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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. YAY!!! Mekal is on!!! So which is it? Frozen-2 or Dawh? Edit: hehe, you already posted. You can check me but it will be a waste. I am the healer, and we need to figure out which the real Janitor is.
  2. First, the Spy and (especially) the Inspector were the ones in the most danger. The two of use were equally in danger as being saving roles. But the Inspector had the chance of getting the last mafioso name today! So WHY would I save you if we could end it today? You're making me think that YOU are suspicious! Trying to convince me to save YOU when it was SO MUCH MORE important to take care of the Inspector, I mean, wtf? I'm not saying that I don't believe that you are not the Doctor. I mean, your post proved NOTHING, plus it was uncalled for, no one was suspect of you but you posted what may or may not be a forged PM. But that was a suspicious action. At this point I am leaning towards pw/Frozen as a baddie since there was no mafia kill last night and the baddies NEEDED to make as many kills as possible last night.
  3. LOL! none of you get it. So clever.
  4. R U sure about that? I will come out with my info once we have either pw/Frozen or Dawh pegged. You are only digging your hole deeper. Edit: Actually I don't think I need Frozen confirmed anymore. It's not possible for him to be a baddie. Edit2: Has Mekal even been on today?
  5. LOL! I'd like to know the same thing! hehe I dunno what you people expect me to say to prove myself? I am the Healer. There are two liars among us and I'm waiting for Mekal to confirm Frost's identity before I come out with my info. Actually, I think it would be more valuable if he checked either Dawh or pw, since that way we would be guaranteed a baddie depending on the results. Once we get of them confirmed as innocent I can tell you what is going on.
  6. Like I said, I'll explain when I get a confirmation about Frost. It was a brilliant plan. GC never ceases to amaze. Again, why are you pushing the accusations on me? I'll tell you why, because no one ever trusts me. It's my curse but I have to bear it. It must be easier to confront me than to confront Frozen/pw. Why is that?
  7. ???? I don't get it. Why are you pushing to kill Frozen? If pw is claiming the same role as you? Besides, there was no mafia kill last night when pw was in jail. Now pw is claiming the same role as you. SO either you or pw is the mafioso. Frost is not off my suspicion list at all, but you two are at the top. Edit: also, I think I know what's going on. I don't want to say anything until I hear a confirmation about Frost. Clever Clever Clever
  8. I was thinking about that too. But it doesn't seem like a good idea when the numbers are so terribly against them. I mean, shouldn't the baddies be taking out as many innocents as they can during the night?
  9. I think we all already knew that. Edit: It's the only role that you would be allowed back in the game to play. Since you were the Ninja you would have the unfair advantage of coming back in knowing who the Janitor was, unless you were coming back in to replace the janitor.
  10. Of course I didn't meet up with Rene, I wasn't about to save her. I picked the person that I think is the Inspector. I'm not going to say who though b/c then the baddies will know that I cannot pick that person again tonight. It would be a waste for me to save Rene when we are down to this level. We need to protect the Spy and the Inspector.
  11. Phaze was the LP. That's why the QAs died today.
  12. Well, this game is heavily in the innocent's favor so I figure I may as well come out now and tell you that I am the Healer. I hate that I didn't get Rene, but hopefully coming out with my role will up us organize the innocents a little better in what is hopefully only two remaining days.
  13. People, you really need to shut up
  14. The baddies would already get to know who the ninja is if they pick the ninja at night. B/c the ninja doesn't die. This idea doesn't cause any of the stuff you suggested, all it does is create a repercussion for the baddies if they accidentally pick the ninja. limiting the demands kinda kills the point. If the defender is defending someone, realistically they can't prevent anything else that night. Who's to say something happens before/after anything? If the defender is guarding the ninja's house, then what happens? The defender would leave the ninja's house at some random point in the night, leaving the ninja vulnerable, and go stand at someone else's house which may or may not be attacked. It's just not possible unless the ninja, and the defender's pick both have a 50% chance of dying when picked. huh? the MM is a single character, not two characters. I forgot to include at the beginning of the description that "Each night the MM gets to choose to use the ability of any other night time character...." They don't get to be the other character, they just copy the ability for that night and the following day, with the downfall of something similar to the thief's ability as a side effect. I agree, the SB is not too terribly powerful anymore. but what other effect can their be? The SB already gets a chance to kill whoever tries to kill him/her, gets to attack someone with the explosive ability, AND gets to use a weakened lie detect. If anything one of those 3 abilities needs to go. Though I think it's pretty well balanced the way that it is. It's a complex role, but there are lots of options. I was kinda impressed by how the message went, and the effect that it had. I don't think it was too powerful because the innocents didn't obey it. Sure it had a strong effect on them, but it's not like they were forced to do anything. Besides, what else can it be if not demanding?
