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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. In order to 'break' your vocal chords you must first begin to yell therefore 'breaking' silence. Concentration is also broken before the vocal chords. The third guy's fall is also broken before the vocal chords. <_<

  2. With more and more people joining this forum (again, a very good thing) the number of posts will increase, though there is the possibility that the over-all quality of the posts will decrease. When I first joined I was stunned at how almost every post was well thought out and interesting. This quality, in my opinion, seems to be decreasing.

    Admins and VIPs aside, I propose that everyone else (me too) has a 2-3 post limit per day. I think that this will increase everyone's posting quality and deter people from posting random or silly things they find on the net all day. This is not meant to be a personal or offensive suggestion. It is only meant to help maintain the high intellectual quality of the Topics on this forum.

    Edit: this is meant for starting new Topics, not responding to Topics.

  3. Are you sure you didn't mean ten? You don't have 20 fingers, and your clarification that the answer is NOT fingers implies that we might be confused.

    I assumed 20 was a typo because you excluded fingers from being an answer...

    I'm thinking of 4 things on your face and it's not your eyes ;)

  4. Well diamond is the hardest known natural material hence can only be cut by another diamond. But it is only the 5th hardest known substance so it could probally be grinded down with something else to make the diamond blade or grinder. I don't know the exact process and I am probally being to technical, sorry I was a geology major for a while

    You can never be too technical on this forum. What are the 4 harder substances and what is the process of making a diamond blade? You don't have to answer that, wikipedia knows all.

  5. A man buys rice at $1 a pound from American growers and sells them at $0.05 a pound in India. As a result of this he becomes a millionaire. How come?

    I think...

    the exchange rate. So an American dollar is worth $0.03 Indian Rupees. Therefore for every pound the man is profiting 2 cents. He would have to sell a lot of rice to become a millionaire at those rates though =)

  6. No,she can't run if there is a storm.

    Just for the record, I used to run for track in high school and storms never stopped anyone from running. And a marathon is an official distance of over 40 km. So this answer works as well.

  7. An EAGLE . :)

    It can fly to very high altitudes(close to heaven).

    It does not fly literally speaking(It glides or swoops down on it's prey ; An eagle need not flap(fly) it's wings for a long period of time.) ;)

    Even though they do glide and swoop, they also fly and walk.

  8. [1] think _ _ _ _ _ _ excuse

    [2] think _ _ _ _ _ _ marvel

    [3] think _ _ _ _ grope

    [4] think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ doubt

    [5] think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ accept

    OK, here goes...

    1)pardon, or escape (2 different meanings for excuse)

    2)wonder (confirmed)

    3)prod, maybe form


    5)discern, maybe suggest

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