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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. I sent my PM in!

    I just wanna say to everyone - you are not obliged to believe me because of what happened in the previous mafia (X-men).

    Threat me as equal I don't want any special treatment. If I feel like not playing anymore I'll tell Reay to replace me ;)

    Um... well there's one more thing... but whatever :rolleyes: it's too early! :)

  2. OK I googled one

    Zachery Quinn "Cerebellum Slip"

    Cerebellum slip

    And then your spine will drip,

    Straight down to your fingertips.

    Feel your words like braile on your skin

    You're so pale and thin.

    Collecting your chips to cash in.

    Root beer float down a river or stream.

    Like some caramel dream,

    Nothing is quite as it seems.

    In a world of ice cream,

    Where the people are mean

    They won't leave you alone,

    And the cold air chills you to the bone.

  3. Ramones - Teenage Lobotomy

    Lobotomy, lobotomy, lobotomy, lobotomy!

    DDT did a job on me

    Now I am a real sickie

    Guess I'll have to break the news

    That I got no mind to lose

    All the girls are in love with me

    I'm a teenage lobotomy

    Slugs and snails are after me

    DDT keeps me happy

    Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em

    That I got no cerebellum

    Gonna get my Ph.D.

    I'm a teenage lobotomy

    (I was going to do lobotomy, but figured that might've been a bit hard. :P)

    Cerebellum is the little brain in Latin... what are the chances to find that?? :huh::lol:

    Lobotomy would have been easier! :rolleyes:

  4. Yeah you do still win ;), I was trying to give them more credit for not dying lol

    Well it wasn't my fault... actually it was Imperious's fault that I died, because he said he needs a save... <_<

  5. Um... the only song that comes to my mind is from

    Britney Spears "Everytime"

    Everytime I try to fly, I fall

    Without my wings, I feel so small

    I guess I need you, baby

    And everytime I see you in my dreams

    I see your face, it's haunting me

    I guess I need you, baby

  6. I just read through the first and last 1/3 of this thread because I finally got a chance to watch X-3 and I was interested how it all worked.

    I can now safely say, "I really don't want to play this game." As I read through the first day post, I wanted to scream "Andromeda is Nightcrawler!" :o but it was already too late. I may be too passionate a person, but I just don't think I could take it.

    - Same here, too passionate, I can't take it, but I'm playing again, so apparently I'm also a masochist <_<

    I think some players either didn't understand the roles as Imp layed them out, or just plain didn't read them thoroughly. Agree! I can see how the game could be fun, but I just can't see how all the stress is worth it. It's not worth it... I'm still upset!! :(

    I do agree that "lurking" and not participating seems to really detract from everyone's enjoyment of the experience. Lurkers will be killed from now on :mad:

    But I did not play. :huh: I apologize for butting in with my opinion. :blush: You folks enjoy your game Don't be silly I value your opinion! :)

    Exactly!! Thank you! :)

    I agreed on playing SWM rematch :rolleyes: I'll never learn <_<

  7. 1. DMS [R2D2] (and saviour for the Jedi :P)

    2. Prince Marth [C3PO]

    3. Silverheart - [Yoda] Killed Night 3

    4. SomeGuy [Obi-Wan]

    5. Star Tiger [Han Solo]

    6. Peace [Darth Vader] - Lynched Day 4

    7. Izzy - [Palpatine] Killed Night 3

    8. Skywalker - [Pilot] Killed Night 2

    9. Kat/Twin Pop - [Jabba the Hut] Killed Night 4

    10. Limeliam [Pilot]

    11. Twin_Bro [Pilot]

    12. A. Person [Grand Moff Tarkin] Lynched Day 3

    13. Riranor [Pilot] - Lynched Day 2

    14. Neptune [boba Fett] - Lynched Day 1

    15. andromeda [Chewbacca] - Killed Night 2

    16. Twin_Pop [Princess Leia] - Killed Night 2

    17. Panther - [Tie Fighter Pilot] Killed by host for inactivity

    18. Impervious [Luke Skywalker]



    Black=erm...? Neither of the above, but well played Liam and Twin_Bro

    What a?? When I read Unreality's newbie mafia guide he said if your side wins everyone is a winner, even if you are dead?! :huh:

  8. Before this starts: If Yoda can recruit Luke, and Obi-Wan knows who Luke is, doesn't that mean that the goodies will pretty much recruit Luke night 1, unless the Imperials have a miracle?

    I just didn't want to be accused of being a baddie for pointing out this craziness.

