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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. I'm usually comfortable to be in Though I only have one way You can take me when competing But don't cross me when you play
  2. itachi-san

    If you're going to use roman numerals there are WAY more, and I also don't think this is intended because it makes for more than 50 total.
  3. Yeah, this is pretty much my point that's it not just as easy as "everything gets old". In my opinion the average person would be an adult and I would venture to say that a person from 1,000 years might take the rest of their life, maybe even never, to get used to our technology and our way of life (at least in a 1st World country). Another acceptable conclusion would be that they would take a lot of what they see to be divinely influenced, since back then there weren't many atheists. This may lead to a mental condition or some altered state of thinking that will never jive with our present. Basically, the longer a person lives thinking and doing the same, the harder it is for that person's mind to bend and shape itself to assimilate and accept something that would otherwise be completely unreal to them. I think there's a strong possibility that an adult from 1,000 years may not be able to ever grasp our present. But would there be a difference in that reasoning for a person now that is brought 1,000 into our future? Do all the technological advances we've made in the last 100+ years help cushion the blow so to speak?
  4. itachi-san

    So are you a spirit entity that now lives in cyberspace? Maybe that's Hell
  5. itachi-san

    Actually the saying ends with "names will never hut me"... In other words don't care about insults! There is only one thing that offends me and that is Hate. Swear words and insults without hate are just words and usually funny to me. I love South Park and they say just about everything imaginable. I think people should get a backbone, stop crying and what will "disappear" is the feeling of being insulted and having to hold your tongue in public. I would love to be able to say whatever I wanted, but I have been forced to have two different languages so to speak: one for my friends and one for public. People put way too much concern into what others are saying. If it's not hateful speech, which btw doesn't even have to have swear words, then just take it lightly. What are we, 5?
  6. itachi-san

    Out of curiosity, why do you believe God stopped with the Bible? Why didn't he influence a book last century for instance? The Bible is so old that it has been completely subjugated and altered by many different political institutions for their own personal purposes. One of my points is that now we have a much more comprehensive method of recording history and broadcasting it around the world so that people usually get the truth or at least the truth is intermixed in a bunch of lies, but it is available nonetheless. I find it too convenient that the book that God had a lot to with happened only once and in a time that just happened to be before any advent in mass information distribution. Another point to the Bible being the one and only, is that God would have seen that has been altered and aged. Why has He made no attempt to bring it back to its original form or make it more current and accessible to people of this technological day and age? Would this be similar to idea that Hell exists in that God is really not a forgiving being and is easily provoked by us? As unreality said: if you commit a finite crime, you get eternal damnation. So with the Bible, is this the same vengeful God we are seeing? "I gave you the Word, you altered and manipulated it, so now I'm going to pout, ignore you and not help you people anymore"? I would think that a being that held the characteristics of God would be above such pettiness and would want to continue to guide the people he created.
  7. Very good guess, but I don't it satisfies all the lines.
  8. I had a different reason for not trying "woman", though I'm not miffed I saw those Navy definitions too and just figured bonanova had higher standards for women than just cleaning objects Lesson learned.
  9. itachi-san

    How would you control speed alteration and quick starting and stopping? The answers to our energy needs have been around since before humans existed, we just refuse to use them for various political reasons. It's true that Oil and Ethanol are not the answers (all ethanol does is fail and then raise our food prices). The answers are Solar, Tidal, and Wind. And in the interim, the answer is Electric. The electric car as its technology is right now would satisfy the needs of about 90% of drivers. It was tried, successful and then ripped out of owners hands when the government, the car companies and the oil industry saw how popular it would become. Luckily that brief period spurned the Japanese auto makers to begin making hybrids in order to keep up with the movement. If that didn't happen, we would have regressed entirely back to the standard gas guzzler. The electric technology was also not given much of a chance to develop. They were still working on better batteries when the project was canceled and rescinded. That whole controversy was a real shame. For a pretty decent documentary on this fiasco check out Who Killed the Electric Car?
  10. itachi-san

