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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Night 3 Vommack was walking home after a long Day at work. His stomach growled, reminding him that he had missed lunch, and he closed his eyes and imagined the leftover steak and mash potatoes that were waiting for him in the fridge. Mmmmm.... He was so absorbed in his visions of red meat that he didn’t notice the red hole that suddenly unfurled in front of him. “Well, look who we found, Teekl,” Klarion remarked to his familiar, who was in were-tabby form. The huge cat let out a yowl, which turnout out as a low rumble through the Night air. Vommack froze, then quickly wiped the drool from the corner of his lip. “Um...” he stammered, then waved his hand in front of the franken-feline. “I am not the snack you are looking for...” Do cats smile? Because he could sworn that this one did...a malignant, voracious smile. Klarion chuckled. “She doesn’t like you,” he jibed at vommack. “Well, maybe you’ll taste better than you look.” He nodded to the cat. “Go get him, darling.” It let out another yowl, louder this time, much louder, and then pounced at vommack. Vommack swallowed deeply, seeing the moonlight glint off the animal’s fangs. (Meanwhile, elsewhere...) ShadowAngel didn’t know what she was doing back here. After what had happened the other Night, she...wait, what did happen the other Night? There were vague flashes, glimpses of sights, memories of sounds and smells, feelings...but together they meant nothing to her, nothing but sound and fury. “Well, well,” an all too familiar voice greeted her. She turned, feeling both exhilaration and dread. Part of her had hoped to stare into those enchanting dark eyes again, she had to admit, but another part of her screamed at her to run, that there was something not right about the whole situation... “I shouldn’t be here,” ShadowAngel murmured, glancing down at her hands, wrapped around a glass tumbler. Queen Bee gently reached out and placed her own hand on top. “But you are here,” she cooed. ShadowAngel gulped. “Yes...” As death approached, vommack’s life flashed before his eyes. He saw his father’s proud face as he stumbled onstage to accept his award in second grade. He saw crowd (admittedly only a few dozen people, but to him it had seemed an ocean) cheering the grand slam he had hit in little league. He saw the girl he had kissed in high school, and the girl he wished he had kissed in college. He saw himself tearing up the track in the 100 meter dash... Wait...he had never been in track... Vommack came back to awareness just as the black blur, moving at a speed he wouldn’t have thought humanly possible, collided with the leaping cat, knocking it into the brick wall of a building. The ground shook where he stood, and a cloud of dust exploded up. When it settled enough for him to open his eyes, he saw a feline-shaped hole in the building’s side. “C’mon,” his savior mumbled, and grasped his arm in an astonishingly firm grip. Vommack could see now that the shirt the boy wore was not pure black, but had an offset pentagon with a large ‘S’ in the center drawn on it. “Wh...where?” vommack coughed. “To safety,” was the only reply. Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan - REMOVED [Vandal Savage] 2. Panther 3. dee_tot 4. Kikacat123 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack 7. Kingofpain 8. Flamebirde 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7 Day 3 begins now, ends 9PM CST tomorrow 6/18!
  2. Agent flamebirde glided smoothly to the Well of Life with the aid of a high-end hanglider. Agent Vistapb joined him (with his own hanglider?) and came up with a very and fun clever idea. He summoned up a giant water gun and attempted to shoot the water at the flower (?). However, after doing some research via neurolink, the agents discovered that a water gun with the capacity to shoot a stream 400 ft high and 200 ft horizontally had not been known to be physically viable. Perhaps they could construct their own? Or use it in a different manner?
  3. The man sighed deeply as he listened to the sound of a running brook down the side of a scenic mountain under clear blue skies, and sipped the beer he had gotten from his 3D printer. Ah...the great outdoors.
  4. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Um..."his"? I'm a shinigami assassin that transforms into a demon cat...you could at least use "its" ;P I want you to remember me as...