    Oh yeah! :lol:

    Reay, Reay, Reay...

  9. Haha, maybe... I don't know, I like the computer bit because of how much deception is going on. It lets me change things around quickly (and a lot) while I'm trying to see which lies are lies, by seeing which fits in better with the truth I know. Anyways, everyone has their own system (and some people have no system), so, whatever works best for you :)

    And I have to know... how did nobody see Night 1 and go "Impervious was CLEARLY invincible that night?"

    It was my first mafia I was too busy combing my fur (Chewbacca) :blush: but yeah it was too obvious! :lol:

  10. A lot of us use spreadsheets (personally I use Microsoft Excel, and a lot of colors) to help keep track of who's who in these games. Mine was pretty simple, being a spy role. I just had blues being goodies, reds baddies, and green being pilots/luke. Some people's are a LOT more complicated though, using the things that they know (like roles) when they're reading posts to figure out who's telling the truth about what, who's defending who, whether or not people's defenses change (well I WAS defending the other mafia, but he's going down, so I better jump on lynching him quick...) etc. etc.

    Hm... I'll need a new notebook... :huh:

    Thanks! :)

  11. If you want to wait 'til I get back to work, I think I have a fairly accurate list. I was Obi-Wan, just to spell it out.

    I was hnnnhrrhhh awwgggghhh wrrhwrwwhw! :D *scratches her hairy chest and bites of DV head (peace*out)*

  12. I offered Andro+Kat places in my next mafia for 1 reason or another... ;)


    Host: Reaymond


    2) ST

    3) Andromeda

    4) Kathleen

    Also, I will be changing some of the roles. Like recruiting ability for the goodies, and some players may have secret abilities :oB))

    I'm not playing rematches anymore for 1 reason or the other... <_< besides I said I had no time, I could hardly wait for the X-men to finish.

    Nothing personal Reay.

    EDIT: Yes ST I'm sure!!! I said I won't play mafia anymore!! <_<

    I hate the way it makes me feel. I felt horrible and I don't ever want to deliberately bring that upon myself!!!

    I'm not apologizing!

  13. Remember that the North and South Poles are the size of an atom, so therefore, You can step on it and have your foot on all the time zones of the world.

    Not really because they marked them with some kind of pillars that look like giant lollipops!

  14. The green grass of endless steppe is calling,

    Swift wind blows, you'll never imprison my soul,

    For thousands of years I've been mourning,

    Look into my eyes, I'll be forever running wild.

    I love the word... very inspiring :)

  15. C'mon Andro... Don't say that... Sometimes hinting on your role is necessary in order to stay alive... What if you would've been wolverine and you were gonna get lynched, your responsablity would've been hint (a bit) on your role because you want the goodies to win...

    You see this is the problem I read the roles carefully!!! Wolverine can't be lynched! Invincible to injection! But if I hadn't saved him you would have still had doubts about who I was...

    In my next mafia I don't wanna stay alive... if you want to kill me kill me, it's your bad!

  16. Yeah, you had to keep your role a secret, but there's ways to prove you're a goodie without saying "I'm Nightcrawler."


    You suggested me to hint that I'm someone else and then that someone else would have thought that I'm lying (of course) and that I'm a baddie. If someone would have hinted that he/she is a Nightcrawler I would think that he/she is a baddie claiming my role and I would say "Off with his/hers head".

    I thought that since I'm one of the good guys I won't have to lie. But being honest is a luxury in mafia :rolleyes:

    If Stryker would have been alive it would have BEEN RECKLESS AND IRRESPONSIBLE to smoke me out like that.

    If I ever play a mafia again I won't hint who I am... lynch me kill me, I don't care :rolleyes:

  17. I had the "must keep it a secret" role! That was the reason why I said I won't give any hints... That was the thing that I was most upset about. I had a role to keep it very secret and you pushed me until I over reacted and basically spelled out who I am, and I was angry because I let you too. It was very reckless and irresponsible of you. Luckily Kat was killed the first night and at the same time by attacking ST she helped us get our first baddie lynch! Thanks Kat! Attacking your best friend... sweet! :)

    I hate bandwagon votes too, but this one was 95% baddie kill so I thought whatever, besides I was already there so I posted, no calculations, no thinking... and it boomeranged! <_<

    I'm actually proud of the "I can't save him" hint cause I was meant to say "I can't save him from the lynch, but he's safe during the night". I have no idea what you managed to read from it but it worked cause Reay ordered everyone to take the votes off Randro.

