-OK, these are all the roles that I have found, that have been brought up and have not been adopted. Just bringing them over, in their original wording for the most part, for further discussion-
*Oracle- an independent character that wins by prolonging the game. It gets to know the roles of every character in the game up front. This character's ability is to (any day, but not two days in a row) reveal any one truthful identity to any other one player of the Oracle's choosing. This character wins by making it to day 5 alive (So the character must work to make sure that there is a day 5). This character may reveal identities in the forum also, though 1- they may lie as a method to prolong the game, or 2- no one may believe him/her. ***Now known as the Beggar
*Werewolf - The Alpha Werewolf is on his or her own side and each night, he/she can "infect" another member of the populace [maybe there is a chance that the victim realizes that they have been infected, but not sure] This would not affect the victim or his/her role immediately. The Alpha Werewolf wins if half [or some other percentage] of the population is infected by the time the game ends. If the Alpha Wolf is lynched, then all those infected are "cured" and the Alpha wolf loses. However, if the Alpha Wolf dies at night, then one of those s/he infected is randomly selected to become the Alpha Wolf [in addition to their other role?] and continues the original Alpha Wolf's task. The original Alpha Wolf still wins if the quota is reached in this fashion. The reason I think that this role has potential is because it has something of an opposite agenda from everyone else in the game. The Alpha Wolf wants the game to last as long as possible, to give him/her more opportunities to infect people. (Infecting half the population is probably way to high a goal to attain feasibly, so maybe Alpha Wolf wins if all remaining players are infected when game ends? I like this idea better, because then s/he will try to protect certain characters regardless of which side they are on, and perhaps s/he will help kill off others who are not yet infected.) All of the other roles are designed to protect your own people, or help kill the other sides, so the person playing the Alpha wolf has to try to keep the game fairly even so that it won't end in three "days" like Mafia IV did.
* Icon - the icon is a celebrity of Pengville. If they die at night, there is a double lynching the next day to avenge them. Ie, someone is selected, the target noted, then another person is selected, and both are lynched. If the Icon dies in a lynching, however, something bad happens that night (not sure if baddies would get double, that may be too extreme, but something). To make the Icon's power not necessarily rest only in death, they would have the ability to (only once) stop a lynching due to their celebrity (if they PMed me in time). Unlike the Mayor, the Icon is not a "confirmed Innocent". They would not be able to stop their own lynching.
*mole . At the start of the game , you induct an innocent into the ranks of the mafia . He acts as a mole , infiltrating their ranks , obviously unknown to the mafiaso . This will cause distrust among the mafia members , but the mole cannot reveal the identity of the mafia members . The inspector does not know the mole's identity neither does the mole know who the inspector is . He could provide information like : who the mafiaso are planning to lynch the next day(on the same days the Inspector recieved the random mafiaso identity) . This will help the inspector prepare himself more carefully . And the mafiaso can have a better chance , as you don't need to PM the Inspector the identity of a mafiaso . Let the Inspector find for himself . That's what an inspector works for , doesn't he? You are the intermediary , who delivers the messages of the mole to the inspector .
*The Messenger. In the game, EVERYONE is allowed to send ONE PM to another chosen person (not chosen role) during the day. They send the message to Unreal, who then sends it to the chosen person with no name attached, only the role of the sender. Meanwhile, the message is also hidden-CC'd to The curious Messenger who gets to read it. So the messenger knows the message, who it is to, and the role it is from.
*Merchant- the Merchant is an Innocent trader that does deals with the Mafia. At any time, the Mafia can request (through me) to trade with the Merchant, asking the role of one player in exchange for telling the Merchant one of their own Mafioso identities (all done through me, since the Mafia don't know who the Merchant is and stuff). The Merchant can choose to decline or accept the Mafia's request, or bargain for a different player to be revealed. Also, the Merchant- at any time of the day- can initiate dealings by offering the identity of a specific role (such as Defender) in return for a Mafioso identity, to which the Mafia can accept/decline/bargain. The Merchant doesn't learn the identities and whatnot that he passes on to the Mafia, since it's done through me.
*Lobbyist- I just thought of an idea for a role, not too sure on how it would work. Maybe someone that could somehow affect the voting pattern of people, like they could make it so if anyone votes for a specific person, their vote counts for another person, or some other way of manipulating the votes. It could really upset a lynch vote. They would be an innocent, obviously.
*Lawyer- The job of the Lawyer is to defend the most accused character during a lynching. The Lawyer learns the role of the accused and does their best to defend the accused person (accused meaning there is a supreme majority in favor of the accused. At least 3 votes in the majority). The Lawyer is impartial, because the lawyer wins by "saving" (swaying the mob away from the accused) three people during the course of the game. Like the Mayor, the lawyer is confirmed as an innocent (kind of) so as not to be lynched himself. The lawyer may or may not be requested by the accused, however if he is, he may do whatever is necessary to defend the client (out the accused person's real role, or claim that he is a different role entirely).
*Death worshiper- Basically the idea is just that if a predetermined event occurs (like if the first reaper is killed by another baddie instead of in a public lynching, or if a certain role gets lynched), then the death worshiper becomes the reaper when/if the reaper dies.
Maybe, the Worshiper knows who the reaper is, but the reaper does not know who the worshiper is. So the worshiper can try to sway a lynching in favor of the reaper in order to gain the power of the reaper. So the worshiper can target the reaper for the lynching, but if the worshiper gives away who s/he is, then 1-the reaper will kill the worshiper, or the lynch mob will just take out the worshiper in the next lynching.
*Astronomer - likes watching & predicting the motions of stars and planets and stuff. If the Thief breaks in and steals from his house (thus stealing his telescope), the Astronomer goes on a warpath...
*Psycho quarky- gets to kill at night, but he himself cannot die, just like the vigilante. The difference is, the psycho has his role revealed at the beginning of the game, and he only gets to kill once. He cannot PM with the other QAs until he uses his kill. When he makes his kill he becomes vulnerable. At that point he gets to PM with the other quarkies, that is if they can PM eachother when he uses his kill. If they cannot PM eachother, then he really can't do anything except die as a confirmed quarky agent. It's kind of a combination of the suicide bomber (except instead of dying he becomes vulnerable) and the vigilante, who turns into a confirmed quarky agent. I dunno how the character would win, I don't want it to be by killing the sphinx (unless he does it as a quarky).
* Indoctrination: when it reaches the point of only 1 Mafioso left against 4 or more Innocents (no GRs or QAs in there) the Mafioso is informed and the next night he/she can decide to, instead of killing an Innocent, "induct" an Innocent into the Mafia- the Innocent will lose the use of their role's ability, but they will obviously retain any knowledge they had from their role, and become the Goon role of the Mafia (Goon = no special Mafia-related abilities). From that point forward, the Goon wins with the Mafia. If the Defender is indoctrinated, it counts as being "dead" for the Ninja's sake. If the Ninja is indoctrinated while the Defender is still alive, the Mafioso is informed and must pick a different person, or they can still try to indoctrinate the Ninja, but it only has a 50% chance of working