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Looney Tunes Mafia


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Day 4

The Lead Writer sits quietly in front of the Director's desk as the Director flips through the latest story board drawings. The Director pulls out three boards and places them upside down on the desk, setting the rest off to the side.

Looking up at the lead Writer he slowly turns over the three drawings of Duck Dodger's engagement with Taz.

Director: What part of no Taz did you not understand?

Writer: What uncle?

Director: Don't uncle me! What part of no Taz didn't your small brain not understand?!

Writer: <squeeks> I have no idea why the Animator made those.

The Director pulls out the parcel envelope with the golf score sheet inside, flicking the paper across the desk. He then pulls out a napkin with writing on it while the scowl on his face deepens.

Writer: I didn't...

Director: SILENCE!

Writer: but...

Director: You good for nothing... I do not care if you are my sister's whelp. You incompetent fool! You are fired. SECURITY! Escort this moron out.

Head down in shame the former Lead Writer is lead to the exit between two neckless security guards. As he passes his desk he makes a grab for the coffee mug and cradles it in his arms as he leaves the building.


Back in the Director's office, he calls his secretary to send the Lead Animator in.

Director: The stories are crap but you did good work with the little that you were provided. We'll need to work hard but we have time to rework this. Perhaps we could...

As the Director keeps talking a small smile creeps onto the Animator's face as he drinks from a coffee mug with the barcode sticker still on the bottom.


Back to his office, the Lead Animator’s mind was clouded with mixed emotions. As his hand moved flawlessly along the page, his thoughts ran over all the events that preceded this. The Lead Writer getting fired was just the cherry on top. As interim Writer, with minimal guidance from the Director, he was now able to shape the story as he had always wanted. Even if it meant the last death of some of his favorite trouble-maker. Even if it meant other changes may come. At last, he had a story he could draw with his mind closed and heart open.


(Script for Final Act)

[Taz wakes up to find Bugs looking over him with big eyes and a sad expression on his face. Zoom out to Taz’s face as he blinks without making a sound, staring back at Bugs. A smile begins on Taz’s face as he opens his mouth and waters his lips.]

[Pan out. Foghorn Leghorn stares at Taz from right behind Bugs and pushes Bugs out of the way as Taz’s mouth closes with a snap on empty air.]

Foghorn: What're you d... I say, what're you doin' with that redirect, tryin’ to trick us all? You're crazy boy! There's no trust in this game! Uh-uh-uh, I know what you're gonna say, son. When two halves is gone, there's nothin' left. And you're right, two nothin's is nothin'. That's mathematics, son! You can argue with me, but you can't argue with figures!

[Taz stares incredulously. Looks at Foghorn. Looks down. Back at Foghorn. Utterly confused. Then his expression changes to an angry look.]

Foghorn: Stand up, son. You're fallin' all over yourself.

[Taz jumps to his feet. Tornado moment.]

Taz: Why you say you no bunny rabbit when you have little powder-puff tail?

[Foghorn looks at his tail, then back at Taz]

Foghorn: What's the gag - I say, what's the gag, son? Gag, that is.

[Taz walks towards Foghorn, but stumbles from a trap left by Duck Dodgers. Medallion showing Duck laying the trap the night before.]

Foghorn: Oh, you're down again. You gotta learn to stand on your own feet, boy. I may not always be around to help ya.

[Foghorn walks away]

[Pan out. Road Runner has been watching the two with a curious expression on his face. As Taz begins to walk towards him, Road Runner shrugs.]

Road Runner: Beep! Beep!

[Road Runner runs away in a cloud of smoke. Taz looks sad]


[Pan out above Taz’s head. Zoom in to see Michigan J. Frog speaking while Tweety and Duck Dodgers nod from time to time. Close in as Frog says: ]

Michigan J. Frog: [singing] Hello, my darling / hello, my darling / hello, my Taz. / Send me a RID by wire / baby, my hearts on fire / if you refuse me / honey, you'll lose me / then you'll be left alone.

[Tweety and Duck Dodgers exchange a glance, try to intervene but then fall back. Duck scratches his head then suddently realizes something and a smile flashes on his face]

[Run camera with Duck as he brings a net and an overly complicated mechanism with gears / levers and a big net with a lot of weights distributed evenly. Frog nods appreciatively. They all push the lever and throw the net down at Taz. Taz is caught by surprise and struggles to get out. ]

Taz: Huh? Back-stab ... No good ... Taz mad now.

