Very true, I made the prediction in the last game that it was very heavily weighted for a baddie win. So I guess this should help to bring balance back. I just don't see the good side of the every-day Spy thing. I think it will bring about the invincible know-it-all from Maf III. I know that the spy has about a 30% chance of hitting a baddie, but depending on how the first night and day turn out, it could easily and quickly change to a 50% chance. Which is the exact same thing as the invincible every-other day inspector from Maf III.
Differences b/w Maf 3, 4, and 5
Inspector went from- Every-other (Invincible) to every other (secret) to Every day (Secret). I think this has evolved into a good medium.
Baddies went from- 6 (1GR, 2QA(every-other), 3Maf), to 8 (1GR, 3QA(every night), 4Maf) plus a QA hunter, to 7 (1GR, 3QA(every night), 3Maf) and the QA hunter. Again, I think this has become a great middle ground for the number of players involved.
Spy went from- Every other (potentially invincible), then stayed the same, then Doubled in strength and remains potentially invincible. It's not middle ground. It's a hard sway in favor of the innocents.
Maybe it will work well, I just wanted to bring it to light.