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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. 1. KOP SELL 2440x PENS 2. KOP BUY 100x SERT 3. MoMa Sell 4212 duck 4. MoMa Buy 3175 PAOR
  2. 1. Molly sell 3850 TECN 2. Molly buy 4212 DUCK
  3. 1. Molly sell 2983 CRAK 2. Molly sell 10000 ASRE 3. Molly buy 10000 ASRE (I lose $600, but it's worth a shot) 4. Molly buy 3850 TECN
  4. 1. Molly sell 3221 TECN 2. Molly buy 2983 CRAK
  5. 1 phil sell 866 PENS sell 100 CRAK buy 150 TECN. 2 phil sell 1000 SERT buy 276 KOOC 3 KOP BUY 866 PENS, 1000SERT 4 Molly sell 7926 SERT 5 Molly buy 3221 TECN Only perform those actions if the Project Low price for TECN is accurate. =p Otherwise, do nothing.
  6. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    If I only knew , I wouldn't have had to thereby avoiding when I saw . .
  7. Molly Mae

    Knock Out

    Milan ++ Cape Town -- Rio -- Best Holiday Destination. Either your favorite place to go, or your top of your must-visit-places-before-I-die list. Milan, Italy - 21 Paris, France - 20 Istanbul, Turkey - 20 London, UK - 18 New York, USA - 16 Osaka, Japan - 16 Mumbai, India - 14 Sydney, Australia - 14 Dubai City, UAE - 12 Shanghai, China - 12 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 10 Cape Town, South Africa - 4 KNOCK-OUTS 13. Havana, Cuba 14. Cairo, Egypt 15. Moscow, Russia
  8. Yay on the first, nay on the second...I tend to be pretty consistent with my 'formatting' I figured it'd be wrong as it didn't match the others.
  9. Molly Mae

    Knock Out

    Cairo, Egypt -- Milan ++ Havana -- Best Holiday Destination. Either your favorite place to go, or your top of your must-visit-places-before-I-die list. Paris, France - 20 Milan, Italy - 19 London, UK - 18 Istanbul, Turkey - 18 New York, USA - 16 Osaka, Japan - 16 Mumbai, India - 14 Sydney, Australia - 14 Dubai City, UAE - 12 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 12 Shanghai, China - 12 Cape Town, South Africa - 8 Havana, Cuba - 2 KNOCK-OUTS 14. Cairo, Egypt 15. Moscow, Russia
  10. She was both. I actually tried to help her, too. Never again. Wow, "never" is kind of harsh. In response to the topic: Personally, I've never down-voted anyone, any topic, or any post...and if I gave a damb about popularity, I would wear makeup and learn how to 'small talk' ;P. When was this? I have no idea who this Sakura Chan was or what all she did, but I'm guessing that she is/was a teenager when this all went down so who knows what she would be like, like, 5, 10 or 20 years down the road. *shrugs* Having changed a lot in college myself, I'm a believer that people change (although admittedly not always for the better), and I'm a fan of second chances. Maybe it's in my DNA, but I'm not one to hold grudges. I also try to take a fair and balanced view of others rather than focus on the slights they've dealt me or the ones I care about. One of my favorite Shakespeare quotes (and one of the few I consider to actually be underused): "The evil that men do live after them, the good is oft interred with their bones." Anyways, I just wanted to throw in my two cents in case it might help some of the teenagers around here open up their perspective . Edit: Well, okay, I do still hold a grudge against Bb for hiding like a big fat coward in the mafia safehouse every Night in Mafia VI (I think it was VI) ;P Interestingly, when i came into the situation, everyone was arguing against her. She had been banned from MM and I was hosting a game that she signed up for. Someone PM'd me here and gave me a fair bit of warning about her. After a bit of investigation, I found people were saying some pretty harsh things about her. She seemed pretty fine to me. I tried to help her integrate into the community, but for some reason she thought I was trying to sabotage her. Eventually, the conversation was reduced to personal attacks. I eventually said some things I really wish I hadn't. I blocked her and wouldn't go down that road with her ever again. Not without very good reason, anyway. I tried to help her and I got burned. That's my perspective. If she ever came back, I would stay neutral--no help, no harm.
  11. Scratch 3. I looked at the available and purchased backward. UPDATED: 1. Molly Sell 3340 TECN 2. Molly Buy 10,000 ASRE 3. Molly Buy 7947 SERT
  12. 1. Molly Sell 3340 TECN 2. Molly Buy 10,000 ASRE 3. Molly Buy 9031 PENS
  13. She was both. I actually tried to help her, too. Never again.
  14. I have no intent of interacting with the market today. =/ I will entertain trade proposals, though. PM me if interested. I think I might get an email if I get a PM. Otherwise I'll be back tomorrow. @BMAD: I love this game.
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