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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Actually............................ I was thinking... could it be... that Frost made "chi-san"-masked-lovers?
  2. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    3 hrs or less until the night post!
  3. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    No, death on the 1st night = immunity 1st night AND day death on the 1st lynching = immunity for the 1st night only
  4. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Get ready, I may already have your role pegged...
  5. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    I was just trying to stay alive long enough to survive a lynching... Oh well Yeah, they were lucky meting up the first night, though I can be almost sure that I would have met up with one of them on the 2nd night anyway. Well, maybe the assassin will rise again in VI.
  6. Brandonb

    Mythological Mafia

    Lol, I was just going to accuse u of being that the assassin for making a statement like that. But then I just remembered that there is no assassin this time!
  7. Lol, I bet I won't make it through the first night, so no worries about lynching me
  8. So, that confirms the sought-after weapon was/is the spatula?
  9. Aww, c'mon, you can at least tell me (and everyone else) what he killed me with!
  10. Either way it's game over for me!
  11. Dial 911 for that combo, lets see what happens!
  12. Mekal, with the Spatula, in the Helipad
  13. Mekal, with the Asparagus, in the Love Room
  14. I think it was 'dawh' in the 'Love Room' with the 'Floss'
  15. I think I'm fine to start now. We'll figure out what happens to me when the time comes. If I can't be on then a replacement can take over for the rest of the game for me. (if needed)
  16. It's like Clue, kinda.... I think it was 'dawh' in the 'Roof Helipad' with the 'Asparagus'
  17. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistently-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! -This puzzle is what I call a level - 2 Which means that this puzzle is - A short quote cryptogram. Possessing no conjugations or double letters. Also includes all letters and the name of the quoted person. Good Luck! OZ GKZ MKNOCPCA PC PCYNKLGUPNC DWU FUGKEZM YNK SCNOHZMAZ. ~RNIC CGPFDPUU
  18. Host: Unreality 1) Pw0nzd 2) Twoaday 3) dawh 4) Nayana 5) Cherry Lane 6) Brandonb 7) 8) Only two more to go! I'm eager for Mafia to start, though I guess in the mean time I'll be here
  19. I got it translated Unreality
  20. Hey Unreality, I dunno if this helps. But the info for that color is... Hue:142 Sat:86 Lum:228 Red:238 Green:242 Blue:247 I dunno how to translate that into Hex. Maybe u can.
  21. Brandonb

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris went as Chuck Norris for Halloween. He got twice as much candy as anybody. Chuck Norris created John Mayer so that everyone would always have someone to make fun of. Chuck Norris will never die. He is the reincarnation of dead Buddhists pent up rage If someone asks Chuck Norris what his favorite song is, he roundhouse kicks them in the face until they beg for mercy. He then tells them that's music to his ears. Chuck Norris ran the mile after the Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique was used on him. Chuck Norris once fell into a pool of toxic waste, and the toxic waste gained super powers. Chuck Norris uses his beard to sharpen his pencil, that is when he's not using the blood of his victims as ink. Plugging Chuck Norris into any equation makes the outcome equal to pain. Yoda was once "6,4", black, and talked normal, he then made the mistake of saying Chuck Norris sucks. Chuck Norris once survived a suicide bombing. He was the bomber. A Chuck Norris-delivered Roundhouse Kick is the preferred method of execution in 16 states. Chuck Norris will die December 23, 2012. In 2001, Chuck Norris kicked off Alex Trebek's mustache after not answering in the form of a question. Chuck Norris doesn't know how to fight, but he does know how to kill with his fists.
  22. Lol, was that a "wizard swear"?
  23. Argumentation is what it's all about! Lets get this verbal knock-down drag-out started!
  24. Brandonb

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    It's been said that if Chuck Norris comes after you on March 31st, he'll jokingly make you eat your own 'P', 'O', and 'Zero' keys just for laughs. Then the next day he'll show up at your house again and yell "April Fool's!" as he jovially force feeds them to you again. Yeah, it's true that Chuck Norris is on the run... No Wait! You didn't let me finish! Yes... Chuck just heard you think "On the run from what?" And no, Chuck Norris is not running from anyone, he is chasing after people. More specifically, the people that would actually think that he is running from something. Good luck...
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