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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Grrr, I keep doing the right thing the first time, and just not getting it! Thanks for the Spanish tip, I completely missed it.
  2. Brandonb

    *Playing Devil's Advocate Unless a concept is assigned something to represent it. Any form of symbol. Infinite has been assigned a symbol with no numerical value, but with a numerical concept for which is was assigned. When infinite is considered within numerical parameters (not just "everything"), infinite is represented in mathematical equations by a symbol. Certainly the concept is infinite, but the symbol is concrete, and may be used to express variations on infinite (though in reality there are none). So uh, yeah... I give up, nevermind. I guess my original reasoning was nothing more than an expression of the difference of two numbers in relation to eachother alone, then adding the concept of infinite. Not actually comparing those numbers to infinite. Ok, I'm done
  3. Brandonb

    I'd say that neg and pos inf. are equally distant from zero. B/C even though all numbers are infinitely distant from infinite, theoretically if you compared 8 to infinite, and 22 to infinite, then 8 would be infinite+14, when compared to 22. Ok, and.... I'm lost jk
  4. Well, I got it now.... but I still don't get it
  5. Yeah, I had the same things. Now I'm getting PO'd
  6. I keep retrying this different ways. Dusty, did u get it?
  7. I thought ROF was replaced. But I dunno what's going on there
  8. OK OK OK Ideas about the given Hint. I'm stuck at the end.
  9. Yeah I have one idea.... This whole Discussion....... NEEDS TO GO INTO THE DISCUSSION THREAD Edit: Hint discussion in the "MAFIA DISCUSSION" thread starts on page 28
  10. same here, I have been for a while. There's no much more to it then what is being asked for.
  11. Well, I have made HUGE strides with the Hint so far. This whole thing gets deeeeeeeeep.
  12. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Yeah, at first I had her as the Penguin. She probably actually is, Not that it matters. I just wanted to post a roster that would put Mekal on his heels for a "No Contest" plea
  13. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Aww, crap. It was kinda of a toss up there. I figured that all your coaxing about things that the QAs should do was you trying to direct them into an inuit trap Sorry.
  14. This seems that it will be filled up and ready to go before the end of the day. Which would be sweet, since Maf V is gonna be over and wrapped up by the end of the day!
  15. LOL! Yeah, I felt bad about it at first... Though still a good decision
  16. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Hey, Remember that I Spied Slick? yeah... c'mon man, lets just end this.
  17. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Dude, you're not the Healer... you're not an innocent. I know people don't ever believe me about anything But they will this time when they see their role on the roster. You're dead. OK, just for fun, wanna claim a different role instead?
  18. No, The SV wins with the innocents. But it's gotta keep feeding the Mafia Info that it learns, or else there's no point in the mafia keeping the SV alive.
  19. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    not gonna happen. Tolecnal won't die anyway. However, you will still win. So no, you die now
  20. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Well, even though I haven't really been analyzing the posts. But I believe this is the Final Roster, even though I'm sure many people already have it, or something close to it. 1) Unreality - [spy] 2) Brandonb - [Janitor] 3) Frozen - [inspector] 4) Slick - [Healer] 5) TwoaDay - [bomb] 6) Yoruichi-san - [Ninja] 7) Mekal - [Quarky] 8) Itachi - [Mafia] 9) CrazyPainter - [shaman] 10) Cherry Lane - [Grim Reaper] 11) LIS - [Mafia] 12) Nayana - [Doctor] 13) Dawh - [inuit] 14) pw0nzd - [icon] 15) GC - [Quarky] 16) Dusty - [Defender] 17) Puzzlegirl - [Quarky] 18) Tolecnal - [Penguin] 19) Rene83 - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - [illusionist] So please... Mekal say "NO CONTEST" Edit: I hate that it took until day 4 to get it. ugh, disappointment...
  21. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    You know the Lie Detect only works at night. NO DON'T LEAVE!!!! WE NEED "NO CONTEST" CONFESSION!!! ugh
  22. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    No need, Bad choice Mekal, I know who the Healer is... Well I guess that about wraps up this game! Can we a get No Contest!? Edit: Seriously, right now your cover is blown. There is no point for ANYONE not to tell the truth right now UNLESS they are the QA... SO Mr. QA... Will you plead "NO CONTEST" so we can call it a game!?
  23. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    If you say so! Host: Frost 1) Unreality - DEAD - [spy] 2) Brandonb - voting for mekal 3) Frozen - voting for mekal 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - voting for mekal 6) Yoruichi-san - DEAD - [Ninja] 7) Mekal - voting for tolecnal 8) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Ninja 9) CrazyPainter - 10) Cherry Lane - GONE - [Grim Reaper] 11) LIS -- DEAD - [Mafia] 12) Nayana - DEAD - [Doctor] 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - DEAD - [Defender] 17) Puzzlegirl - DEAD - [Quarky] 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper
  24. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Thanks, I tried to make it vaguely relate back to your clue and have the connection between the two references impossible to Google . Oh well... GG Bud, see you in VI Plus, you original hint was fantastic. Perfectly cloaked in some acquired knowledge AND logic
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