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Posts posted by andromeda


    Yay, goodie win. :D

    Also, further yay, the list Eli and I made over the phone last night pretty much matched this. :D

    (Nick, we started talking about the films and realized Riranor was Storm. And Kat was Stryker. Not the Hulk and Spidey. :P)

    As Impervious pointed it out, I did but Toad (LIS) stopped me :(

    One of Wolverine's rules was that he HAD TO choose someone to kill nights 1 and 2. He didn't have a choice to not act. ;)

    The funny thing is that he didn't kill anyone on those nights... phew :)

    Nice job mentoring your suns Twin Pop, except Twin Bro should have posted a bit more.

    Great game Impervious, I'm glad I stayed till the end! :D

    OK heads up:

    Next time when somebody uses the following phrases (in mafia) he/she will be immediately killed:

    1. I'm not bad I swear - KILL!

    2. You'll be apologizing - KILL!

    3. I'm disappointed at you (because others think that he/she is bad) - KILL!

    I'll put this in my signature so everyone would know (I'm just hoping I'll have a killing role)! KILL!!!!!!!!! :lol:

  2. Woon is Sabretooth... I'm positive on that... We should stay with the moves...

    Wolverine kill Woon!!!

    Unless we have doubts about stryker :huh:

    OK lets stay with Woon!

    Sabertooth will have a kill tonight anyway, regardless whether we kill him or not <_< cause his action will count and if by any chance the game is not over yet we lynch Twin Bro! :)

  3. I believe they are genuine... and some or all of them are serious.

    The best ones say:

    "I picked two cards at once and it removed them both!! WOW!!!" (hint - try picking six cards at once)

    or even:

    "It didn't work for me" (How???)

    It was certainly seems to have fooled the UK's Daily Mirror

    Actually I did run into a comment (I just skipped to the middle of the comments page) where the guy said that he picked all six cards, and they were all gone, but he still didn't get it :lol:

    Oh... hahaha... and I love those where they mention coledge professors :lol:

    Oh and the one where they were picking a card through a closed window, or when they tried to bust the Java script code :lol: to see if there's anything unusual... ohhhhh... the humanity :rolleyes:

  4. I am confused. There are 2 statements conflict to each other. :huh:

    I get what you are saying Woon ;)

    Lets see what others have to say!

    Ok guys... I think this might be over if we follow andromeda's moves...

    Good one Andro...

    Do you guys think this will be the last night of X-Men... Cause I do!! :P

    I'm not so sure about the moves anymore - read the above quote.

    We still need a confirmation from Reaymond!

    Twin Bro or Woon, one of them is Sabertooth!

    Woon could be a saving X-men role. That's why he said that there are two statements in conflict! :blink:

  5. Then instead of wasting our time playing this for few days, how about I just shout "Hey, look! Impervious pick me as the stryker!" on the first day and call off the game? <_<

    :lol: You still didn't answer my question Woon?! Why are my statements in conflict? Even if you are one of the X-men (you did nothing to convince me Woon) who cares... if you're not Sabertooth (you probably are) it doesn't matter because we'll lynch him tomorrow!

    When I said "waste time" I meant waste a post. Because you knew I'll ask you - which statements are conflicted Woon.

    So instead of posting 4 times asking the same question, you should have just said - which statements are conflicted Woon!

    So now you'll post again and say something that has nothing to do with that question :rolleyes:

    You and Twin Bro are the only two players that nobody confirmed as being one of the X-men... you do the math ;)

  6. I am confused. There are 2 statements conflict to each other. :huh:

    Then instead of wasting our time you just should have wrote down your thoughts Woon. Do I have to ask - Which two statements are conflicted? :rolleyes:

    Prof X pm me again with the confirmed roles you know ;) Once I have checked mine against your I will post a list of actions again.

    What am I? Chop of liver?? I said confirm! Not calculate, not check against whoever's notes?! Confirm! <_<

  7. OK I've just calculated who's left, so:

    Angel save me.

    Colossus save SomeGuy.

    Wolverine kill Woon.

