I understand your frustration of receiving no feedback after a well-reasoned and meticulous post of the solution. It is obvious from your post that you are quite smart, and I think you would fit right in this community. Personally, I generally find puzzles here to be excellent (this topic is an perfect example), and the community here includes some very fastidious, clever, and brilliant logicians. I have found myself more than once awed and humbled by the creativity and the sheer elegance of some puzzles and solutions that the Denizens come up with. I hope you will give Brainden some more time to change your opinion of its worth.
I'll have to admit that sometimes it is hard to get some feedback on this board. In this case, however, you could probably initiate some discussions about the correctness of the solution by examining other solutions (bonanova's in for instance) to see whether it is incorrect or whether you missed anything. I have examined both of your solutions, and I believe both have some errors. I may be wrong, and I often am, but I'll include those possible errors here
bonanova's solution
voider's solution (the spoiler tags are added by me)
Having said that, I'll contribute a solution of my own. This solution will give a winning chance of 42/70 or 60%.