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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Round 6 will commence on Sunday evening (7/14). Thank you.
  2. Found an interesting puzzle off an Australian site, thought I'd share : Joe Nobody awoke feeling like a dog, with a strong urge to go back to his old family. He went to answer the door, where two people were there saying they were his long lost parents—but only in order to claim the $50,000 reward. Joe ran to a nearby trash heap, and then began robotically sorting the waste while talking to his cockroach friend. Joe was found there, and got into a boxing fight, in which all parties were hurt badly, with Joe breaking their ribs with two quick jabs but in turn taking a lot of damage to his eye, and eventually they decided to call it a draw. Joe then phoned home. Following their advice, he cut a hole in a metal bucket to see out of and stuck it over his head. However, the bucket turned out to be full of pig’s blood, and Joe was soaked in it, making him very angry. After all his failed matchmaking, Joe decided to marry his only critic, someone almost twice his age. However, Joe was surprised when he was instead insulted and called a “lascivious Moor”. He retorted by saying that “stupid” is as stupid does.
  3. It's been a pleasure, Framm...fufufufufu...;P
  4. Round 6 Sign-ups 1) 2) 3) ...
  5. Who says I can't? >D (Seriously, though, that's a good question...at this time I'm going to say that since there is an odd prime number of players, a tie means someone is not committing, which I dislike, so no one gets revealed.)
  6. Nice...but I thought River killed herself in order to save the Doctor ?
  7. There will be a one-week hiatus before sign-ups for round 5 start. Thank you.
  8. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AveeDkaJ-oj-dF9hSVBsam1mS0lwaWVqZjV3ckFSWWc&usp=sharing
  9. Eastern Army wins! Overall standings will be updated tomorrow. Thank you.
  10. Panther forfeits. Eastern army wins.
  11. hmmm, are you assuming you know what Ja and Da means? on:
  12. Okay, so this isn’t technically a ‘mafia’...no one dies, no factions. Every player is out for themselves and the game ends when 3 players reach their win conditions. Those 3 are awarded first, second, and third place, respectively. I reserve the right to make changes before the game starts . Host: Y-san Roster: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  13. Lol...I was recently watching an episode of Franklin and Bash in which they defined art as "anything that evokes strong emotions"... But I don't agree with Flame's hypothesis about evoking positive emotion. I tend to find the most beautiful poems, for example, to be the sad ones, and I think that can be said for, like, some photography as well. Most of the time beauty is considered a positive thing, but does this always have to be the case? I.e. is there such a thing as "too beautiful"?
  14. Inertial frame of reference. Knowing the solution is the same as solving for it .
  15. Agent vistaptb added his own 100m high box to agent flamebirde's. 100 m to go on the tower and they would reach the hatch...
  16. Blank. Panther's turn to shoot or pass.
  17. Blank. Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
  18. Blank. Panther's turn to shoot or pass.
  19. BANG! Standings: Framm (East): 103 Panther (West): 197 Framm's turn to shoot or pass.
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