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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. OK, hint


    What about Brandonb??

    :huh: edit: he is the ACCUSED :lol: what that has to do with anything... I know you are trying to hint something, but it's not working.

    And you didn't tell me should I read the message from the list that I posted starting with Mona Lisa and so on...

    You are only confusing me even more... :rolleyes:

  2. Well once again, you deny some clues that the member gave you.

    Can you find from the watch and it has been mentioned in one of the member's post?

    I don't know Woon... I DO NOT KNOW! :lol:

    About the shape - is it the triangle - the microscope and the globe are supposed to be sitting on the desk??

    Oh... this hunt is killing me... :wacko:

  3. does the fact that there is a horse shoe on the watch and on the wall have to do with anything.

    That's just omega...

    my thoughts....however wrong they might be.....

    the message......

    bring the watch to jade mansion...

    that there are 12 items placed around the room. Possibly aligning with a clock....therefore need to decipher the messages for the Cabinet and the Hooks....

    I'm thinking that that points to what book should be picked up....

    This could be something useful...

    I really hope that anagrams and re-arranging of letters isn't important...I tend to fail in that area <_<

    I saw the same thing as Dawg that there are 12 objects and a watch. So, the hooks and the cabinet's messages are the only ones we need to pay attention to? And I was thinking that the cabinet might mean the Four Wise Men...


    OR instead of paying attention to the hooks and the cabinet, maybe we only need to look at the cabinet message since the time is 10:10 and according to Andromeda's above list, the #10th one is cabinet. Probably not though...


    This is not it because the arms on the clock are not important...

    Well the reason that I did it on the watch is because it seamed prettier, and by looking at it like this I have to admit that I'm still not seeing anything... maybe I'm too tired.


    When you say arrange it back... do you mean that I should leave it in line like you wrote it??


    I love the riddle though :D

    OK this is how everything is arranged in the room with the notes. So I'm supposed to read something out of this?? :blink:

    Mona Lisa: Take a look; zero is at the end although it is the smaller among the ten. But who care, you know you already get use of it.

    Desk: The faster it spins, the blurrier it will be; what can you expect, when the size of 6,371 km reduced to half foot!

    Hook: Wrong arrangement of the weight; a failure for achieving balance. Wrong decision of life you made; bring disaster later.

    Telephone: Book won’t be found here. Chair won’t be found here too. Nothing should be put at here, because most of us want to pass through.

    Vase: Out! All of you out! I will look down on the people who make me contain beauty of costumes but not the beauty of knowledge

    Globe: Will you come closer? Otherwise how could you see clearly? Oops, don’t forget to let some light come in.

    Door: Make from wooden or metal doesn’t matter. As long as I make you feel comfortable.

    Scale: You think it is funny? You think I do like to be in this type of posture? You think I am pinpointing someone and start nagging? Come on, I just want to make you awake!

    Microscope: End of the 4 corners of me is sharp, be alert when run over me. But I am be the best for you to do study.

    Chair: Your smile is the most memorable one to my memory. Your posture is the gentlest style to show your personality.

    Cabinet: Life of me at here is so simple: Just hanging around!

    Teapot: Here is the place you can find one of the beautiful things. Once in a while there are some insects accompany me!

    I have no clue Woon...

  4. Mona Lisa: Take a look; zero is at the end although it is the smaller among the ten. But who care, you know you already get use of it.

    Desk: The faster it spins, the blurrier it will be; what can you expect, when the size of 6,371 km reduced to half foot!

    Hook: Wrong arrangement of the weight; a failure for achieving balance. Wrong decision of life you made; bring disaster later.

    Telephone: Book won’t be found here. Chair won’t be found here too. Nothing should be put at here, because most of us want to pass through.

    Vase: Out! All of you out! I will look down on the people who make me contain beauty of costumes but not the beauty of knowledge

    Globe: Will you come closer? Otherwise how could you see clearly? Oops, don’t forget to let some light come in.

    Door: Make from wooden or metal doesn’t matter. As long as I make you feel comfortable.

    Scale: You think it is funny? You think I do like to be in this type of posture? You think I am pinpointing someone and start nagging? Come on, I just want to make you awake!

    Microscope: End of the 4 corners of me is sharp, be alert when run over me. But I am be the best for you to do study.

    Cabinet: Life of me at here is so simple: Just hanging around!

    Chair: Your smile is the most memorable one to my memory. Your posture is the gentlest style to show your personality.

    I've been looking at it for ages and still can't see anything

    I second that! :wacko:

  5. OK :wacko:

    I have arranged the items and the descriptions so that the items follow the right descriptions, like this:

    Cabinet: Life of me at here is so simple: Just hanging around!

