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Homework Helpers


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BrainDen is a place where many smart people (kids and adults) can solve brain teasers, play games and discuss various topics. There was a great suggestion to help others with their homework. Not solve their homework for them but help them find the answer (after serious effort to solve the problem on their own).

This topic is designed for all willing to help. Feel free to post your field and level of expertise.

Thanks to all homework helpers.

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Computer Science - College Graduate and working in field (specifically in Security)

Robotics - College + post grad classes

Mathematics - College Junior level (Calculus/Statistics) (there are some topics I am terrible at)

English - College Junior level (yeah, was a CS major)

History - 4th grade level

Music - Very basic theory and performance

Physics - College intermediate.

Chemistry - I know a little bit more than high school level

Biology - College intermediate.

I think that covers everything...

Edited by SomeGuy
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German - I was born there, and if there's anything I can't help you with, my mom definitely can.

Mathematics - 11th grade. Can help with Algebra / Geometry stuff fairly well.

Science - Biology, physical science, and Earth/Space science. Biology at a middle school level, the other two at high school.

History - Mostly American..

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hmm...not much...

math - up to Grade 11

music theory - up to Harmony 4 (so...up to and including theory for Piano Grade 10)

chinese (mandarin mainly, although cantonese is ok) - I've got connections :P

english - grammar check, creative writing

Edited by star_tiger
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The type of education imparted in my part of the world is different, but hopefully that shouldn't come in the way.

Math - I love solving trigonometric, calculus, number systems and any problem involving lengthy calculations.

Digital Logic Circuits - One of the subjects I actually liked studying in college.

Basic Electrical Engineering - Studying electrical engineering, so I ought to know something. But do not expect too much.

Elementary Physics, Chemistry

I am doing a project based on (Artificial)neural networks(NN), so anybody who has expertise or know the basics of NN?

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This is a great Idea. I have some similar qualifications as SG.

Mathematics - College Junior level (Calculus/Statistics)

English - College Junior level

History - 4th grade level (lol, about the same for me!)

Physics - High School Level

Chemistry - High School Level

Biology - College intermediate.

I am very good at finding solutions to problems and quickly picking up concepts. I will help where I can.

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erm... for a 14 year old I dont technically have any qualifications.

English - large vocabulary, but cannot write descriptively at all :P

Maths - I got full marks in my GCSE ;)

Science - Chemistry + Physics, basic knowledge

History - Know lots of facts, and good at essay writing, but not too good on source work

Computing - I have a fairly wide knowledge of processing software (Word, Publisher etc...), but no experience of programming

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math (many different levels, even strange types of math the person reading this has never heard of :P)

computers, computer programming (lots of experience there), etc

spanish and chemistry, though they aren't my favorites

writing, english, grammar, etc (I have a good eye for spelling, grammar and content flow)

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Uh...I was fortunate enough to have a pretty extensive education and the task of listing it is somewhat daunting...I'm willing to help whoever needs it but I'd prefer to help with things others can't...so I guess I'll list the kind of specialty things I've had experience in:

Special Topics (all college level or above):

Chemistry/Chemical Engineering

Quantum Chemistry/Physics

Game Theory (which went under 'Political Science' at my college ;P)/the mathy side of Economics

Some philosophy, mostly on the fundamentals of existence, i.e. Descartes, Hume, etc...

Complex Analysis

Calculus/Differential Equations

Probability/Statistics (including Theory)

I'm probably missing something...basically...if you need something that seems mathy/sciency and is somewhat obscure...you can try me ;P.

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Math: Adv Geometry/small amount of Trigonometry

Adv. 9th grade Language arts

9th grade Adv. Science


Creative writing


Hope I can help :)

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oh, I forgot to mention.

Welsh - Pretty fluent

French - ^^ (anything I don't know my mum will)

Spanish - erm... I got A's but that was because I copied quite a lot. I have a reasonably good basic knowledge but nothing special

English - proof reading :P

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