    Beast or Professor check Twin Bro... not that it matters :rolleyes:

    Nightcrawler since you probably used your ability last night... um... do nothing.

    Reaymond confirm my decisions and we are good to go! :D

  8. Why don't you just try and see how? Let's give the chance for the brotherhood laugh because another innocent going to be sacrified!

    I doesn't really matter Woon even if we off you because we'll get the remaining baddie in the next day lynch! :D

    Wolverine kill Woon! Now I'm sure that you're bad cause yet again you didn't give us a hint about who you are! :)

    Sorry Woon...

    edit: Send those PMs in people and lets get this over with! Don't forget to add save Andromeda! :D

  9. Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    10. Andromeda

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space[DEAD][Killed by Cyclops]

    14. Prince_Marth85[Powerless][Mystique]

    15. Zerep [DEAD][Killed by Wolverine]

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    I believe Wolverine can safely pick his own target for the night. However, you are right, saves need to be thought about. I wouldn't mind one, but so long as one goes to myself or JarZe we should be ok (or Wolverine could just not target us :)). Andromeda should get a save. Beyond that, saving roles and killing roles. If you know of someone who is definitely a saving role, target them. If you know of someone that is definitely a killing role, target them. There is only 1 Brotherhood left, and possibly Stryker (I still don't really think so, but we'll see). I think we'd have to try to lose at this point :)

    OK then SG if you are sure for JarZe then one of these two (Woon or Twin Bro) is Sabertooth!!

    I'm sure there's one more saving role left other than Nightcrawler! He should have protected Izzy last night, but he could have been blocked by Toad so tonight we probably can't rely on a save from him!

    So Angel I'll need a save if you're still here?! :)


  10. What??????????????????????????????????

    This is Itachi's thread OK, nobody starts anything and the discussion won't be that short! :huh:

    We are given a month to read the book! <_<

    STOP POSTING HERE until we all read it (well not me cause I have no time, but at least Itachi!)

  11. Wait! I haven't vote. Never mind then. I am still in. But I am disappointed with those who don't believe me and vote for me. Luckily you don't eliminate me, the goodies.

    I don't know who actually is the baddies. But seems like she/he play a very smart physco here. Most of us believe what she/he said.

    Woon... words like "I promise" (peace used that expression when she was a baddie), "you'll be apologizing" (ST used that in this game - a baddie), "I'm disappointed"?? Only baddies use expressions like those Woon!

    I'm the only she Woon <_< and I'm a confirmed goodie!

    You better use a better defense than "I'm disappointed" and blaming me! :rolleyes:

    So Reaymond what should we do? :)

    I still need a save! Wolverine needs a target! :D

  12. Since PM has been inactive forawhile, mytique couldn't have taken wolverine's action..so I was killed by him..Oh well maybe next game. :P

    Dead roles don't share their opinions. Didn't Izzy tell you that?! :huh:

  13. How do they do that... they guessed every card? :unsure:

    Hahahah... I get it!

    When they "take away" the card you chose they change all of them so it doesn't matter which one you pick... non of those cards will be there!!

    :lol: Good one!

    edit: OMG! I read some of the comments... some people didn't get it after a month!

    I figured it out when

    I decided to choose one of the "leftover cards" and when I went back to the page to pick again that card wasn't there!

    :huh: and then it hit me! :D
  14. He had some computer issues... however Woon didn't and he is still not posting??

    I'm changing my vote!

    Think about it! If Woon would have been X-men member he would have been attacked long time ago by one of the baddies!!! Same goes for PM!

    Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe - Voting for Marth

    5. Reaymond voting for Marth

    6. SomeGuy - voting for Marth

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    10. Andromeda - voting for Woon

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space[DEAD][Killed by Cyclops]

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep [DEAD][Killed by Wolverine]

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

  15. Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond voting for Marth

    6. SomeGuy - voting for Marth

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    10. Andromeda - voting for Marth

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space[DEAD][Killed by Cyclops]

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep [DEAD][Killed by Wolverine]

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

  16. Uh..no. From my point of view, x-men lost 2 more people. I told you I was good..and if Izzy was good, then I couldn't be bad..but oh well. Stryker is possibly alive, so lets see what happens.

