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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Flame: That's right. An item was poisoned. The killer could guarantee that the chef would use it regardless of what he made. He wouldn't have more than one of them, either, because the killer didn't go crazy and poison all the things willy-nilly.
  2. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    When all else fails, motorcycle triceratops, lobsters on wheels. Stroke.
  3. It isn't a sure thing, but certainly possible. It's better than anything I came up with.
  4. I swear that I will someday take with me to the north pole a thousand brown bears prepared to survive the cold.
  5. Would a single dose from a single spoon be enough to kill someone, though? Almost every death from lead poisoning is chronic after years of exposure...
  6. After I posted this, I figured it's probably not feasible the way I posed it. As a vapour, any poison would likely be too diluted to kill anybody--especially kill somebody on the spot.
  7. I would be willing to bet that the greying of the meat and the wilting of the lettuce are something that happened as a side-effect and maybe not immediately. Of course, it could just have easily been time that's passed since the murder. Alas, I must leave, but I have one more speculation--
  8. Sorry I disappeared. I've been having some personal and medical issues.
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