    Hook: Wrong arrangement of the weight; a failure for achieving balance. Wrong decision of life you made; bring disaster later.

    Scale: You think it is funny? You think I do like to be in this type of posture? You think I am pinpointing someone and start nagging? Come on, I just want to make you awake!

    Teapot: Here is the place you can find one of the beautiful things. Once in a while there are some insects accompany me!

    Vase: Out! All of you out! I will look down on the people who make me contain beauty of costumes but not the beauty of knowledge

    Chair: Your smile is the most memorable one to my memory. Your posture is the gentlest style to show your personality.

    Mona Lisa: Take a look; zero is at the end although it is the smaller among the ten. But who care, you know you already get use of it.

    Telephone: Book won’t be found here. Chair won’t be found here too. Nothing should be put at here, because most of us want to pass through.

    Door: Make from wooden or metal doesn’t matter. As long as I make you feel comfortable.

    Desk: The faster it spins, the blurrier it will be; what can you expect, when the size of 6,371 km reduced to half foot!

    Globe: Will you come closer? Otherwise how could you see clearly? Oops, don’t forget to let some light come in.

    Microscope: End of the 4 corners of me is sharp, be alert when run over me. But I am be the best for you to do study.

    So basically these are the same connections that we have on the pictures and again I have no idea where to go from here... is it too obvious Woon?? :blink: the next step I mean??

  6. Ok, it's now the 5th so the game starts today. I will re-post the characters and rules into a new topic as well as the introduction post between 7-8 tonight. Soon after that I will be sending out role PMs. Since there's still one spot open I will have to drop a character and I'm leaning toward King Mickey. He was never really seen much until Kingdom Hearts 2. But what I'll do to make up for the Light loosing a player is to put Axel in his place. Seeing as this is post Kingdom Hearts 2, Axel had pretty much defected from the Organization so that's what I'll do if I can't get that last spot filled before I start sending out roles tonight.

    If you have any questions, especially character based, it would be best to get them out before roles are sent so that when the game starts people don't suspect that you're {insert character here} because you're asking a question about them.

    I can play! :D

  7. You see, what you draw on the watch, are they really necessary been draw on the watch? Aren't they also can be drawn on the layout too? So if this is the case, that's mean the watch still has something to tell us? In fact someone already pick out but nobody eloborate from this.

    has 2 layers of meaning if you notice it properly.

    The first layer, I sort the message by alphabetical order, but in the room, it is not the case. So if you arrange them back......

    The second layer, yup! You show it on the watch.

    Well the reason that I did it on the watch is because it seamed prettier, and by looking at it like this I have to admit that I'm still not seeing anything... maybe I'm too tired.



    When you say arrange it back... do you mean that I should leave it in line like you wrote it??


    I love the riddle though :D

  8. I'm sorry guys I can't play this I will be going back to school soon and I am to busy to do this again :(


    Im going to school tomorrow, and i doubt ill have time!! :( im sorry

    You don't have to do it right away... You'll be PM-ed and you'll do it when you find the time. :huh:

  9. “We better solve it quick! It is 10:10 pm right now. I start feeling creepy here.” ST shivered.

    My guess is that 10:10 PM on the watch doesn't mean anything because that was the exact time then.

    So, the questions are

    1) What did the message tell?

    I'm confused by this part because I thought that we should only identify the book that wasn't poisonous but we are actually supposed to compose a message using the thing that I doodled and the titles?!

    2) How does this watch helps to find the treasure?

    My drawing on the watch is probably it...

    I thought that I might have something more to add to my previous post, but no...


  10. OMG! andromeda!

    Maybe you can find this right track earlier.

    Keep going, you are now very close to the solution now! :D

    OMG! Woon I had no idea! :lol:

    OK how about

    "The Four Wise Man" is the only book that wasn't coated with poison, because it looks like there's a pink arrow pointing at number 4?!

    And I did turn off my computer and I was just siting in my arm chair and then it hit me what to do next and I turned it back on.


  11. P.S. I dont play mafia (although I desperately want to, but I dont even know the first thing about how to play)

    I thought it was complicated, but basically it's all about killing people and wrongfully accusing them of being bad... there's a bit a thinking involved too :lol:;)

    You should definitely play when the next opportunity emerges :D

  12. If the answer is

    my name then this riddle was posted before


    Welcome to the Den and if you want to perform a search do it with the Search button on the top of the page and click on More Search Options. I didn't try to find this one, it's not easy to find because it's short. :)

  13. Hmmm, let me explain

    There are things located around the room as you can see in that layout. Each item has a tag with some message.