    It was a good game, but we were very lucky! ;)

  18. Ok, so, misconception: Defense: I did X, and a baddie wouldn't!

    Yes, that is a defense in a manner of speaking. However, what a baddie would, and wouldn't do is disrupted by the fact that baddies know what they would and wouldn't do, so would clearly do what they wouldn't do, because no one thinks that's what they would do, so clearly that's what they would do, but they wouldn't do that, would they?

    In short: Your behavior is a defense in some situations, but that's not what we're looking for here. You're not on a jury stand. There's no alibis, no motive etc., just your role, and the baddie roles. I've been over and over and OVER your posts, and you've not said anything about your roles, and the "bandwagon" behavior, in my opinion, is a baddie defense mechanism. There was a discussion on that... uh... here: http://incognito.atfreeforu.com/general-st...tality-t12.html if you'd like to read exactly how I feel about it. My username is Einkil. So, what I am looking for you is some manner of subtle and cryptic clue about who you are, because a goodie wouldn't mind sharing a bit about their ID, and a baddie would. The best a baddie can do is hope to pretend to be a goodie, and then another goodie can call them on it. In short, what we're doing by putting pressure on others is forcing them to out themselves in some manner. The trick is to pick up on who they're outing themselves as before the baddies do, etc.

    In response to my defense, I've left you several hints about my role, and in fact at this point it's almost spelled out well enough for me to ask for a save. If we're still looking for more tomorrow, I'll have more to give you then. Until then, I hope you stay with us Andromeda. It's clear that you're not dying today, so good or bad, your actions will impact this game, and inherently make it more interesting.

    So I wanna know how was I supposed to hint that I'm a goodie (Nightcrawler)! Give me one sentence

    Day should be ended now. ST is going to be lynched so carrying on is just postponing the inevitable.

    After my interrogations over andro today, I think that I will need a save too. Me and Nick have come to the conclusion that we both have quick similar styles, but I remain more hidden so I have decided that in this game I will play much more openly to see how it works. I will be covered for tonight, but I have posted an "ideal" set of moves for the next night;

    Professor X -Andromeda... and then follow previous plans accordingly

    Wolverine - kill me/andro (if we are saved then your kill will fail and we can use your ability without risking a teamkill)

    Rogue - steal... your choice. But DEFINATELY NOT mine SG's or andro's ability

    Cyclops - no kill...

    Jean Grey - save yourself (or cyclops if you are already targetted :P)

    Nightcrawler - save andromeda Nightcrawler already had an action on night one, didn't you read the roles?? What were you thinking?? I don't think that anyone should plan actions for the goodies, especially if they don't read the roles properly!! Good thing is that at least Randro was sane!!

    Beast - find out about Nightcrawler. It could be critical is crawler dies later on leaving wolverine vulnerable to stryker/baddies when we need a kill

    Colossus - save me :P

    Angel - save SG

    Storm – I don't know what ability she has...

    After this post by reaymond I kinda lost it and pretty much outed myself :( You really made me look like an idiot!!!!!!!!!

    We were lucky that Stryker died night one!

    Impervious could you please write down everyone's secret ability and the entire set of night actions (I hope you didn't delete them) I'm just trying to figure things out :(

    EDIT: I felt lonely and decided to switch anonymous too, because two anonymouses were watching <_<


  19. I started reading everything one more time (the entire thread) and got upset again :(

    You were saying that I was preventing discussion - I wasn't I just said that there's no point in voting for random people and I also said that we don't get a lot of info from the majority of people because they only vote and not say anything and also I posted a lot and you said... now I'm upset again... bawling3.gif

    And also (I forgot what...) um... you didn't mind to all vote for me in KHM but it was a problem when I suggested the same thing here. That's what I didn't get.

    I wasn't preventing anything, this was my first mafia where I played alone and was excited about it and punished for being excited about it... why was a punished for being excited??? :(

    Woon hardly posted anything and nobody thought that he might be a baddie, but you thought that I was because I was too excited and anxious to play?! I don't get it... :(

    I was already posting before the day one lynch and still you vote for me... nevermind... I don't get it and I don't wanna play mafia anymore, because I got upset yet again and I JUST DON'T GET IT!

    So if I don't get it there's no point in playing is there?

    And why are some people playing the game if they only vote and do nothing?

    I'm not talking about newbies but those that played mafia a lot before?

    And I still don't unders... who cares :( nobody cares...

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