[As Taz tries furiously to escape the net, a box falls on him and is quickly closed from all sides. A hand labels it ‘Australia’. Another one labels it ‘Don’t open’. Then a third hand adds ‘Seriously, don’t open this!’]

[As the box is lifted and loaded into a truck, close in to the three on top]

Michigan J. Frog: [singing a different tune this time] Everybody do the Michigan Rag / everybody likes the Michigan Rag / slide, ride, glide the Michigan / stomp, romp, pomp the Michigan / jump, clump, pump the Michigan Rag / that lovin' rag.


[Pan out. Not so far away, Sylvester and Wile E Coyote half-hidden behind what’s left of an old Western set. Sylvester still tries to rearrange his whiskers. Some of them are missing. Wile’s eyes are red from lack of sleep.]

Sylvester (at Taz): Well, I told ya where you're gonna be, if you kept doing that. Now that you’re gone, we can finally get into the open and get the P-P-prize ..

[Wile hits Sylvester on the head and Sylvester tries to regain balance.]

Sylvester: Ow! Why you little... I'll...

Wile E. Coyote: Focus. I’ve told you. They know our faces. Now that revenge was played out, we must flee town lest they catch us.

[Wile’s eyes go up as his mouth waters. Small medallion showing the Road runner then Wile sharpening his knife.]

Wile E. Coyote: Perhaps go to the Grand Canyon. There should be a Road Runner around there somewhere.

[sylvester nods]

Sylvester: All right! I'll do it. I'd rather starve to death than die here! But, why a Road Runner of all the birds?

Wile E. Coyote: A legitimate question, young man, deserving a legitimate answer. Now then, I can easily understand why it should puzzle you that a person of my intelligence, I.Q. 207 super genius, should devote his valuable time chasing a ridiculous road runner ... "

[Pan out as they leave through the back of the building]

[Fade out]


Edited by araver
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(Indy was lynched, Baddies conceded defeat).

Thank you all for playing! You were very active in this game, and that’s the best gift a host can ever get.

This game was tremendously fun to host, even if it went on an unexpected, low-chance path (as considered by the designers).

But this only proves that Mafia is not a host-driven story, it is a game - the story and outcome is shaped by players.

We’ve enjoyed reading your posts and BTSC comments and popcorn-ed a lot about your actions. Now, for the usual end of game spoilers ...

Roles (RD order)


* EDM (Peace*out) - Bugs Bunny

*Akriti - Duck Dodgers

*TheCube - Tweety

*Thalia - Road Runner

*maurice - Foghorn Leghorn

*pizzaboy - Speedy Gonzales

*flamebirde - Pepe Le Pew

*HiddenG - Porky Pig

*Anon26 - Michigan J Frog

*Aaryan - Barnyard Dawg


*Medji - Elmer Fudd

*Auramyna - Marvin the Martian

*YoDell - Sylvester

*Kluemaster - Wile E Coyote

*Hirkala - Henery Hawk


*MollyMae - Taz

Actions (in order of OOA):

Night 1

Taz - Molly - Redirect 1 - Redirect Hirkala to Maurice - Success

Taz - Molly - Redirect 2 - Redirect Maurice to Aura – Success

Taz - Molly - Redirect 3 - Redirect Aura to Hirkala – Success

Foghorn Leghorn - Maurice - Redirect - Redirect flamebirde to TheCube - Redirect Aura to TheCube per Taz - Taz already redirected

Aura so Redirect fail - Conflicting Redirects

Barnyard Dawg - Aaryan - Redirect - Redirect peace*out to Hirkala – Success

Road Runner - Thalia - Save - Save KlueMaster - Not needed

Bugs Bunny - Peace - Save (Die roll) - Save TheCube - Save Hirkala per Dawg - Not needed

Sylvester - Yodell - Trap - Trap Molly - Molly is trapped

Pepe Le Pew - Flame - Trap - trap Maurice - Maurice is trapped

Elmer Fudd - Medji - RID Kill - RID Kill Anon as Taz - Incorrect RID

Henery Hawk - Hirkala - RID Kill - RID Kill Hidden as Bugs - RID Kill Maurice per Taz - Saved - Archnemesis Redirect - Taz scores 1

