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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Yessss........... this is sweet. Ninja, Kill Itachi please. He lies
  2. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Wait... How do we know that PG is not the GR? I admit I have been skimming just to catch up, I must have missed it somewhere where we left this out? BTW, I thought a masked lover was always a mafioso. Is that how it works?
  3. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Wait... How do we know that PG is not the GR? I admit I have been skimming just to catch up, I must have missed it somewhere where we left this out? BTW, I thought a masked lover was always a mafioso?
  4. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Well, It's nice to see that no one is jumping on my back anymore . I'm still up for being spied on, but if you all now believe that I am an innocent, then good deal. Lets check someone else.
  5. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Cool, sounds good. BTW, can u give us the time-up for the 24hour day? It seems like it would-have needed to be extended b/c of all of the conversation about side-stuff. But then again, I think everyone knows who they are going to vote for so it really doesn't seem necessary to extend it, just leave it to end at the same time so we can still get some pre-night post talk in. Not to mention the Day PMs.
  6. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    **Bringing up the current roster** Host: Frost 1) Unreality - 2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - 9) CrazyPainter - 10) Cherry Lane - 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - Well the thief did not act last night, (was Rene I guess?) so obviously if I am spied on today then it will reveal my true role. Since Unreality said that he was going to spy me today, can we get that taken care of? Or am I gonna have to wait till tomorrow to have that done? Obviously we have today's pick, so I don't really care which day it is. Though let me get this "Bb's a suspicious baddie-thing" cleared up.
  7. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Too late to edit my post so allow me to contradict myself. Unreality is 1/3 the strength of the current Inspector. As compared to KOP... Unreality has about a 1/3 chance of spying a baddie, pretty much every day is about a 1/3 chance depending on how things go. So every other day Unreality gets a what... 2/3 chance of Spying a baddie? KOP had a 100% chance every other day. So my bad, Unreality is not 1/3 the strength of KOP, he is 2/3. Also, I was thinking... why not make the special mafioso killing whatchamacallit (<--WOW! The spell check says it's a real word! ) thingy oapply to EVERYONE/ANYONE. Not just the Spy and the Inspector. now THAT would be fair (and quite interesting).
  8. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Unreality Brandonb - UR stays just the way he is. He's 1/3 the power of the Inspector, so we all realize that the grounds of calling him "too powerful" is pretty unfounded, but we still get to continue to whine that he got to choose his role. Frozen Slick Twoaday -UR stays-make role less powerful for the rest of M-V Y-san - UR stays, but it's *actually* PG using her secret Chameleon power...and PG gets the "Peter Petrelli" Power where she gets the abilities of anyone talks about her in their posts...;P mekal-UR stays-make role less powerful for the rest of M-V itachi -let the Host decide cp -let the Host decide Just saw Trial at Nurenburg...and Michael Clayton.....good for mafia! CL-UR stays-make role less powerful for the rest of M-V dnae nayana dawh pw0nzd -let the Host decide GC dusty PG - UR dies along with me at the lynching and as our souls ascend to heaven they collide, mid-air, and fall back to earth into each other's body...resurrecting us in a "Freaky Friday" sort of way. Then, PG, as the all-knowing Uber-Spy PWNS THE GAME!!!! tolecnal-UR stays-make role less powerful for the rest of M-V rene sinistral
  9. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    "The Onion" is a real-life popular fake news source. Check it out (TheOnion.com maybe?). It's just a better version of the enquirer I guess... Not really any clue there.
  10. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Ok I haven't completely caught up yet, in fact I still haven't even seen the night post (I may be speaking from the dead so please forgive me if I am). Good news, and just my thoughts... Good news- obviously, I have an internet connection here at the beach, yay! My thoughts... There have been many accusations that Unreality is the new "invincible inspector" like KOP was. FIRST, I brought this up when we were working on the role, no one else cared... you know why? B/C it's not true. Unreality is 1/3 the strength of what KOP was... has anyone else even thought of that? Sure it's kinda lame that Unreality got to pick his role, but seriously, there's no reason to eliminate the role, let alone reduce it for this game, just out of spite. Ok, I'll write more when I get caught up
  11. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Well, I was sure that Frost would be back by now, and I'm pretty much out of time I gotta leave for a few days. It's shouldn't effect the game play too much b/c my vote is for PG. Just in case there is a "no contest" plea, and the game gets sped up... and I'm not back for the following day, then my vote should be counted in-line with Unreality's (for that lynch ONLY. I'll surely be back before the following night is through). Have fun all, and don't forget to Spy me Unreality, I rather not die while I am gone . Good Luck Innocents!
  12. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah, that's given, of course you need the protection first. but umm, I could use it secondly. seriously
  13. I don't get it... do the Yakuza get to kill each night? Or is their job just basically the equivalent a newspaper editor and his apprentice?
  14. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    y save 2aday? he's the bomb, they're not gonna try to take him out! save me!
  15. I'm thinking that the Shatei should have an ability, but just a "once in the course of the entire game" ability, just so they can do something, other than (MAYBE) just die after the other Yakuza. BTW, do the Yakuza get to BTSC?
  16. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Hehehe, I'm gonna gitcha!!!
  17. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    UR right.... so, anyone notice how quiet Slick has been this game!? A COMPLETE turnaround from the last game... Suspicious?
  18. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    that's point of mafia right? btw, I edited the post. sorry
  19. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Edit: ur right dusty, my bad, this is not the place to have this discussion.
  20. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

  21. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Lol, the world's biggest deuce.
  22. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    I dunno I gotta go with the Armageddon theme over the NooB heart graphics, sorry Unreality.
  23. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Well yeah, he still could have been the illusionist. b/c the QAs only win if they kill the yeti
  24. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    So if the Aurora isn't used tonight, we can be pretty sure of one of two things. 1-GC was the Shaman. or 2-The Shaman is a newbie, that doesn't realize they they stand a very slight chance of seeing night 4.
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