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Everything posted by Brandonb
First, I do not maintain the QA goal till the end of the game, I only maintain the goal through the following night. Second, I wasn't referring to you, I was addressing everyone else to not jump on the bandwagon. Of course it's not a bandwagon if you're the first to vote I just want to make sure no one else does. Third, your reason is not relevant, and has been addressed many times. So many times in fact, that I think your explanation about not knowing how my role works is just an act because you have now been found out as being a baddie.
Well, before you jump on the "lets kill Brandonb" bandwagon again, remember, tonight I need to try to kill a baddie. So if you lynch me, then it will be as bad as trying to lynch Seven. It seems that the "lynch me if you have to" strategy seems to have possibly worked. Recall what I said before... Only baddies will want to lynch me today.... (especially without checking for other possibilities) Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth 5) twoaday 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter voting for onetruth 8) GC 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - voting for brandonb 12) Dawh 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty 20) Joe's Student
The Mimic gets both the Abilities AND the Restrictions associated with the role of it's victim. Got it.
So then I AM a QA (or whatever role I steal) until the next odd night. B/C the mutant is immune to QAs... not "QA abilities" and whatnot. If that was the case, then the Mafia, nor Zero, nor myself (the mimic) would be allowed to kill the mutant because "Killing" is a QA ability. I know it's too late to go back on the night post now... but that was a waste of my kill. How was I supposed to know that my role will be observed differently when interacting with different roles? Edit: I'm still for trying to complete the Zero objective and all, but maybe in the next game it would be a good idea to include what the interaction rules are going to be between the Mimic and every other role depending on what role has been stolen... It's only a list of about 210 different interactions. <_<
Lol, I didn't know that I didn't understand. As we had discussed, I am always, with no exception, considered as "Mimic" to the non-QA spy roles, so I figured that I was also considered "Mimic" when it came to fulfilling my objective. It just kinda made sense that my role wouldn't randomly change what I am considered to be, depending on the other role that I was interacting with Otherwise I wouldn't have targeted TC myself. Oh well, with half of the baddies gone and something like 3/5 of my near-impossible win objectives gone along with it, my chances now are slim-to-none for winning. Innocents, if you can't find anyone better to lynch today, go ahead and kill me.
Well crap, that's not how it has ever worked before. If the GR targeted the Ninja on the same night that someone else killed the ninja, then the GR still got the win. But then again... this isn't Mafia It's *M4F14*
Oh, I thought for a sec that TC wasn't the Mutant b/c I didn't win... but he was!? I must have misread the rules. I thought if I gained the QA ability I would win if I killed the mutant (b/c I am not a QA, and therefore the mutant shouldn't be immune to me while zero is alive). Oh well, I guess I'm still in it.
uhh... Something to do with Quantum Physics? Scientology maybe?
Yes, you are. When I killed phaze I was informed that "tomorrow night I would have to ability to kill and to spy." Well, there are two different baddies with two different Spy abilities. I assumed it was M4F14, and was mistaken Oh, BTW, what was up with the QAs? One of them trying to kill me when they were orchestrated to meet up on the TC kill!?!? I'm wondering if one of them is a total Newb to the game, like SoKrisky maybe? Eh whatever
Well, seems I was right about Onetruth. SO whadya say we get him? I need to try and kill a baddie tonight, so it's in the best interest of the innocents to allow me to live through this day. (In other words, right now the only people that should want me to be lynched are the baddies). Are you a baddie Kat???
Well, I wasn't lying, I was wrong. That was part of the "New Info" that I was talking about. I assumed that Phaze was M4F14 b/c I got to kill AND spy. But then when I spied, all I got to know was "Baddie" instead of the actual faction.
Excellent so far! So who wants to give the missing letter? CL?
If I give you the finer details, then I have no bargaining chip. Ever played poker? It doesn't work so well if you start off the game showing everyone else your hand, and then expect them to bet normally. That would be the situation where I wouldn't stand a chance. I'm not going to bluff you, b/c then I will be killed on the next deal. Nor am I going to show my hand, until all bets have been made.
-Yeah, you could. That's what I'm hoping for, it's my only chance to get a win. -I don't expect you to kill eachother in the lynches. My value lies in my ability to help you NOT kill eachother -I wouldn't have control over who is killed. I would just be able to cast my vote and voice my opinion like anyone else. Don't trust me if you like, I'm at the end of my rope anyway. I'm probably not going to make it through the night anyway, and the info dies with me. I just think it's better for the innocents if I die on their terms instead of by the other baddies. Edit: Ok, well I'm off to bed. Hopefully someone will save me tonight, but if not... no big deal, I should be dead already anyways. Which reminds me... THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME WREATH!!! I wish I could return the favor, but I'm dead
Hey, I've already come out with my role, so I'm in a terrible position. The way I see it, I am the SV (from Maf VI) now in this game. Except I am dependent on the innocents instead of the M4F14. I am trying to work out a mutually beneficial deal here, and it's my best move to make myself as useful to the innocents as possible so that they protect me in the night and not lynch me in the day.
Well I obviously didn't know he was exactly the mengalabot when I decided to kill him, but I did figure he was a M4F14 or some other kind of baddie. Plus I just didn't feel like reading his confusing posts all game. We hadn't even made it through the night and it was driving me crazy, so I silenced it
No, not really, I have another baddies' identity to use as a bargaining chip in exchange for my life. I figure that's how I'll be playing the rest of the game... Trying to make mutually beneficial deals with the innocents in order to survive longer and try to fulfill my nearly impossible win condition.
No mind tricks. It's a straight forward decision. Save me and get some info, or allow me to die and don't get anything. It's not like this is an issue of lynching or not lynching me. It's an issue of saving me, or saving an unknown who could also possibly be a baddie.
Well, I think some part of it in the last game was due to the fact that everyone thought that the person writing the message was either bluffing or going to back out of their end of the deal. Besides, I prefer not to think of this one as an ultimatum, but rather, just a choice. No pressure, it could only be a huge deciding factor in how this game turns out is all
Yeah, nvm, I'm gonna come out to play. I have the identity of a new baddie (from the use of my spy ability), plus some more info about something else... Of course, none of this will be shared tonight. So unless I get the help of a saving role for the night, then this VERY VALUABLE info may die with me... Make your choices. Save me so another baddie dies? Or don't save me and allow a worse baddie to live?
I don't want to, but yeah, it's in my best interest so that I A) Don't get picked off tonight, and B) Don't accidentally kill someone crucial to my role succeeding.
Yeah, it's definitely better if I just stay in jail tonight.
Well, I don't really have any evidence. I killed Phaze, and he was the megalabot or whatever. I think you and/or TC are M4F14 because I was making lie detectable statements about helping the innocents, and you two were still trying to burn me. I am certain that the QAs are going to go after him because I have already specified TC as their target. The QAs didn't meet up last night, so if they are smart they will go after TC so that they can get BTSC. Otherwise they will not meet up and continue to run around blind. I'm starting to wonder if I should even bother trying to solve this puzzle to get out of jail. #7 is probably going to kill me if I get out of jail (instead of killing Zero who is the one #7 should be after). And if not him, then the M4F14 may try to get revenge on me. Even though I really have no interest in killing the M4F14 b/c I cannot win by killing one of them. Plus there's really no point in me killing anyone tonight. Using the M4f14 kill ability tonight will not bring me any closer to winning the game. In fact it could severely hinder my ability to win the game if I were to accidentally kill Zero OR Seven OR The Mutant OR a QA. Strategically it's in my best interest to not kill any of them tonight.