Duck Dodgers - Akriti - RID Kill - RID Kill YoDell as Taz - Incorrect RID

Marvian the Martian - Aura - Spy - Spy Nox - Spy Hirkala per Taz - Spy result: Henery Hawk

Tweety - TheCube - Spy - Spy Molly Mae - Spy result: Taz

Speedy Gonzales - Darth Nox - Spy - Spy Maurice - Spy result: Foghorn

Porky Pig - Hidden - No Action

Michigan J Frog - Anon - No Action

Wile E Coyote - Klue - No Action (Die roll)

Night 2 / Day 2

Taz 1 - Molly - Redirect - Redirect Klue to Peace - success

Taz 2 - Molly - Redirect - Redirect Medji to Peace - success - Score +1: Elmer to Bugs

Taz 3 - Molly - Redirect - Redirect Yodell to Peace - success

Wile E Coyote - Klue - Redirect (Die roll) - Redirect Akriti to Thalia - Redirected to Peace per Taz - Nothing to redirect

Foghorn Leghorn - Maurice - Redirect - Redirect Hidden G to Hidden G - Nothing to redirect

Barnyard Dawg - Aaryan - Redirect - Redirect Maurice to Molly - failed - can't Redirect Foghorn

Speedy Gonzales - Darth Nox - Save - Save Nox - Save Nox from Dodgers

Sylvester - Yodell - Trap - Trap Peace - Trap Peace per Taz – successful

Elmer Fudd - Medji - RID Kill - RID Molly as Taz - RID Peace as Taz - failed - ARCHNEMESIS Elmer->Bugs

Duck Dodgers - Akriti - RID Kill - RID Kill Darth Nox as Marvin - failed

Marvian the Martian - Aura - Spy - Spy maurice - Spy result: Foghorn

Tweety - TheCube - Spy - Spy Anon26 - Spy result: Michigan

Road Runner - Thalia - Spy - Spy KlueMaster - Spy result: WileHenery Hawk –

Hirkala - No Action (Blocked because of previous night's events)

Porky Pig - Hidden - count my vote against OtherMedji as x0

Michigan J Frog - Anon - No Action

Bugs Bunny - Peace/EDM - Vote Mod(another) x0-2 (Die roll) - change OtherMedji's vote to x0.

Night 3

Taz - Molly - Redirect 1 - Redirect Klue to Klue – Successful

Taz - Molly - Redirect 2 - Redirect YoDell to YoDell – Successful

Taz - Molly - Redirect 3 - Redirect Thalia to Molly - Successful Foghorn Leghorn - Maurice - Redirect - Redirect Hirkala to maurice – Successful

Barnyard Dawg - Aaryan - Redirect - Redirect Aura to Aura – Successful

Duck Dodgers - Akriti - RID Recruit - Recruit Anon26 as Michigan - Anon Recruited

Road Runner - Thalia - Save - Save Molly Mae - Redirected to Molly - not needed

Sylvester - Yodell - Trap - Trap Akriti - Trap Yodell per Taz - Trapped Wile E Coyote - Klue - RID Kill - RID Kill Aaryan as Dodgers - RID Kill Klue as Dodgers - RID incorrect

Henery Hawk - Hirkala - RID Kill - RID Kill Peace as Bugs - RID maurice as Bugs per Foghorn – Archnemesis

Bugs Bunny - EDM - Kill - Kill Aura – successful

Wile E Coyote - Klue - Spy - Spy Anon - Spy Result: Michigan

Marvian the Martian - Aura - Spy - Spy maurice - Spy aura per Dawg - Spy dead

Tweety - TheCube - Spy - Spy Hidden G - Spy Result: Porky

Speedy Gonzales - Darth Nox - Spy - No action (inactivity)

Porky Pig - Hidden - made his vote x2 which broke the tie between Hirk and KM and led to Hirk being lynched.

