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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Questions to MM : 1.is the order of fights important ? or to rephrase : in your example if Edward would have been strong enough to kill Charlie during their fight .. would the fight between Charlie and Aaryan ever happen ? The order of the fights is important for a few reasons, but mostly it will determine who actually kills another player. The answer to your example is no. If Charlie is dead, he can't participate in any more fights. 2. If two players choose the same target .. does the target start with the same HP both fights or the two fights are sequential ? (as per your example: did Charlie start each fight with full HP or was the damage dealt by Edward carried on in the following fight ? The fights are sequential. 3. If fights are sequential and damage is carried from battle to battle during the same night ... how do you figure out the fight's order... ? I'm thinking speed only has to do with which player hits first in a battle , not with the order of battles , correct ? Speed generally determines the order of the fight. I have a method whereby I determine the order, similar to the initiative roll in D&D. The highest speed does NOT necessarilly go first, it's just more likely that he will.
  2. All right: Day 1 1. Aaryan 2. Brian 3. Charlie 4. David 5. Edward (Scissorhands...not Cullen) I PM each player welcoming to the game and posting their base character: HP: 10 STR: 1 DEF: 1 SPD: 1 I ask for their initial boost. You get three points to spend and can place as many as you'd like in any stat(s). Every point put into HP boosts it by 5. After this is done, every day is the same. Say Aaryan boosts STR, STR, and SPD. His character now looks like: Aaryan Coins: 3 HP: 10 STR: 3 DEF: 1 SPD: 2 He now sends me a message with his purchases, equips/uses, and fight. NOTE: The order of Purchase and Equip/Use is important. Fight will always come after these two steps. So he can't buy anything today because he only has 3 coins. He can't equip or use any items, so he'll fight Edward. There's no limit to the number of people who can attack someone, but you can only attack one person per night. Whoever has the highest speed goes first. Without revealing my super secret method for attacks and defences, I'll just say that when you attack someone, you attack them at least twice and they attack you at least once. Damage is recorded and I move on to the next fight. I do this all the way to the end of the fights. Then I write a post saying who attacked who, who died, and what each player's HP looks like. For example: Aaryan attacked Edward and, after short work, left him broken on the floor. Edward, using his super awesome bladed hands, cut up Charlie pretty bad. Brian, who had no idea Edward was going after Charlie, doubled up and kicked Chuck while he was down. Charlie was barely alive, but he attacked Aaryan. Aaryan fought back and did a little damage--enough to finally break Charlie's back. Literally. Charlie dies. David attacked Brian and both fought valiantly. (The actual posts may have more or less detail). 1. Aaryan (HP 6/10) 2. Brian (HP 7/10) 3. Charlie - Died D1 4. David (HP 8/10) 5. Edward (HP 4/10) All living players receive 3 coins. (I would PM Aaryan and let him know that he received Charlie's 3 coins as loot). (I forgot to mention that each day, you get 1 point to put into a stat of your choice) (I was going to borrow woon's EXP based on damage done, but decided against it) So Day 2 (and on until the end of the game), the player can: 1. Add an attribute point to HP, STR, DEF, or SPD 2. Buy items from the Market 3. Equip items / use items And then the player must: 1. Choose someone to fight. And then the host must: 1. Determine the order of fights 2. Resolve all of the fights 3. Detail in a post how the fights ended So an acceptable PM on any given day could be: "Add 1 to SPD, buy two Health Potions, equip the short sword, attack Edward."
  3. I don't know that I'll actually host it. Maybe after the games forum gets back in gear (which is why I have posted a thread called Lord of Combat). We'll see if we can get some more activity here first.
  4. Molly Mae

    Lord of Combat

    This first game is for five players. The next one may include more, depending on who hosts it if I don't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I'd like days to run for about 24 hours and end about 4 PM Florida Time (US Eastern -- I measure all of my time based on the current time in Florida). Each one will be a day-to-day decision, though. Days may end a bit earlier or later depending on whether I have everything or am too busy or if players have something come up. When the roster is full, I'll send you a PM with your base information. Note: If anyone wants me to detail an example day 1, I can. Feel free to ask any questions.
  5. Molly Mae

    Desktop Mafia

    This game is scrapped. The host has been banned.
  6. Oh....I get it. Only the host knows how the numbers will be used. PGs totally makes sense. But I totally looked at his numbers, too. (You can't tell me that the presents are in the closet and then expect me to not peek.....) So I'm going to just pick random numbers while trying to not remember the layout.
  7. It's not. Actually, I'm kind of jealous.
  8. I see what you're saying and it confused me, but I think he means that you can't look at my answers and I can't look at yours. Or something. @phil: Can we look at the spoiler in the OP? Because I did...
  9. Joke: Your money smells like maple syrup and works well for games of monopoly. Your chief export is snow. Everyone makes fun of the RCMP. Serious: Wheat and lumber export (you guys rock at Settlers of Catan). Any given Mountie is only one lance away from being feared by anyone. Your money still smells like maple syrup. /endofspiel
  10. Gah, you got me. I was going to play "mysteriously creepy person attempting to suggest he return to a former residence" or something.
  11. And he's got a new trick Magical Molly is ten times as slick As the last time you saw him. You might think he's putridly sick Sawing a pigeon in half with a stick. Look at the pigeon, now he's in two Oh my, his rear end is having a poo. Look at the mess in aisle two. That's the place where he saw the Ragu. Seriously, though. Magical Trevor is awesome.
  12. Heh. Das Kapital. Pun intended.
  13. If you understand the premise of the game, you should do fine. A mentor can be provided if you want one, but you certainly aren't required to have one.
  14. Where can I find this game?
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