryker][Professor X]

    8. DMS172 - Voting for Limeliam

    9. Someguy - Voting for Limeliam

    10. Puzzlegirl - voting for A.Person

    11. Twin Pop - voting for peace*out

    12. Rain Thinker

    13. andromeda - voting for peace*out

    14. crazypainter

    15. JarZe - Voting for andromeda

    16. Woon [dead – killed by Sabretooth]

  5. -_- Well a lot of these books I didn't vote for *including Ender's Game* because they are basically...well let's just say, I'm a bit tired of apocalyptic books...*cough*myenglishclass*cough* but I'll read anything...it's just, this will be like the...fifth? alien book I'll have read this year...XD Yeah...my english class is crazy...we have to watch Cloverfield and write a whole essay on it...that movie is scary o.O


    I have Cloverfield on my PC for months... always too busy on BD to watch it.

    To be honest I haven't read much SF novels (any actually :huh:) so I'm looking forward to this one. :)

  6. Sparanda said he won't be playing anymore, so I guess we have all the votes in.

    PM did you find a replacement for Sparanda?? :)

    Or since everyone has a BTSC at least with someone maybe those, or that person who could communicate with him could execute his actions so you wouldn't have to go looking for a player! ;)

  7. I don't fell like reading "Angels and Demon" even though I have the book.

    "His Dark Materials" is a series of three books if I'm correct. I don't think I have enough time to read those.

    I voted for "Ender's Game" cause it's translated to both Serbian and Croatian. We have a Croatian book store in my hometown so hopefully they have it (it was translated in Croatian 2007).

    Half of these don't have a translation to my language :(

  8. As I said I was just kidding CPB. But I know it's quite dangerous in Mafia games, so I will stop that. :P

    As to my sorry to RT, it was just a show of ethical professionalism between mafia colleagues. He's going to die and I just wanted him to know it was just a part of the game. And anyway if I was on RT's side, i.e. an organization member, I could have apologized to him through BTSC.

    Well... you could have apologize to him through BTSC and then add an apology in the post so no one would suspect?? :P

    I love it when you refer to me as CPB :)

  9. 1. Kathleen - voting for Foxtacy

    2. dms172 - voting for RainThinker

    3. RainThinker

    4. Firebird766 - voting for RainThinker

    5. grey cells - voting for A. Person

    6. Sparanda

    7. star_tiger - voting for RainThinker

    8. FIF - voting for RainThinker

    9. Silverheart – DEAD (Killed by Maleficent)

    10. SomeGuy - voting for RainThinker

    11. A. Person - voting for RainThinker

    12. Impervious - voting for RainThinker

    13. Limeliam

    14. Twin Pop - voting for RainThinker

    15. twin_bro - voting for RainThinker

    16. Neptune - voting for Impervious

    17. LIS - voting for Impervious

    18. Skywalker – DEAD (Killed by Luxord)

    19. Awesomely-Awesome Person - voting for RainThinker

    20. Riranor - voting for RainThinker

    21. Foxtacy

    22. Andromeda - voting for RainThinker

    Sorry RT if you're a goodie! :)

  10. Yeah! Get used to dying. That's the downside of playing Mafia. :lol:

    If I was an organization member, I wouldn't have urged him to come out with Demyx's role, would I? That sounds illogical. :rolleyes:

    You've just accused me of that <_< that I'm an Organization member and that I was trying to fool people by urging A.Person to give up the Demyx's role. You were accusing me for that!! What are you talking about man! Make up your mind! :huh:

    You say that it's illogical to do something... and then you accuse me of doing the illogical thing... :rolleyes:

  11. Host: Impervious

    1. star_tiger

    2. reaymond

    3. A. Person - voting for DMS

    4. peace*out - voting for DMS

    5. Izzy - voting for Star_Tiger

    6. Limeliam voting for RainThinker

    7. Lost In Space [dead-killed by Stryker][Professor X]

    8. DMS172 - Voting for Limeliam

    9. Someguy - Voting for Limeliam

    10. Puzzlegirl - voting for A.Person

    11. Twin Pop - voting for crazypainter

    12. Rain Thinker

    13. andromeda - voting for peace*out

    14. crazypainter

    15. JarZe

    16. Woon [dead – killed by Sabretooth]


  12. OMG I just typed a very long reply, and when I submitted it, I got a "page cannot be displayed" error. :angry::angry: Stupid internet!! Hopefully I can remember everything I just wrote...

    So it looks like I missed out on a lot of conversation about this last night.