    Dead roles post in gray! ;)

    Oh believe him... Toad IS dead... I think things can get bad for us if we don't act quick... It is possible that toad might of attacked wolverine and that's why he didn't act, but if that was the case then why didnt' nightcrawler save Izzy???

    We should lynch sabretooth... Anyone know who that is??? We need a hint...

    I thought we were aiming for prince marth <_<

    Toad didn't attack Wolverine cause he had a kill - Zerep!

    I have no idea about Nightcrawler... :( and I think that we should vote off Woon or Prince Marth! Woon's been constantly dodging my questions and refusing to give us a solid hint about who he is!!

    So LIS was Toad?? I assumed from the beginning who Izzy was, but I have no idea who Zerep was. I hope we still have saving roles! :blink:

    It's weird that nobody voted yet... not even the suspected baddies?? :huh: I guess that the baddies are waiting for us to make a choice and then to bandwagon.

  17. There are no more than 2 of the Brotherhood remaining. I believe that Prince Marth is one of them. However, Magneto, Pyro, and Toad are all dead. It's very likely that someone was targeted by Mystique last night, and therefore lost their action (Wolverine, I'm kind of lookin' at you, here). It seems likely that they'd have picked a killing role, as this late in the game they need to balance the sides quick. However, once again we see no action from Stryker... I'm not positive that he's dead, but rather he might be biding his time. Regardless, for the moment, there are only 2 "baddies" left, and possibly the 1 independent.

    How can you tell that Toad is dead? Actions of every player are performed anyway regardless whether someone killed them during the night (when they acted) or not! :huh:

    I'm not sure about Mistique manipulating Wolverine cause... Wolverine pretty much had a mind of it's own during the entire game, besides it would have been very dangerous (irresponsible) for Mistique to target Wolverine, cause the random player that Imp chooses as a victim of the stolen ability action includes every player! So if Mistique did recklessly target Wolverine she could have easily offed one of her own!!!

    I so wanna lynch Sabertooth!!! :mad:

  18. Host: Impervious

    1. Woon

    2. Randro

    3. Twin_Bro

    4. JarZe

    5. Reaymond

    6. SomeGuy

    7. GC [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    8. star_tiger [Powerless][Pyro]

    9. Izzy [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    10. Andromeda

    11. A. Person[Powerless][Magneto]

    12. Kat [DEAD][Killed by Sabretooth]

    13. Lost in Space[DEAD][Killed by Cyclops]

    14. Prince_Marth85

    15. Zerep [DEAD][Killed by Wolverine]

    16. Riranor [DEAD][Killed by Pyro]

    Wolverine you were supposed to kill PM man! :rolleyes:

    Thank you very much Nightcrawler for saving Izzy <_< The instructions were simple... oh forget it!

    I'm not voting until other X-men decide who's next. I think that PM and Woon are baddies! Woon is not defending himself enough :blink: so I don't trust him!

    And I don't like The Equilibrium title, it suggests that we are left with three baddies and Stryker and four X-men! Which is bad!

    So it means that we don't have to pretend anymore whether we are good or bad but just vote to lynch the member of the other party, I count Stryker as a baddie. Anyway it would be a draw and the dice will decide who goes! That would be very bad! :unsure:

    If there are four X-men left we all know who they are! B))

    Reaymond I need your opinion on this! :)

  19. You must be intimidatingly attractive, or some other terrible ailment? Or the fellas in your neighorhood are terribly dense and you intimidate them intellectually? ;)

    Seriously, good luck with all that. It's not an easy road, but the destination is worth the trip. :wub:

    edit: Great job on all the other resolutions! Except maybe the fridge breaking one.

    Hahaha... actually I spend less time in the fridge anyway because I'm too busy and sometimes to lazy to eat :lol:

    Yeah... I'm pretty proud of myself too! :D Except for the languages <_< and I should definitely write a riddle, maybe for the weekend :)

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