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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. I never said anything about temporary, this role would change characters for the rest of the game! I'm just curious about what kind of complexities could arise from something like this.
  2. How about a little mutation on Itachi's idea. A character that could choose two people every other day to switch roles (of course the people who ha their roles switched would not know the person that they switched with). It may be better if tacked on to the "Oracle" role I suggested earlier. Edit: I also like the sylar role that Y-s brought up.
  3. Why Friday or Saturday? If people cannot confirm within 24hrs (same as the day post) then they need to be removed. This thread has been open for a while now, and if all questionables haven't confirmed by, say, noon tomorrow, then puts the backups in the slots and begin.
  4. hmm... so then, does that mean that we are going higher than 20 players this time? Or does everyone else start signing up on a backups roster?
  5. You need to read Maf II or IV, you need to read all the rules, and you need to be on often. 2 times a day minimum, and you must be active in the conversations.
  6. Saw the jail idea. It's very interesting. I have a couple questions though. 1- Does the Police Officer get to release people if s/he chooses? Or do people just remain in jail indefinitely until a jailbreak? 2- The Escapee is in addition to the original role right? (Doesn't sound too bad)
  7. You're right, the stories would be better if we did. However, maybe we can just tweak the time constraints a little bit. Keep the 24hr and 18hr marks. Unless 1- all the night PMs are sent in early (same as the last game so the 18hrs would not be needed), and 2- Day Lynch votes are in 100% AND they are 75% in favor of one candidate. I dunno how much that could speed things up, but assuming that the quarkies don't meet up until the 3rd night, and everything else goes as slow as possible, then there should be less than 9 people remaining by the 7th.
  8. When you hit 1001 posts
  9. Pretty sure I'll be back on the 10th, same as you. Edit: Though, the difference being that I am almost positive that I will not be able to get on at all during that time.
  10. Brandonb

    Mafia IV

    Thank for the consideration all. I would appreciate if people listened to the logic in my posts, but Unreality was right. It is my fault, my conscious decision to sometimes twist lies in with truths, that the people of Mafia IV truly turned into an "unruly mob" against my case . Oh well, as GC said more lies=more fun, so why stop now right?
  11. My vote is for ASAP also. I will be heading out on vacation on the 7th, so if we start soon then we should end before I leave. (Or I'll at least have a very very very good chance of being dead before I leave )
  12. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistently-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! -This puzzle is what I call a level - 1 Which means that this puzzle is - Straight forward cryptogram of a decently long quote. Including all letters and the name of the quoted person. Good Luck! JMS TSHESJ XQ ZXB PC DXEI PT HXCJLPCSW PC XCS DXEW – SFHSYYSCHS. JX ICXD MXD JX WX TXNSJMPCR DSYY PT JX SCZXB PJ. ~KSLEY T. AVHI
  13. Brandonb

    What do you mean "Special editions?"
  14. Brandonb

    Well, It doesn't seem that anyone else wants to give this a shot. So I'll go ahead and post the credit. This quote came from... LCFLR JFBHEFBH Edit: #18 coming soon
  15. Yeah, he'd be invincible for the first night and day right? Edit: K... we need some 5* ratings people, cast your votes so we don't have to worry about another NewB shooting it down midway
  16. Hmm, what about KOP? I'd like to see a game with all the veterans & heavy-hitters involved.
  17. Very true, I made the prediction in the last game that it was very heavily weighted for a baddie win. So I guess this should help to bring balance back. I just don't see the good side of the every-day Spy thing. I think it will bring about the invincible know-it-all from Maf III. I know that the spy has about a 30% chance of hitting a baddie, but depending on how the first night and day turn out, it could easily and quickly change to a 50% chance. Which is the exact same thing as the invincible every-other day inspector from Maf III. Differences b/w Maf 3, 4, and 5 Inspector went from- Every-other (Invincible) to every other (secret) to Every day (Secret). I think this has evolved into a good medium. Baddies went from- 6 (1GR, 2QA(every-other), 3Maf), to 8 (1GR, 3QA(every night), 4Maf) plus a QA hunter, to 7 (1GR, 3QA(every night), 3Maf) and the QA hunter. Again, I think this has become a great middle ground for the number of players involved. Spy went from- Every other (potentially invincible), then stayed the same, then Doubled in strength and remains potentially invincible. It's not middle ground. It's a hard sway in favor of the innocents. Maybe it will work well, I just wanted to bring it to light.
  18. So the Mafiosos are restricted by one baddie, and the rate of flow for identities has doubled. Doesn't this seem a little weighted towards the innocents?
  19. Umm, so... 1- the roles are basically the same right? (aside from the Shaman and the Icon) 2- Is the GR still immune the first night and day? 3- Is the Defender role still revealed if he dies during the night? 4- So the Spy gets a role EVERY day now? 5- It's not really clear about the Yeti vs the Sphinx. Is the Sphinx now the Yeti? 6- Are the actions of the Doc and the Healer again going unmentioned unless used? I think that about covers my questions, thanks! Edit: 1 more thing 7- Are the 24x18 time constraints still in place?
  20. Brandonb

    Well done Sinistral! And welcome to the Den! So, anyone else wanna take a crack at it and post the answer?
  21. Brandonb

    Mafia IV

    Sure, I dunno what we'll wager, but I bet I don't see the 2nd night. <_< Seriously, And then I'll wager that you get lynched on day 2. (assuming that you make it through the 2nd night).
  22. Ok well what about another role. I have no idea what to call it. But it's an independent character that wins by prolonging the game. The (?) gets to know the roles of every character in the game up front. This character's ability is to (any day, but not two days in a row) reveal any one truthful identity to any other one player of the (?'s) choosing. This character wins by making it to day 5 alive (So the character must work to make sure that there is a day 5). This character may reveal identities in the forum also, though 1- they may lie as a method to prolong the game, or 2- no one may believe him/her. I'm sure it needs tweaking. Maybe call it the Oracle or something, I dunno.
  23. Brandonb

    Well done! 4 Kudos each! Yeah, the missing letter in this one is quite essential
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