    I see how the hint of "frequency" relates to the solution of the puzzle, but what a difficult hint it was! More difficult than the puzzle itself, I'd say. So we have the letters DGHKLPX with a frequency of 1 line crossing them, ABIR with a frequency of 2, EO with 3, and NT with 4. Using all possible combinations of these letters in the final message, we have some different possibilities:

    22241 can be BRAND, BRINK, or BRING

    42213 can be TABLE, TRADE, or TRIKE

    43 can be TO or NO

    4314 can be NEXT or TEXT

    1332 can be DEER, LEER, PEER, POOR, or DOOR

    While some of these combinations obviously make no sense, I'm not so sure "At this end, you need to bring the table napkin to next door" makes a lot of sense either, although I missed out on solving Chapters 1-5, and perhaps Chapter 7 will bring it into perspective for me. How many chapters to this puzzle will there be?

    Now that I look at the puzzle more closely, I realize that the answer is, in fact, an anagram of the letter string I initially came up with from the first step of the puzzle (EKTILOPNRATIOGNRDEBTXNNAEBTHO). I'm pretty sure woon told me it was not. <_< The numbered message, it seems, is really only there to assist in solving the anagram, just as the synonyms in hint #2 were only there to assist in creating the words in the correct order (it can be done based solely on the atomic numbers clues as well, as long as you could figure out that the numbers in the bubbles were atomic numbers without another hint) Good puzzle, woon, but your hints and answers to questions about the hints and the puzzle itself were sometimes misleading.

    Thank you for the elaborate post!

    I totally agree on both hints actually... both absolutely unnecessary!

    :) The second one was really just assisting, but the first one had a mind of it's own! :lol: (It could have been anything really)


    is just there for me to wipe my nose! *sniff* It was minus 14 C in my country this morning!

    :D I love ccccold!

  13. "Separate and Ever Deadly" The Last Shadow Puppets

    There's an unfamiliar grip

    On an unfamiliar handkerchief

    Attending to the tears on cheeks

    I wouldn't notice

    With you no matter how vicious the grief

    Her expression was damp and crooked

    Grabs onto my throat and won't let go

    I L-O-V-E this song!! :D

  14. Sounds like an organization member trying too hard to convince others that she's not an organization member. :P

    I died in "Star Wars" so I don't get to lynch there anymore... :(

    EDIT: Wait a minute - I'm too eager?? :huh:

    What about this post, you were in hurry to post right away after PM and to "advice" what A.Person should do! I wasn't pointing my finger at you <_< so it makes more sense that you are an Organization member!!!

    Congratulations A.P., for surviving the dead music.

    Now you can give us a target for today's lynch. In the rare case you don't want to give it out:

    You give out Demyx's identity and you are in a win-win situation because:

    1) You are obviously not in the Organization, so nothing to lose.

    2) If you are part of the darkness or Light, you will be helping your team by protecting them from the lynch.

    So all of us are waiting for your post A.P.

    EDIT: You know what I think, you are both Darkness members... watch your back! B))

  15. Congratulations A.P., for surviving the dead music.

    Now you can give us a target for today's lynch. In the rare case you don't want to give it out:

    You give out Demyx's identity and you are in a win-win situation because:

    1) You are obviously not in the Organization, so nothing to lose.

    2) If you are part of the darkness or Light, you will be helping your team by protecting them from the lynch.

    So all of us are waiting for your post A.P.

    Give him up A.Person! :D

    Lynch, lynch, lynch... :lol:

  16. I see. But wy didn't you try about this one before I post that hint? :huh:

    You have worked so close.

    Woon... you do realize that we spent more than 20 posts guessing something that's absolutely unnecessary!!!

    Connecting the numbers in the number sequence with how many times the lines intersect across a certain letter is not that obvious but it's something we would have noticed after looking at it. So instead of looking at the picture and the number sequence we were trying to solve something we don't need (actually I think that lazboy noticed that, so why did you insist on solving the first hint??). I thought that we would get an additional word that would help us solve the riddle... I don't... I can't... the rest of it is quite brilliant actually, but I just don't get it?? Why the whole tera thing?? Besides that "hint" is very far fetched...

  17. Why did the tomato turn red?

    Reply and I'll tell you the answer.

    It's really easy if you think about it and the description, the hint is in the description!

    Why are you using a codebox?? :huh:

  18. The problem is Woon that I know about this formula


    (but instead of f there is letter nu from the Greek alphabet, btw we used the Greek letter in high school so I new the formula) and that is why I had no idea what are you talking about because you needed a letter from the English alphabet... :(

  19. s

    You are getting on my nerves... was this really necessary... riddles should be designed to be solved without any hints really... could someone honestly get to this one letter first hint solution without your help?? Honestly?? Seriously?? :huh:

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