    My format is [item][message of the tag at that item]

    What andromeda has done is you rearrange the message and the item to become [item][the message which describe this item].

    I mean you have correctly address the right item accordingly to the message given, but if you follow this track, you can't find the solution.

    I hope you can see the difference. :mellow:

    So... no rearranging I leave everything as it is??

    :huh: and just try to connect those with the book titles? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something <_<

  14. I'm in if everone wants to play backwards. :)

    Cherry Lane would start with the poem for Peace. I think we need confirmation first though from the players.

    1. Jrod

    2. reaymond

    3. Lemonymelon

    4. ST

    5. andromeda

    6. Limeliam

    7. pw0nzd

    8. RainThinker

    9. Prof. Templeton

    10. Twin Pop

    11. LIS

    12. akaslickster

    13. Peace!!

    14. woon

    15. Cherry Lane

    Actually I think that Jrod should write a poem for CL and then we just go backwards Woon, Peace, etc.

    Like this:

    1. Jrod

    2. CL

    3. Woon

    4. Peace

    5. Slick

    6. LIS

    7. TP

    8. PT

    9. RT

    10. pw0nzd

    11. LL

    12. me :D

    13. ST

    14. LM

    15. Reay


  15. awesome :D how do you come up with all of this?

    Well this particular one... I was looking at the envelope from the bank, it had a small globe on it and then it hit me I could make a riddle with coordinates, but I've given up that idea since I wanted to make something more simple and thought of time zones, plus and minus and counting from the front and back and I used Wikipedia list of time zones. :)

    And the ghost story - well Itachi and I had some misunderstandings regarding ghosts in the ghost thread in the others forum and decided to use that as a story! :lol:

  16. Numbers are the time zones of the cities and countries mentioned! :)

    Vladivostok +10

    Belize -6

    Singapore +8

    Armenia +4

    Kingston -5

    Oslo +1

    Thailand +7

    Libya +2

    Suriname -3

    “Obregonia, Obregonia, Obregonia...” repeated Andromeda as she was flipping the pages of a massive botany book.

    “A-ha! Found it! I think I’ve seen one of these in the atrium” she contently smiled as she was pointing to the glass door.

    Itachi and Andromeda went inside the beautifully arranged atrium that was bursting with colors.

    “Oh... here it is, planted in a pot. Aren’t you gonna help, it has spines in abundance?” Andromeda looked over her shoulder. Itachi chuckled, “I was the medium, now you dig the medium.”

    Andromeda instantaniously stopped digging, “You rigged the globe didn’t you?” she started throwing dirt at him.

    “You’d be surprised what few coins, glue and a scotch tape can do!” Itachi couldn’t stop laughing.

    “Sometimes you can be such an...” Andromeda was more amused than annoyed by Itachi’s mischief.

    “I woke up earlier this morning I came to the old man’s study to snoop around and I spin the globe as I was passing it by. Heard some rattling, opened it and this paper popped out. I had no time to figure out what it was because I heard your voice...”

    “Oh... but you had enough time to glue the coins inside the globe and attach some scotch tape to the frame” Andromeda squatted down and continued to dig, “I was wondering how come the ghost decided to give us the list and not the direct answer!”

    “Oh... admit it, you felt “ghost” bumps when that globe moved” he was still amused with his successful prank when he saw Andromeda puling out a small transparent plastic bag out of the pot.

    “Vuoala!” Andromeda jumped up waving with the baggie.

    “Since you weren’t nice to me I get to read what the letter says” she said and pulled out the paper from the envelope.

    “This is the old man’s will!” Andromeda dropped her jaw and immediately started reading “Blah, blah, blah... I leave all my possessions to the person reading these lines...”

    “Give me that! Let me see!” Itachi took the paper out of her hand and started racing with his eyes over the paper... “I leave all my possessions to...” he looked at Andromeda waving his head and smiling, “...to my trustworthy staff!”

    “Oh... admit it, you felt “ghost” bumps when I read that the money goes to the lucky finder” she laughed and stick her tongue out.

    “Andromeda... sometimes you can be such an...” he didn’t finish the sentence. Itachi was content with the outcome of this ghost-treasure hunt, “In a way... we did communicate with the old man.”

    “Perhaps, but I still don’t have my proof” as she said that the globe started spinning...


  17. Andromeda, I think what Woon might be hinting at is...

    There are books in the center...we need to match the item along the outside with the title of the book on the inside......

    so decipher the clues on the outside to get the names of the books on the inside....

    still trying to figure how the watch plays into this.

    I know that... but Woon's hints always confuse me and after reading them I know nothing... :)

    I was trying to do that... no luck

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