  15. OK, since the defeated have nothing to lose by sharing all of their info anyways. and because they are apparently MORE than happy to share it. I must please ask that no one else posts in here until UR writes up the day post! thank you!
  16. OK, time's up! Edit:nvm, it was up back when Frost said it Since UR is not on I dunno what to do now. The night can't start until the day post, and we are left with some leftover time. It would probably be the most fair if we didn't post anything else until the day post. However, I think it's in our best interest (since UR didn't give any instruction) if we call this an extended twilight and work with it. What does everyone think? Edit 2: PLEASE NO MORE POSTS FROM Y-SAN. IT WILL BE CONSIDERED GHOST POSTING.
  17. Hmm, by my computer time's up! though by the forum time stamp there's still about 5mins (not that it matters). So time's up in 5mins Edit: 4mins Edit: 3mins Edit: 2mins and TwoaDay, please edit out that long pointless post that just makes people scroll down. Edit: 1min remaining!
  18. Wow, I go to sleep and one thing is happening, I wake up and the entire world has flipped upside down! I was just thinking the same thing. 3 for 1, you can't do any better than that! That will make us 2 baddies away from the win! About the TC thing, Johnson was too late to revoke Y-San's vote (7 of 13 people had voted) not that it matters though. My vote is for Y-san, which make a majority no matter what the other players do. Wow, everyone has voted, that's kinda rare. Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost - voting for Y-San 4) Brandonb - voting for Y-San 5) Dawh - voting for Y-San 6) Ysan - voting for Clueless 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - voting for Johnson 9) Twoaday - voting for Johnson 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Y-San 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Y-San 15) Rene- voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter voting for Y-San 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM - voting for Y-San 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal- voting for LM BTW, the polls close in 10mins!
  19. Frozen, I see that you are typing. Please stop breaking the rules
  20. OK, a few ideas on revising roles, and a new role: 1. Ninja Defense (night two only). Of course the ninja may not feel comfortable killing someone this early in the game. So rather than just not do anything, the ninja can choose to defend themselves. So if anyone attacks the ninja that night, the ninja will instead kill that person, OR PREFERABLY disable their baddie ability for the next night (if they have a specific ability). It only applies against the baddies, and obviously the ninja survives either way. 2. Keep the SV, but make it so that the Mafia knows who the SV is and must use a kill on the SV. The mafia will still be able to kill the SV abruptly at any time, but the Mafiosos will not be able to kill someone else on the night following the SV dispatch. 3. Defender- Right now the defender saves 2 at once (the ninja AND someone from a QA) I like the idea, being the "defender" and all, but how can the defender be two places at once if they are supposed to be watching one person's house each night? Maybe we can tweak the defender another way. 4. (NEW ROLE) The Metamorph (abrv MM) - Can choose to be any night time role in the game (except for the ninja). However if whatever role the MM chooses will be the role that they are identified as for the following day. Ex. If the Metamorph decides to spy someone (as in the QA/Godfather ability), they are considered a QA/mafioso to the spy and the inspector (depending on the night and whether there are living members of the faction), but is ALWAYS considered their role in the case of an innocent for the lie detection. If the MM decides to kill, they are considered a LIVING member of the baddie community (QA, GR, Mafia, Yakuza... roll the die to decide) for the same reasons. If they choose to save, defend from QAs, Defend from Yakuza, or the Janitor (and whatever else is a night time innocent) they are seen as that role (living or dead) the following day.
  21. Ok, I'll have to wait to hear from LM before I change my mind about you. Second, if you are telling the truth, it shouldn't be acceptable to bring info outside of this thread into the game. Though if you prove to be telling the truth... then it's cool with me this time (before it gets entered into the rules next game) We'll wait to see what LM has to say. But like I said, it's suicide for clueless to disprove you, so I'm not sure right now.
  22. LOL!!! It's a repeat of me a Mekal at the end of Maf V. I agree Frost. If Clueless was lying, then when Mekal gets lynched he would be proved to be telling the truth. So it would actually be suicide for Clueless to try and disprove Mekal. I think I believe Clueless.
  23. True, but Frost has been on, and Johnson lives in India so he's asleep when alot of this stuff happens. I'm not too sure about Dawh though, any thoughts Y-san? The shade of the color in this forum alternates with each post. The two colors are EEF2F7 - darker and F5F9FD - lighter In order to get the right one you either need to check the previous post to your own, or just go back and edit the correct one in.
  24. ^^Hurray for boosting post count!!!!^^
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