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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. bring this riddle back to life itachi.

    Well it seems to be a pretty hot topic. Maybe you're asking for a hint here.

    Seeing all the intangible answers that have been posted I might as well say that the answer is something tangible

  2. 2 guesses:

    a humming bird. They tend to hover, but it can certainly be argued or proven that they fly (even backwards and strafing side to side!)

    a flying squirrel. They glide, not fly. But even though they don't do much of it, I'm sure they walk sometimes.

  3. There are infinite answers to this:

    1)lots of buildings have wings

    2)maxi pad works =)

    3)dead bird works



    6)the wings on creepy gargoyle statues on big buildings (that also have wings)


  4. I'm not quite getting where these 'if these lines were reversed' posts come from. Nothing in the OP suggests a chronological order. Having said that, the answer is still being a bit elusive.

  5. giterdone, none of those answers meet the criteria of the lines. Nice try though.

    grey cells, I like the conscience answer, but it doesn't fit. Does one's conscience speak to them when all is at peace or does it speak when there's a conflict?

  6. snake poison. If you come to it (get bitten) you could die. But if you are bitten and you wait for the vaccine, it could allow you to live. (the vaccine being made from the poison)

    This is the closest answer so far.

    the answer has more than one meaning

  7. I have quite a few of these so here are a couple.

    What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

    What can you catch but not throw?

    Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die.

    What am I?

    Here are the expected answers, but I'm sure we can get more creative:

    1)a towel or sponge

    2)a cold

    3)a fire

  8. Assuming a normal day and not DST:

    Perhaps you only heard the final chime of 12 o'clock. Then it would take 2 hours to get to 2 o'clock. To take your question literally though, the longest you have to wait is however long it takes the clock to chime more than once at a time =)

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