Michigan J Frog - Anon - No Action

Night 4

Taz - Molly - Redirect 1 - Redirect Klue to Thalia – failed – would have been an archnemesis redirect IF Klue acted

Taz - Molly - Redirect 2 - Redirect YoDell to Cube - archnemesis redirect

Taz - Molly - Redirect 2 - Redirect Vote of Klue

Foghorn Leghorn – Maurice – Redirect - Redirect EDM to Molly

Barnyard Dawg – Aaryan – Redirect - Redirect Yodell to Kluemaster

Speedy Gonzales - Darth Nox – Save – No action (inactivity)

Sylvester – Yodell – Trap - Trap KlueMaster - Trap Kluemaster per Dawg

Wile E Coyote – Klue - RID Kill - No action - No action to redirect

Sylvester – Yodell - RID Kill - RID Kill Molly as Taz - RID Kill Cube as Taz per Taz – Archnemesis redirect Score +1

Duck Dodgers – Akriti - RID Kill - RID Kill Molly as Taz - Success - Molly (still) lives

Bugs Bunny – EDM – Spy - Spy KlueMaster - Spy Molly per Foghorn - Result: Taz

Tweety – TheCube – Spy - Spy KlueMaster - Result: Wile

Road Runner - Thalia – Spy - Spy YoDell - Result: Sylvester

Porky Pig – Hidden - No Action

Michigan J Frog – Anon - No Action

Wile E Coyote - Klue - Vote Mod(self) x0-x2

Edited by araver
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Sorry a bit out of order... the part with the writer getting fired.


The lead writer sits quietly in front of the Director's desk as the Director flips through the latest story board drawings. The Director pulls out three boards and places them upside down on the desk, setting the rest off to the side.

Looking up at the lead writer he slowly turns over the three drawings of Duck Dodger's engagement with Taz.

Director: What part of no Taz did you not understand?

Writer: What uncle?

Director: Don't uncle me! What part of no Taz didn't your small brain not understand?!

Writer: <squeeks> I have no idea why the Animator made those.

The Director pulls out the parcel envelope with the golf score sheet inside, flicking the paper across the desk. He then pulls out a napkin with writing on it while the scowl on his face deepens.

Writer: I didn't...

Director: SILENCE!

Writer: but...

Director: You good for nothing... I do not care if you are my sister's whelp. You incompetent fool! You are fired. SECURITY! Escort this moron out.

Head down in shame the former lead writer is lead to the exit between two neckless security guards. As he passes his desk he makes a grab for the coffee mug and cradles it in his arms as he leaves the building.


Back in the Director's office, he calls his secretary to send the lead animator in.

Director: The stories are crap but you did good work with the little that you were provided. We'll need to work hard but we have time to rework this. Perhaps we could...

As the Director keeps talking a small smile creeps onto the animator's face as he drinks from a coffee mug with the barcode sticker still on the bottom.

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Wile E. Coyote: Focus. I’ve told you. They know our faces. Now that revenge was played out, we must flee town lest they catch us.

[Wile’s eyes go up as his mouth waters. Small medallion showing the Road runner then Wile sharpening his knife.]

Wile E. Coyote: Perhaps go to the Grand Canyon. There should be a Road Runner around there somewhere.

[sylvester nods]

Sylvester: All right! I'll do it. I'd rather starve to death than die here! But, why a Road Runner of all the birds?

Wile E. Coyote: A legitimate question, young man, deserving a legitimate answer. Now then, I can easily understand why it should puzzle you that a person of my intelligence, I.Q. 207 super genius, should devote his valuable time chasing a ridiculous road runner ... "

Poor Wile. All that intelligence and you can't catch one ridiculous bird. :P;)

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A big thanks to all the players. The activity was insane and greatly appreciated. Also very big thanks to Araver for his willingness to co-host and help me through this. You can definitely tell which posts he wrote.


As for MVP... Molly was definitely the favorite player to watch. He got very lucky ( I figure he had a 7% chance to do what he did N1 ) and then was able to make enough sense to pick three different baddies to redirect N2. It's unfortunate that he couldn't convince the goodies for a tie but such is Mafia.

I do want to through out a bit of note to Akriti and TheCube. You might not be aware of this but you did a good job recovering from the role outing. Baddies mostly had your roles reverse when all was said and done. They thought Cube's initial claim of Tweety was WIFOM and your posts following helped support that.

