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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yes, but the particle is not moving at constant speed . It starts out with no momentum (perhaps I should have specified that, but I thought it was implied), so its momentum is dictated by gravity. Lol...sorry it's the path it slides along, not by ;P.
  2. Blank. Panther's turn to shoot or pass.
  3. BANG! Standings: Framm (East): 53 Panther (West): 247 Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
  4. You can use g to represent the gravitational constant, the answer should be in terms of g. I'm not sure what you mean by the other question, it's particle sliding down the path you choose without friction.
  5. BANG! Standings: Framm (East): 3 Panther (West): 297 Panther's turn to shoot or pass.
  6. Shoot, forgot about non-adjacent groupings . Time for bed...got up way too early this morning...I'll leave it to plasmid .
  7. Blank. There was 1 chip on the table from Framm. Standings: Framm (East): 53 Panther (West): 247 Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
  8. "Aha!" Agent Flamebirde had an idea. He created a 100 m high box underneath the door. Constructing a structure in this manner would allow the agents to float to the top on the will generated water of one agent, based on the idea of Agent Aaryan. Now they would just need some help getting the water the rest of the way up... Captain Wraith smiled to himself as he studied Orin. He will make a good captain someday, if something were to happen to me...
  9. Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
  10. BANG! Table contents and 50 chips from Framm go to Panther. Standings: Framm (East): 54 Panther (West): 246 Panther's turn to shoot or pass.
  11. Yeah, I agree with k-man that different methods of drawing give different answers, but overall I think I agree with JAWF on the answer...
  12. Oh, and, btw, TSLF, when I said I was "confident that you'd see", I meant I was confident in your intelligence to be able to find 7-move win, lol...
  13. The agents worked together to create water to float to the top. Then Agent Flamebirde had a great idea...create a wall to lessen the space needed, to lessen the amount of water they would need to create. However, the maximum dimensions of the wall were 100m, so it would fully encompass the 150m room... "Wait..." Orin murmured slowly, as an idea came to him. "Who said we were confined to two dimensions? Remember the first thing the Witch created, when we got here..."
  14. Nice, vista, efficient and simple solution...I was trying to draw grids of right triangles (Just thought it was about time someone actually said something nice about someone else's solution ;P) Edit: Oh, and thanks for the puzzles, btw, witzar, they've been fun and interesting .
  15. Lol...sorry, read the 'p' as an 'f'...damb phone screens
  16. Blank. Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
  17. Blank. Panther's turn to shoot or pass.
  18. Lol...TSLF, you're not very good at paint by numbers, are you? (I'm just kidding )
  19. The shot was blank. Table contents go to Panther. Standings: Framm (East): 109 Panther (West): 191 Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
  20. One of the most famous problems in the history of mathematics, posed by Johann Bernoulli in 1696 (I won't state the official name of it, in order to make it not too google-able ;P): Find the curve along which a particle will slide without friction in the minimum time from one given point P to another point Q, the second point being lower than the first but not directly beneath it.
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