  5. Day 2 Note: There are no hints in my Posts, so which characters are mentioned is not a reflection of who may or may not still be alive in the game. The remaining heroes (and the villains lurking amongst them) circled around Aaryan, holding their weapons at the ready, poised to strike. “Come at me, children,” Vandal Savage taunted. “I dare you!” Miss Martian’s eyes glowed, and she raised a boulder telekinectically and sent it flying at Savage. Artemis raised her bow and let a pair of arrows fly. The neanderthal raised his thick arms to shield his face from the impact, then deflected the boulder aside and straight towards Impulse. Then he caught the arrows easily. Bart dodged the incoming stone with super-speed, then zoomed around Savage, looking for an opening. Before he could, with a roar, Savage grabbed him and flung him at Artemis, sending them both toppling. “Is that all you got? Pathetic!” He scoffed. But as he snapped the arrows, a cloud of particulates emitted from them, clouding his vision and his lungs. As their enemy was coughing, Nightwing tossed a pair of wing-shape shurikan at the big man’s calves, bringing him down to his knees. Aqualad coiled his electric whips around Savage’s arms, pinning them, and Superboy rushed up, paused for a moment to retract his arm in a good swing, and smashed his fist into the giant’s head, jerking it to one side at an impossible angle. “We did it!” Artemis cried, and her teammates stood back, catching their collective breath from the exertion. The cloud cleared, revealing Vandal Savage standing, head back centered. With one enormous hand, he popped his jaw back into place, then shifted it around to make sure it was moving properly. Then he bellowed a deep laugh. “YOU FOOLS! YOU CANNOT KILL ME! I AM IMMORTAL!” The heroes stared in dismay which turned to surprise and uncertainty as his laughing was drowned out by the smooth humming of an engine. Above him, a ship appeared, decloaking from its aft. A voice was projected to the scene below: “Savage, the council has deemed that you draw too much attention to yourself. It has been decided that your employment is to be...terminated.” “What!” Savage roared. “I am about to destroy these children! You can’t do this, not now! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” In answer, a blinding ray of light shot down from the ship. The heroes had to avert their eyes, and when they could look back, the light was gone, and so was Vandal Savage. “We’ve arrived, Sir.” The Apokolipian technician announced. The solemn commander in dark armor nodded grimly. “Open up a channel.” The people of this small planet, Earth it was called, stared up in fear and awe at the enormous spaceship that loomed above them, which had seemingly come out of nowhere, and was jet black, almost as if it sucked the light from it’s surroundings. After what seemed like an interminable silence, a voice began to broadcast: “Humans, I am Kal-el, son of Darkseid, supreme ruler of Apokolips and the universe. Do not be afraid. We have come to place this planet under our protection. As long as you do not resist, you will not be harmed.” “Protection, my foot,” ace reporter Lois Lane commented to a cowering Jimmy Olsen, photographer. She frowned. “What are you doing, get more shots of that ship, for the story!” As she was inching forward in the awestruck crowd, trying to get a better view of the ship, suddenly she noticed a dull drumming sound. As it became louder, she realized that it was the sound of music blasting. Around a skyscraper, what looked like a red and gold robot flew out, propelled by some kind of rocket power. It stopped in front of the mass, and a cocky voice came from it: “Don’t worry, good people of, uh...Kansas? I’m here now, all will be well.” Jimmy was gaping at the newcomer, but Lois slapped him back into awareness. “Pictures, Jimmy, pictures!” The talking robot turned and flew towards the ominous ship. It raised an armored arm, out of which popped out an inset, which sent rockets shooting at the alien vessel. Nothing happened. “Hey, anyone in there?” The maverick called, kicking the vessel with his metal-clad food, which scraped off the smooth surface of the unknown material the ship was made of. “Stop hiding in this middle age crisis, and fight like a man!” Abruptly a hatch lowered from the seamless surface and a figure clad in sleek black armor glided out. There were no engines, no rocket power, no machinery, but the formidable form levitated effortlessly in mid-air. “Who are you?” The invader asked. His high-cheekboned features were set in a resolute glare. “Who am I?” the metal-clad man echoed. “You know who I am...” The handsome extraterrestrial furrowed his brows. “No...” he said slowly. “I do not.” “Oh...well, here’s a hint: I’m a billionaire playboy philanthropist,” Earth’s defender said. “Figure it out yet, Mr. Universe?” Kal-el frowned. “No.” His would be opponent sighed. “Fine, then I guess I’ll have to show you...” Abruptly, he flicked on his boosters, and shot towards the perfectly coifed alien, punching his could-of-been-sculpted-by-Michelangelo features squarely in the face. “OWWW...son of a b...” the armored ensconced person muttered, shaking out his gloved hand, which was now sporting an impressive dent. The Krypton born Apokoliptian gazed at him with disinterest. “Enough. Will your planet surrender quietly, or will we need to take...measures?” “You can hit us with all you’ve got,” the other replied, still reeling from the pain. “We’ll never surrender, that is the strength of us humans. No matter how bad things look, we’ll keep fighting, to the last man. We’ll never be dominated by the likes of you...” Kal-el shrugged. Then, in less than the blink of an eye, he was behind the metal-clad man, grabbing him by the shoulder panels. In a completely fluid motion, Kal crushed the armor onto itself like a tin can. Blood flowed down from the mangled mess and a drop fell on Lois’s upraised face. She wiped it off with her index finger and then turned to Jimmy with a confused look on her face. “Who was that man?” Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan - REMOVED [Vandal Savage] 2. Panther 3. dee_tot 4. Kikacat123 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack 7. Kingofpain 8. Flamebirde 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7 Night 3 begins now, ends 9PM CST tomorrow 6/17!