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Actions (in order of OOA):

Night 4

Taz - Molly - Redirect 1 - Redirect Klue to Thalia – failed – would have been an archnemesis redirect IF Klue acted

Taz - Molly - Redirect 2 - Redirect YoDell to Cube - archnemesis redirect

Taz - Molly - Redirect 2 - Redirect Vote of Klue

Foghorn Leghorn – Maurice – Redirect - Redirect EDM to Molly

Barnyard Dawg – Aaryan – Redirect - Redirect Yodell to Kluemaster

Speedy Gonzales - Darth Nox – Save – No action (inactivity)

Sylvester – Yodell – Trap - Trap KlueMaster - Trap Kluemaster per Dawg

Wile E Coyote – Klue - RID Kill - No action - No action to redirect

Sylvester – Yodell - RID Kill - RID Kill Molly as Taz - RID Kill TheCube as Taz per Taz – Archnemesis redirect Score +1

Duck Dodgers – Akriti - RID Kill - RID Kill Molly as Taz - Success - Molly (still) lives

Bugs Bunny – EDM – Spy - Spy KlueMaster - Spy Molly per Foghorn - Result: Taz

Tweety – TheCube – Spy - Spy KlueMaster - Result: Wile

Road Runner - Thalia – Spy - Spy YoDell - Result: Sylvester

Porky Pig – Hidden - No Action

Michigan J Frog – Anon - No Action

Wile E Coyote - Klue - Vote Mod(self) x0-x2

Wait... you thought that I was Taz?

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I do want to through out a bit of note to Akriti and TheCube. You might not be aware of this but you did a good job recovering from the role outing. Baddies mostly had your roles reverse when all was said and done. They thought Cube's initial claim of Tweety was WIFOM and your posts following helped support that.

I did that purposely ^_^

I am glad that Cubie calmed down after that lynch and played very well.

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Muhahahaha.............. *evil grin*

I wanted to say that since a long time..........

Duck Back stabed you before you could back stab us...........


(isn't there an evil smile emotican :dry: ??)

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Well done Goodies :thumbsup:

and tough luck Molly ... in the end I think you should have had your tie win :) - you were 93% lucky N1 (if curr3nt's calculations are in order - and I trust him ;) ) - but the rest was all your clever deductions ....

As for our loss - it was really tough to BTSC since we were all from different time zones and we never seemed to get together at the same time in the BTSC to brainstorm a better strategy. Well .. that's Mafia so again good work to goodies and a special commendation to the hosts for their pppp..atience, pppp...osts and pppp...romptitude ;)

PS.. Who got the coffee mug after all ?? :D:P

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Duck Back stabed you before you could back stab us...........

It wasn't in my plan to back stab you. We were going for a tie win. If you had killed a baddie per the plan, that would have been achieved. If I had wanted to backstab you, I would have done it N3. And I would have gotten away with it. But I didn't.

Well done Goodies :thumbsup:

and tough luck Molly ... in the end I think you should have had your tie win :) - you were 93% lucky N1 (if curr3nt's calculations are in order - and I trust him ;) ) - but the rest was all your clever deductions ....

As for our loss - it was really tough to BTSC since we were all from different time zones and we never seemed to get together at the same time in the BTSC to brainstorm a better strategy. Well .. that's Mafia so again good work to goodies and a special commendation to the hosts for their pppp..atience, pppp...osts and pppp...romptitude ;)

PS.. Who got the coffee mug after all ?? :D:P

As for the percent...I had a 5/15 chance of picking a baddie coupled with a 1/14 chance of picking a baddie and his nemesis. Three chances to do so puts me at 7.142% chance of success with no other information. If Hirk had been blocked/trapped/RID Killed on the same night, though, my redirect fails. So it's actually less than 7%. So yes. Luck aided me N1. N2 and N4 were freebies. I'd be really curious to see how this game could turn out with no outing... My redirects and the baddie RID Kills would only gain power as the game progressed--without as much information, I'd be more in the dark, but I'm sure it would come down to a baddie + indie endgame.

A funny note: After Medji was killed, I knew I needed some kind of save, but I didn't have any idea who Road Runner was. My original actions were going to be Redirect Klue and Yodell to me (to try to get Sylvester's Trap/Save). After a bit of thought, though, I realised that Sylvester could have a RID kill. I get a good chuckle when I imagine that scenario from the host's perspective.

@Curr and Araver: A great game. I loved the short and sweet post styles (although it did confuse me N1).

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PS.. Who got the coffee mug after all ?? :D:P


I'm glad you noticed it :D We were kinda worried that our Writer/Animator backstory would not get noticed. It started as a playful twist and served as a backbone of their relationship. That was very fun.

Well, in day 3, the Animator buys a new one, the Writer is still in possession of the original mug.

Day 4 - the Writer grabs the coffee mug just before leaving while the Animator is using the new one (and taking over the Writer's job).

Head down in shame the former Lead Writer is lead to the exit between two neckless security guards. As he passes his desk he makes a grab for the coffee mug and cradles it in his arms as he leaves the building.


