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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    A lot of drugs come from the Earth. I do think pot should be legal though. I don't use nature as my reasoning because there are so many different types of legal/illegal drugs that I think each needs to looked at individually (which clearly has not been done properly considering pot is illegal and alcohol and pain killers are legal). There is no reason pot is illegal other than political oppression firstly of immigration and secondly of anti-war citizens and large-scale protests.
  2. itachi-san

    There's no way this is true. The whole (illegal big risk = fun and cool) idea is something from an after-school special, not reality. The reason people try things is not because of the rush from doing something illegal; the reason for first trial is always friends or peers. And I don't mean peer pressure. Peer pressure is also a common misconception, like your illegal = cool theory, these instances occur way less than people are led to believe. Just think about peer pressure: do you think drug addicts are actively trying to give away their drugs to straight people? The only way this would ever happen would be if a dealer wanted to boost their market, but this is also a big danger to them. They could ask an undercover cop or someone who would rat them out. So they don't use peer pressure either. They usually get friends of friends to start buying so it all stays in a pretty safe, contained group. Alcohol is the only substance I've seen get pushed onto people, but it was never menacing or anything like that. Also, to expand on the 'cool' idea. Would it be cool for someone to start buying pot and then laying around their house alone smoking? No. The reason it's 'cool' is because you would be in a group of friends doing it, therefore it's not the illegality that is the cause of the first trial; it is a societal issue, not a legal one.
  3. For this puzzle, the term complete word refers to a word in which any one letter could be replaced by another letter to form another word. An example of a 4-letter complete word is CAST because C could be replaced by L to form LAST or A by O to form COST, or S by R to form CART, and T by E to form CASE. moderate: name a 5-letter complete word. tough : name a 6-letter complete word.
  4. Jill was left a riddle by her late Aunt Alley. Alley was a millionaire, so Jill was hoping for at least a few thousand dollars. After receiving the following note, Jill knew just how much her Aunt had left her: RAIN RIDDLE: OLD ASTRONOMY HOST ALLOWS ABLE LASS ENTRY IN OWN LAND ESTATE. Love Aunt Alley. How much money was Jill left?
  5. Arrange these words into 3 different sentences that all have something in common. Each word is only used once. Don't worry about Punctuation to solve. DAD, LET, LETS, LEW, MARGE, MISSES, NO, NORAH, ORDERED, ROSES, SEE, SHARON'S, SIMON, TELEGRAM, TELL, WE'LL, What are the sentences and what do they have in common?
  6. Change one letter in each of the following words in order to make eight new words with a common theme. Drone Bait Builder Cede Done Pest Vial Tuna
  7. This is the answer. Good job!
  8. itachi-san

    I agree that using the internet to solve puzzles on this forum is lame, but for this? 1) This isn't a puzzle, they are just the meanings of words 2) Not many people know these off-hand 3) If you're looking for humorous answers this should be in Others, but this really isn't a brain teaser in any sense
  9. Nope. The queen didn't get what she wanted. Considering your answer, there is no reason the alchemist wouldn't have brought the most powerful poison he could make or get. So after he won, the queen would then have the strong poison she wanted.
  10. edit:remove quote No, the queen watched the procedure to make sure everything was done as she ordered.
  11. itachi-san

    Edit: though I can think of an answer for the pebble riddle...
  12. In an ancient empire called Rhuidean, it was known that if you drank poison, the only way to save yourself is to drink a stronger poison, which neutralizes the weaker poison. The queen that ruled the land wanted to make sure that she possessed the strongest poison possible, in order to ensure her survival in any situation. So the queen called the best alchemist and the best wizard and she gave each a week to make the strongest poison. Then, each would drink the other one's poison, then his own, and the one that survived would be the one that had the stronger poison. The alchemist went straight to work, but the wizard knew he had no chance, for the alchemist was much more experienced in this field, so instead, he made up a plan to survive and make sure the alchemist dies. On the last day the alchemist suddenly realized that the wizard would know he had no chance, so he must have a plan. After a little thought, the alchemist realized what the wizard's plan must be, and he concocted a counter plan, to make sure he survives and the wizard dies. When the time came, the queen summoned both of them. They drank the poisons as planned, and the wizard died, the alchemist survived, and the queen didn't get what she wanted. What happened?
  13. itachi-san

    Did you have the thirst for blood?
  14. itachi-san

    Works fine for me. Maybe it's dependent on a certain accent(s) / manner of speaking?
  15. itachi-san

    I'm still debating between pork sausage and oatmeal bagel w/ cream cheese. Yeah, It's gotta be the bagel...
  16. itachi-san

    Yep, right here This was a really easy search too...
  17. itachi-san

    Wow. I don't feel the least bit bad about not getting this one It's a good one, but I doubt anyone can get this, maybe 1 out of 10 million people or something.
  18. What's the ancient record? I smell a new olympic contest, is this a sport or a competition?
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