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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Jeff Keith : Thank you andromeda! Thank you for loving us! I will.....

    Who is Jeff Keith?? :huh:

    I was referring to my ingenious compatriot! B))

    Belgrade airport is named after him btw!! :D

    EDIT: I just checked hehehee... I'll look them up on Tube!

    Back on the riddle - once again Woon I have no idea what you are talking about! :rolleyes:

  2. Nope.

    1 / T is one of the simplest formula we studied before. What is it?

    T stands for Tesla??


    I love Tesla!!! :D

    EDIT: Same as Zack! I would have done this faster, but I ended up reading about him! :lol:

    1 / tesla = 1 s2 A / kg

  3. I think someone should make a poll topic and then we read the first book that gets 5 votes. First let's agree on the books to be in the poll:

    So far we have:

    Slaughterhouse 5


    Fragile Things

    The Man in the High Castle

    Ender's Game

    Angels and Demons

    His Dark Materials

    ...3 more and someone start a poll topic and we're all set! ;)

    Well out of these books I only have "Angels and Demons" in English actually... so that's my vote! Or I could borrow Pullman from a friend of mine... she's been bugging me to read them for a year now! :lol:

  4. The reference reads...

    Dear Sir

    You write to ask me for my opinion of <insert name>, who has applied for a position in your department. I cannot recommend him too highly nor say enough good things about him. There is no other student of mine with whom I can adequately compare him. His thesis is the sort of work you don’t expect to see nowadays and in it he has clearly demonstrated his complete capabilities. The amount of material he knows will surprise you. You will indeed be fortunate if you can get him to work for you.

    Yours Sincerely


    I'll use this in my CV! Hahaha... :lol:

  5. You mean like Brainden? I would recommend... Brainden -_- Can't think of anything better right now.

    I second that! :D

    Here you have everything you need... why go somewhere else... I think you asked the wrong people! :lol:

    I've seen a few other forums with riddles, but they can't even begin to compare with BD!!! :)

  6. I new we should have offed Panther the first day! <_< We wouldn't be in this mess...

    So Imp, it turns out your a goody (yes with a y :D) after all!

    Well lets hope that those with the save ability payed attention :)

    EDIT: I'm off to sleep soon! I hope I won't wake up just to find out that I'm dead :(

  7. post-10350-1231431079.gif

    I think this should be it! :)

    EDIT: I got the same think that lazboy did Woon?? :huh: Same letters!

    EDIT: I don't know what to do with the numbers on the bottom though... :blink:

  8. I was thinking...

    1/10^12)=0.000000000001 if I did the count right. Now maybe we need to write those words that we got like this:



    0.00000CONCERN and so on

    Now, you wrote 2224 for the first word, so what if we need to move the coma right for two/four/one/three positions to the right


    0.00000RAISE 2

    0.0CONCERN 4 since this is the third word

    And so on, and in the end we need to read vertically what it says.

    If this is not what you had in mind, too bad cause I think it's a pretty good idea! :D

  9. I'm always up for this topic. My only dislike so far would be Dan Brown. I really didn't like Da Vinci Code and would not want to read anything else by him. I started reading Philip K. Dick novels. I read the Cosmic Puppets and now I'm reading The Unteleported Man. They're short, quick reads and both awesome. I'm under the impression his entire collection is awesome so I'd like anything by him. Or Neil Gaiman for that matter. But I'll go with the majority (unless it's Dan Brown, then I'm out :P )

    actually... looking back on my previous post from long long ago, I never did get around to reading The Man in the High Castle so that's my vote

    Oh... I always wanted to read "Coraline", lack of time, money, and 30 unread books of my own are preventing me!

    Wait make that 40... :wacko:

    I also have "Moby Dick" collecting dust! That's the next book on my 'Must Read List'! :)

  10. If I'm correct, this might help!



    EDIT: Just noticed something!!!

    It seams that all the words are connected in a chain!!

    For example I think I have angle - cut followed with cut - slice and then the next word slice solo and then solo something... Dunno I might be wrong! :)

  11. Hah, this topic gets revived like once a year. I'm totally in.*

    Zack, could we not do Eragon? I tried reading it about two years ago, and had to put it down page 70ish. That's how bad it was.

