Sailing in a boat but with a C,
That will resolve with a twitch,
A silent brotherhood will know the answer,
Without an E take another glance!
Who are we?!
Have fun!
To be honest, when I read the solution I thought: ''Pffff!'', but then after a LOT of thinking I realized that it's quite ingenious!!!
Nice work and I hope you'll post more of these!
Why the question mark?
Nice work!
You probably read the spoilers carefully.
I probably have given too much information but I like seeing my riddles being solved!
I made a typo it's not 8*8*16 I meant 8*8*18 (6+6+6)!
I put numbers on the picture so you could see what I'm thinking about even if I made a mistake in tipping!
I asked if I'm on a right track?! <_<
Standing still but it's no saint
Connecting us with
An electric charge!
The rules from my previous riddle apply here as well.
Read carefully it's not too hard!
I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot! You are absolutely right alpha, beta and gamma are digits forming a number! I just didn't read the riddle correctly and I was the one to post it (live & learn). So thank you for pointing that out! I owe you one BIG apology!!!
:blush: :blush:
They are multiplied together. It is common not to write the multiplication sign when we have variables multiplied together. But you already know that. I didn't emphasized that because I didn't think it was necessary! Sorry! <_<
That is why I said that it's really easy!
I forgot to say that single digits from 0... 9 range were replaced by letters!
What digit is hidden under the symbol alpha?
However I don't think that an explanation is necessary!