  6. Day over, post coming...I had it ready actually, but now I'm adding something special ;P.
  7. Lol...well it's ppl that assume that disappoint me (unless it's in a legitimate mathematical sense ;P)...after all, you know that saying: "When you assume, it makes an ___ out of U and ME" I avoid using pure red in general b/c I think it's usually the "get the attention of the Mods and/or Admin" color (like purple in my games is the 'get the attention of the host' color)
  8. Actually it is. (Yes, that was a hint ;P)
  9. Oh yeah, I'll probably start this up again when YJ comes to an end .
  10. Fixing roster. Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan 2. Panther- voting for Aaryan 3. dee_tot - voting for Aaryan 4. Kikacat123- voting for Aaryan 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack - voting for Aaryan 7. Kingofpain - voting for Aaryan 8. Flamebirde-voting for Aaryan 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7- voting for Aaryan That's actually a pretty good idea for an April Fool's joke...have 4 separate BTSC's and tell them they're all mafia, have a bunch of redirects in the role descriptions for the innocents and then randomly choose one person to kill each Night.. I played a RL mafia once where there actually were no mafia and 'God' randomly killed off villagers...it was pretty funny...
  11. Summary: Flying is awesome, evil kick@ss girl with super-speed, Zod is a bad@ss, towns and cities get leveled from Kryptonian fist fights, and I'm pretty sure Henry Cavill is the most perfect physical specimen of a man in existence... (Oh, did you mean the plot? 0;) I think you can pretty much guess the plot from the trailer...) Edit: Please don't use purple text in my games unless it's a question for the host. Thank you. (Although in the movie there's a scene where Superman crushed a robot like a tin can and it did make me think of Iron Man...)
  12. Guys... I don't actually think there's any other role he could claim that would fit the facts and take the heat off him.. hence his lack of defense There's literally nothing else he can do. So unless he pulls something amazing that I haven't thought of out of his a**, imma relax, leave my vote alone, and go celebrate the removal of a baddie from the game : At least come up with an original origin story... (On an aside: saw Man of Steel yesterday...soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good ...it did a nice job exploiting the potential for epicness that Superman's abilities allow )
  13. Um, I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but the mafia NK can be blocked, redirected, and/or manipulated if the player who is carrying the NK is targeted by the respective roles.
  14. Night 2 Atop an abandoned apartment complex, Artemis waited with silent resolve. Blood had been spilled, blood of someone close to her. Sure, they had not always gotten along...okay, admittedly, they had never really gotten along, but they had been teammates, and, she grudgingly conceded to herself, friends. Now it was time for some payback. The muscles in her shooting hand tensed as she saw her target exiting the embassy. He shook hands with Ambassador Sung, laughing politely at some joke the ambassador had made, then bowed and took his leave. He walked for a stretch along the roadside, then, suddenly broke off into a back road. Artemis felt her pulse race. This was her chance. She raised her bow and forced her breathing to slow. No point screwing the pooch now, now that she was so close. Carefully the young huntress took aim at her prey’s back, at the point between his shoulderblades, where her arrow would penetrate his heart. She inhaled, and let the arrow fly. The arrow glided through the air, straight and certain at her target. She allowed herself to smile. It would all be over soon. 50 feet....40 feet...30 feet...20...10...5...3...2...1... Suddenly Aaryan spun around and caught the arrow with a firm fist, not an inch away from his chest. He glanced at it with disinterest, and then snapped it like a twig. Then he turned his gaze up...right at Artemis...and smirked. “It is not so easy to kill me, foolish little girl,” he stated in a loud, deep voice. Then he threw his head back and let out a laugh that rumbled through the Night. Vommack sat at the counter, his brows furrowed in concentration, staring past the ice that was slowly melting in his tumbler. He had tried to help, but it had not gone as planned, at all. He let out a cry of frustration, “Why won’t anyone listen to me?” “I’ll be happy to listen,” a sultry voice said, and a beautiful dark haired woman leaned onto the counter next to him. She placed a slim, smooth hand on his and gazed meaningfully into his eyes. “Tell me,” she continued in a hypnotic tone, “I’ll listen as long as you want...” MikeD hummed to himself as he smothered mayonnaise on the side of a piece of bread. A smidge got onto his finger, and he licked it off. Mmmmm.... He placed the bread (mayonnaise side down, of course) onto the rest of the fixings for his turkey sandwich. Then he leaned back to gaze upon his good work, and smiled appreciatively. His joy was interrupted by his awareness of a red glow coming from behind him. Cautiously, he turned, and found himself face to face with a thin young man with “Sorry to interrupt,” Klarion said, stroking his feline companion. He glanced at the sandwich. “That looks tasty, did you make me one?” The corpulent cat yowled as if in agreement, then hopped from his skinny arms onto MikeD’s kitchen counter. Moving at surprising speed for such an obese creature, the cat snatched up the sandwich in its jaws. “Hey!” MikeD cried. “Don’t eat my sandwich!” Klarion pursed his lips. “You’re right, how impolite.” He shook his head at the animal. “Bad kitty,” he reprimanded, then bowed to MikeD. “I apologize, she shouldn’t have eaten your sandwich.” Taken by surprise, MikeD turned towards Klarion and shrugged. “Uh...well, it’s okay...I guess...” Suddenly he was aware of a shadow looming over him. He spun around and saw the cat...except it was now the size of a tiger. He opened his mouth to scream, but before he could, the feline pounced and ripped out his throat with its fangs. The Lord of Chaos giggled with delight. “She should eat you!” Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan 2. Panther 3. dee_tot 4. Kikacat123 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack 7. Kingofpain 8. Flamebirde 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7 Day 2 begins now, ends 9PM CST tomorrow, 6/16!
  15. About an hour and a half left in the Night, get those actions in! Thank you .
  16. Day 1 Minesweeper tugged at his shirt nervously as he waited in front of the theatre. In the pocket was the note that he had found pinned to his bedpost with a dagger: “Meet me at the cineplex at 8, love, you know who.” He found his fingers inching towards the note. Don’t be a fool, he thought to himself, you’re just here to catch her and take her in, it’s not like you like her, I mean, sure, okay, she’s pretty hot, with those dark almond shaped eyes and that smile, and, yeah, that bod...wow, what a bod... “You made it,” a smooth, strong voice jolted him out of his revelries. He turned and saw her, dressed in a low cut jade colored blouse and leggings that showed off her long, muscular legs. He tried to find something to say, but his voice caught in his throat. It didn’t matter, though, because in the next moment, she was leaning in for a kiss. Wow, he thought, that was the best kiss I’ve ever...wait, what am I doing? “What are you doing?” a voice echoed his inner dialogue. He turned and saw Conner and M’gann staring at him, gaping. “Wait, this is not...” he began. But he was cut off by a super-powered punch in the face from the Boy of Steel. “So you’re the traitor,” Conner accused, anger flashing in his blue eyes as he gripped Minesweeper by the collar. “No...mmm’not...” he tried to say, but he was pretty sure his jaw was broken in at least two places. “Let him go,” his date cried, and she flung a pair of red tassled sai at Miss Martian, who stopped them easily in midair with her telekinesis. “Wwun,” he shouted (or his best attempt at shout at least), but it was too late. M’gann, eyes glowing, rotated the sai and sent them flying at the Asian girl. With a burst of strength, Minesweeper broke free of Conner’s grasp and flung himself in front of the girl. Blood spurted from his mouth as the sai plummeted into his back. http://images.wikia.com/youngjustice/images/5/5f/Cheshire_kisses_Red_Arrow.png “Nooo...Roy!” Cheshire cried. She ran to him and pulled his bloody form into her arms. She lifted his head and planted one last kiss on his lips. “I...I’m sorry...” Red Arrow stammered, and then he was gone. Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan 2. Panther 3. dee_tot 4. Kikacat123 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack 7. Kingofpain 8. Flamebirde 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD 11. ShadowAngel7 Night 2 begins now, ends at 9PM CST tomorrow, 6/15!
  17. Day's over, post coming!
  18. Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan 2. Panther - voting for Vommack 3. dee_tot - voting for Aaryan 4. Kikacat123-voting for dee_tot 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack - voting for Aaryan 7. Kingofpain - voting for Minesweeper 8. Flamebirde - voting for Minesweeper 9. Minesweeper 10. MikeD - voting for Vommack 11. ShadowAngel7 - voting for Minesweeper Last half an hour!
  19. Watchtower: Y-san Roster: 1. Aaryan 2. Panther 3. dee_tot - voting for Aaryan 4. Kikacat123-voting for dee_tot 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack - voting for Aaryan 7. Kingofpain 8. Flamebirde - voting for Minesweeper 9. Minesweeper 10. MikeD - voting for Vommack 11. ShadowAngel7 - voting for kingofpain A little over 3 hours left in the Day!
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