    *Well, depending on the books. I'd prefer something not too kiddy. I suggest anything by Dan Brown. Angels & Demons is my pick, 'cos that's the only one of his well-known books that I haven't read yet. The movie is coming out soon, so you're all going to have to read it anyway. :P

    Eragon is brilliant!!! Let's not trash the dragon rider!! B))

    Den Brown... too much media frenzy over his books... bit too much for my taste... Oh and "Da Vinci Code" is more of a fairy tale than "Eragon" and I'm an agnostic! :)

    I'm reading "One Hundred Years of Solitude" Gabriel García Márquez... love it... :)

  12. "Do Me a Favor" Arctic Monkeys"

    It's the beginning of the end, the car went up the hill,

    And disappeared around the bend, ask anyone they'll tell you that

    It's these times that it tends,

    The start to breaking up, to start to fall apart

    Oh! hold on to your heart.

    Do me a favor, break my nose!

    Do me a favor, tell me to go away!

    Do me a favor, stop asking questions!

  13. Closing for Chapter 5

    All right, check the closing of this riddle

    While Dawg just wanted to explain what the messages meant, ST’s cell phone rang. It’s FIF. ST asked about Professor Templeton situation and then told FIF whatever happened here. FIF took a deep thought and said, “You ask about what do I think? Hmm, the books have numbers lined up in numerical sequence. I have no idea what the clues might mean, though..” and then suddenly a voice could be hear too. “FIF, ask her what is the brand of the pocket watch?”

    “Who’s that?” ST asked.

    “Its Dms, I worry about Prof Templeton safety so I get my friend to help me to protect him as well.” FIF explained. ST then told FIF about the brand of the pocket watch. She then heard Dms said about the Omega symbol looks like a horse shoe. ST hanged up the phone soon and noticed andromeda has written a note on a paper: Arrange the messages properly and then use the watch.

    Dawg and ST agreed too. All of them noticed there was 12 items located around the room possibly aligned with the watch.

    Andromeda returned with a lovely smile, “Well, starting from Mona Lisa, the tag on this picture stated “Take ………”, then walk clockwise, we meet the desk with the tag which the message was “The …..”, and go on. I noticed that every first word form a warning message: Take the wrong book out will make you end your life here.”

    Dawg nodded his head. “That’s what I spotted at the first glance. But I am stuck at the next stage.”

    Andromeda continued “But each message looks like telling us to go to another location. Look, the message of Mona Lisa kind of telling us to look for the telephone, the message on the desk lead us to the globe!” Andromeda started pointing here and there.

    Suddenly a creepy sound could be heard and getting nearer and nearer. “What’s that? It sounds like the bad guy ghost is eating ghost pop corns!” ST sounded nervous. When they look back to the door, they saw 2 boys standing there.

    It was 2 young boys who stayed nearby saw there was lighting in this abandoned house so decided to take a look. They were JeeSee and Zack.

    All these 5 persons (Dawg, Andromeda, ST, JeeSee and Zack) kept make assumption and after andromeda finalized there are 3 shapes formed under what the message leaded: A triangle, a perfect square and a irregular 5-points stars.

    Zack had a small argument with andromeda because he insisted 5 points star is the one to tell them to pick the book “5 children and IT” but andromeda preferred to choose “4 Wise Men” because a PERFECT square was formed!

    ST look at them and then said a word, “Why do I keep meeting funny people today? DMS who said the Omega symbol like a horse shoe. Zack who said before it is so hard to go back to school and now claiming the irregular stars is the clue and …..”

    “Wait! I got it!” Andromeda then yelled! “Mona Lisa is not at the 12 o’clock! The horse shoe hook is the one!”

    Dawg puzzled, “What?”

    Andromeda “See, we were all misleading by the layout, we just thought the items are like the watch so Mona Lisa picture represent 12, the desk represent 1 and so on. But look at the watch, there is an Omega symbol on the 12 o’clock. The only item around here which looks like the Omega symbol is the horse shoe hook. So we should start from there and follow what the message said, that’s form the 5-point stars and yes! The book we should pick is “5 children and It”!

    Zack looked at andromeda “See, I told you!”

    Andromeda replied “But you never give a convincing explanation! Let’s pick the book”

    Yes, they found the right book finally. What so special about the book. Please stay with us in Chapter 6

    ~The End~

    Note: 3 more characters included: dms172, JeeSee and Riddle Master Zack. :)

    Yippee! Oh what could possibly come next! :D

  14. "Luno" Bloc Party

    There will be no hesitation

    There will be no confrontation

    There will be no indication

    There will be no cause

    There will be no exultation

    There will be no justification

    There will be no way at all

    And your nose is bleeding

    You've been lying to me

    This one shouldn't be hard :D

    We should add a rule that the italicised word can't be in the title!! :) So just in case we can't think of a song to make our googling harder! ;)

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