Chuck Norris went as Chuck Norris for Halloween. He got twice as much candy as anybody.
Chuck Norris created John Mayer so that everyone would always have someone to make fun of.
Chuck Norris will never die. He is the reincarnation of dead Buddhists pent up rage
If someone asks Chuck Norris what his favorite song is, he roundhouse kicks them in the face until they beg for mercy. He then tells them that's music to his ears.
Chuck Norris ran the mile after the Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique was used on him.
Chuck Norris once fell into a pool of toxic waste, and the toxic waste gained super powers.
Chuck Norris uses his beard to sharpen his pencil, that is when he's not using the blood of his victims as ink.
Plugging Chuck Norris into any equation makes the outcome equal to pain.
Yoda was once "6,4", black, and talked normal, he then made the mistake of saying Chuck Norris sucks.
Chuck Norris once survived a suicide bombing. He was the bomber.
A Chuck Norris-delivered Roundhouse Kick is the preferred method of execution in 16 states.
Chuck Norris will die December 23, 2012.
In 2001, Chuck Norris kicked off Alex Trebek's mustache after not answering in the form of a question.
Chuck Norris doesn't know how to fight, but he does know how to kill with his fists.