Back in the Director's office, he calls his secretary to send the Lead Animator in.


As the Director keeps talking a small smile creeps onto the Animator's face as he drinks from a coffee mug with the barcode sticker still on the bottom.

There's room for Episode 2 if needed ;) "The mug strikes back" and what not.

Now for the other comments ...

Indeed N1 may have set the game on a lucky path for the Indy though he did not know who was who among the 3 and always had to discover at least half a pair by deduction. But IMO, lucky N1 or not, the real turning point was D1 outing as it gave the Indy unprecedented (at least from my PoV) info as early as D1. So, yes, per original design, his redirects controlled the night. Which is something not really expected by any of us.

As a side-note, we've actually discussed anyone pulling a "curr3nt move" (from Tombstone Mafia) e.g. getting all goodies to cooperate and out themselves to the Indy somehow, in order to give him absolute power over baddies. This is why the Indy wincon was decided to end the game preventing any sudden tie. Longer, elaborated ties were still possible, and I don't really regret leaving that in, since it lead to an interesting alliance/backstabbing.

However, as Molly pointed out, he could have betrayed in N3 and get his second archnemesis redirect and then leave 2 vote redirects for the next day (e.g two attempts to guess a Porky or getting lucky with Bugs or Wile getting a vote manip). Redirecting two vote manips his way might have given him control of the lynch - given enough inactivity, - there were only 10 votes cast on D3. His vote + x2 + x2 = 5 not really enough for a (lucky) tie in the lynch. And yes, we had a great time when he redirected Road Runner to self while the Road Runner was already saving him.

The baddies however stood no chance after the end of N3. The Redirect >> all actions and inability to kill Taz directly without getting redirected made all their knowledge kinda pointless. Weird butterfly effect since the massive goodies outing, without Taz, would have led to a quick win for the baddies.

Earlier than N3, they could have tried to vote on D2 and save Medji - secret vote manips were against this - there was a 3 vote gap, not enough to make a tie ... but they did not even try i.e. 2 baddies did not vote. Also, they tried a not-acting trick far too late IMO. This might have worked with better results in N2. Timezone differences made it very hard to coordinate on a plan like that which involved all baddies acting like a group *shrug* Also, there was no leading voice - in my heavily biased opinion - they did not reach a mutual trust/momentum which is usually a part of Baddies BTSC - get a plan early on, stick to it, only correct it if absolutely necessary (not just by having a slightly different opinion), synchronize implementing the plan (including flash-voting and such), etc. There were a lot of clever suggestions, but most did not gain enough support to be implemented *shrug*

Disclaimer (after getting burned a couple of times, I feel this disclaimer is really necessary): The above paragraphs are just for general feedback / peek view behind the scenes. Not criticizing - just pointing out how it looked like from a host's perspective. And yes, it is biased because omniscience will always bias a host. Thanks for your understanding.

And, ooops, just realized we didn't actually post the Secret Ability(ies). It's almost as Molly described - with a twist. He could have been lynched D3, even if he had not been RID Killed before.

Tazmanian Devil : Redirect x3 each night. Secret ability.


Can forfeit redirects for an equal number of vote redirects

Vote redirect - Make A vote for B. A must be selected during the night phase. If A dies then vote redirect is lost. B is selected during the day phase.

When submitting multiple redirects of A to B in a phase, A has to be different for each submission. A role can't act against more than one person so they can't be redirected to multiple people.

Only night redirects count.

If multiple unscored archnemesis redirects occur in the night then one is randomly picked. Not told if Indy caused the others.

Takes 2 kill/lynch to die unless win condition met then next lynch succeeds.

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but Taz didn't have a real chance to backstab the goodies so you should feel bad.

He was telling the truth that there were only two baddies left and killing one and lynching the other would result in a tie win. He did what he said he would to help set up the tie win.

Bad bad goodies. :D

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So fake claim by MoMa of possible winning in N3.

which makes me feel not so guilty of backstabbing.

I had also forgotten about that stipulation--which made me happy that I didn't backstab you.

but Taz didn't have a real chance to backstab the goodies so you should feel bad.

He was telling the truth that there were only two baddies left and killing one and lynching the other would result in a tie win. He did what he said he would to help set up the tie win.

Bad bad goodies. :D

Bad. Very bad. Evil bad.

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