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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Oh, ok. The Phoenix isn't the riddle role anymore, it's something top-secret. And the QAs can get'em ANY night after the transformation. Got it. I missed the whole Top Secret thing, sorry
  2. Yes, I totally agree after re-reading. If it was just the stealing ability then I would say that it should be every day, but with both of those abilities, even though the chances are slim, it should be every-other day. ALSO, some other thoughts, questions, and clarifications I noticed when reading through it all.... With the Thief role - "identity the next day, they instead are PMed the name of the person broken into." Should be the ROLE of the person broken into (I know it's picky but you said this one's rues were gonna be solid) "*** All Mafia abilities as well as the MoE's ability, the Oyabun's ability and the GR's ability, must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the SB's lie-detect & suicide-bomb abilities as well as the Policeman's arrest (though the SB and arrest are day-abilities, not night)" Don't forget Janitor Is the "The Phoenix" the Riddle protector role? And Is the "The Phoenix" vulnerable every night? You may now want to remove the "no special powers on their own." from the defender role. Just a thought, but why not just call the policeman/policewoman the Police Officer (PO)? It seems easier. So the PO lost the ability to learn whether or not the detainees contain a specific badie majority? I like this way that you have it now better I think the term "Dispatch" for the SV role needs to be clarified. Maybe "Terminate" or "Whack"
  3. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm really not worried about Dnae right now. I know what u mean about him giving an abnormal amount of tips to the QAs, and I believe he may be one. But I'm not gonna vote for him until we find out whether or not he is being replaced. Now, back to you. Yeah, I forgot that you said you had played this before in real-life back in the signup. Ok, I'll let you slide this time... Host: Frost 1) Unreality - DEAD - [spy] 2) Brandonb - Voting for Taliesin 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Ninja 9) CrazyPainter - 10) Cherry Lane - 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - DEAD - [Doctor] 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - DEAD - [Quarky] 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - WHAT SAY YOU Taliesin!? (Or is that Mekal now!? I didn't keep up with it in my roster, sorry) You're in the hot seat!
  4. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    He's separate if he dies. Right now ur the one on the chopping block Mr. change the subject
  5. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    We have replacements for a reason. Since Dnae gave notice, we should use the next 24hrs to find a replacement. If no replacement is found, then he Dies.
  6. Exactly, that would allow him/her to sway the vote a little in a clench. What's the point of negating someone's vote if you don't have a clue who they are going to vote for? It seems powerful, and it could be. Mainly on the first lynching when things are usually close. Sure, the tax collector could be on the opposing side, or voting for someone else entirely, or saying they are not participating in the vote, but actually voting by negating someone else's. There's some strategy if it's done during the day. At night, there's really nothing to it. Just kind of a lame-duck shot in the dark "hope they weren't gonna vote for me" kinda thing. I was also thinking, I'm STILL working on a little thing for the other yakuza. I know you're (unreality) against giving the other Yakuza ANY kind of ability. But I think it would be cool if SOMEONE had a "planting evidence" ability to counter the Spy in the other direction. A Baddie that has the ability to make someone (probably but not necessarily an innocent) appear to be a different role if they were spied on. What do u think?
  7. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    YES! Great post Frost! ALRIGHT, lets draw some new conclusions... The Remaining QA is a NooB. Which should help narrow it down a little. Nuf' said Before Itachi died there were, without a doubt, two mafia remaining. Which means that the mafia DELIBERATELY did not kill last night. Why? Even if Itachi was a Mafioso (Which he more than likely was) he still could have a made a kill. So why did the two not use their ability? EITHER ability!? No bankroller yet, no Thief yet (not that it matters anymore), though maybe the godfather (no telling on that one). So, this means that the final QA is either Taliesin, Tolecnal, or Sinistral And the Remaining Mafia is probably also a NooB among that same list. My Vote's for Sinistral (AGAIN ) Host: Frost 1) Unreality - DEAD - [spy] 2) Brandonb - Voting for Sinistral 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Ninja 9) CrazyPainter - 10) Cherry Lane - 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - DEAD - [Doctor] 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - DEAD - [Quarky] 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral -
  8. What about making it so that the Tax Collector can take away someone's vote... At any time during the day!?
  9. That doesn't go anywhere?
  10. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    My thoughts are that 1-that could mean that the an innocent such as the doc/inuit/shaman has not been online. It's not necessarily a baddie, in fact, odds are that it was not a baddie, but rather an innocent that didn't reply to the PM. Since there is only 1 quarky, and the mafiosos. (GR doesn't kill tonight, so there's no waiting for that PM). Granted, we can't assume that whoever didn't respond is an innocent either. I think it's best if we just don't bother even trying to figure out who it is that was missing, and instead we just go on with the game and hope they join back up before the end of the day.
  11. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Night post is a MAX of 18hrs. Those who do no participate don't get to exercise their abilities. Day post is a solid 24hrs. No participation = boot. I wish you weren't booted Nayana. But people who consciously do not participate are terrible drags on this game *cough, we have a few of them right now *cough. And need to be booted. Same goes for the ones who just don't care. I understand that you had an extenuating circumstance, and that you wanted to play. And I'm sure everyone except for the baddies wish you were still playing, I know I do. But there is no way to tell what category you fall into when you are not active. I'm really sorry
  12. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    So... where's the night post!? I'm sorry if I missed that this was going to be a long night. Oh wait... Frost's vacation is over tomorrow right? He's probably on the road right now, so nvm I guess.
  13. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    No need, he's gone after the night post (whenever it comes). And we wait... Hoping for a few clues... Innocent or Baddie. Lets get this game going!
  14. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm sure, no worries. Not a big deal. Lets get us a baddie! YEEHAW!!!! String'em up!
  15. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Nah, I don't think he's lying, we need to use it on someone else... Like sinister or whatever it was . I may have had it right from the very beginning, and I would like to know, hehe.
  16. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Ok, just woke up and I want to go ahead and confirm Slick's innocence. So don't worry about the lie detector. Use it on someone else.
  17. Yes, eventually. Plenty of time before I get there. In the mean time, the janitor role does not pay well. I find myself with alot of spare time b/c of the way things have worked out . Though it will be different in the next one!
  18. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Yeah, that was a long time ago that I accused you about being a QA though. You've thrown mad hints since then, that's why I never revisited it. I had u down to the Ninja or the inuit or the Inspector, though less likely the inspector since you and Unreality couldn't really work together without giving it away.
  19. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Hehe, how'd u do that? Edit: nvm, don't tell me. Your skills should remain in your personal arsenal.
  20. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Who r u after Y-s? (if you don't mind me asking )
  21. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    **Updated Roster** Host: Frost 1) Unreality - DEAD - [spy] 2) Brandonb - 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - 9) CrazyPainter - 10) Cherry Lane - 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - DEAD - [Doctor] 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - DEAD - [Quarky] 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - Edit: Oops! I must be in denial
  22. I would love to, but umm... I still have a job to do!
  23. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    well, Y-San definitely needs help tonight if the defender dies b/c the Quarkies are going after her. One Quarky didn't act last night, the idea was for one to go after Y-S, while the other sat back and did nothing, to avoid confusion. And then hopefully they would both choose Y-s and meet up tonight. (I'm know b/c that was my plan a the beginning of Maf IV) I'm thinking that it could be Itachi who didn't act last night, we'll see I guess.
  24. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    OK, I'm out for a few more hours. I'll be back later after the post. Then I'll hopefully be able to contribute to the game a little bit .
  25. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm the janitor. I selected GC on night #1, and wouldn't you know it? I got stuck with the SAVING ability which I (obviously) declined b/c I thought GC was possibly a baddie. I guess it has turned out to be a good choice. Night #2 I picked Nayana. Again a saving ability.... I declined AGAIN. I'll do better tonight, I promise!
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