    And this means what? Grain is converted to malt, then malt is converted to chop? I've never heard of that. Maybe I'm ignorant of another meaning for chop. Edit: I'm aware that chop is a name for grain converted to feed animals. Is it converted into malt first and then chop?
  11. itachi-san

    You get 2 Ds and an F for that one
  12. I'll add a few more lines: You come from a distant land So you will not perceive my plan Stealing from me will be your end But before you, I'll devour your friend In this game I set the first trap My advantage is lost when I take a nap No one will help when nobody's to blame I still keep playing, though never the same To win my game you must use deception That may involve my poor perception My strength and will are just too much To be conquered by the average touch Now with the advantage, use my herd For my vision is worse than blurred Though I still possess a sagacious mind On their backs there will be nothing to find If successful, hold no preconception That hubris will not lead to interception By an even greater power than mine Your new troubles will be divine Edit: typo
  13. No worries from where I'm sitting. I was having fun with it And I think I may have shaped my belief a bit to fit with your Earth theory. I was planning on getting back the original point sooner or later OK, so take my theory that whatever life is was once at one point in the singularity before the Big Bang. Now it is scattered all across the universe, perhaps with the help of super beings (aliens) because even though Earth became inhabitable there is no proven reason yet as to why life just manifested out of elements. Our Sun is also quite young compared to others, so we are probably a fairly new part of the "colony" if you will. So perhaps the galaxies are like colonies and they function to evolve life to as supreme a state as possible. And when this state is reached we are then able to travel throughout colonies and mix with other instances of life and eventually form a massive colony out of the galaxy and then the universe. For what purpose? No way to answer that yet, but I would argue that evolution of the mind has been building towards interstellar communication and travel. To answer Duh Puck's point about aliens, of course I wouldn't call them God. They are creatures like us, no matter how advanced they are. Life, however, is not so easily defined, and life is part of us and whatever type of alien you want to reference. Since life is so mysterious I label it God. At least, the only God I can logically deduce to exist. Perhaps there is a being that is made of just life and set the goal evolution is leading to and that Being (located in this universe) is accumulating more life to make itself better in whatever unfathomable way. Or maybe life must be cultivated and grown in a specific manner before it is useful for whatever purpose; this is where Earth Theory would come in again. This is also a bit taken from some sf (2001 a little) but what if the beings who have a vested interest in life evolving wait for a planet to evolve to the point where it becomes habitable and then place the seed of life and hope that it grows in a similar fashion to how Earth has grown (and not like how Mars failed). I should verify that my "belief" is really a "theory" that I am interested in, but I would also argue anyone's "belief" that requires faith and the supernatural to be a "theory" as well.
  14. itachi-san

    Yeah, 26 and B are his favorite numbers
  15. itachi-san

    I'd like to say that I really enjoyed this game, I got all 1s, 2s and 3s, but I was wondering how you guys got some of those 1s. Now I figured out that a few of them merely defy the physics of the game and you can make giant shapes around everything and the ball or square will find its way to the flag by some ridiculous means This is true for about 5 or 6 of the 1 shape scores. I hope they make a second version of the game that eliminates these physical flaws. Overall I really enjoyed this and recommend it to anyone
  16. Shannon shoots, she scores! And with your first post even! Well done
  17. First of all, if you look at the Topic heading, this topic was literally designed for us My sarcasm detector is in the red! I don't see why a theist has to believe God can't exist within this universe and has to exist in some fantasy realm. My belief is that everything can be explained given time because we are all a part of it, yours is that nothing can be explained because it is not and can never be in our reach. I never said it was impossible, I said anything is possible. I said it was impossible (okay 99.9999%) for me to believe that deep down anyone really believes what you are saying you believe. I'm not calling you a liar, more that you are so caught up in that belief system that you actually believe it, like how everyone was convinced the Earth was flat until they were enlightened. Every scientific discovery, which are brought about by the evolution of our minds and thought, chips away at the belief structures such as your own, because more fact is found and less fiction is believed. Eventually there will be a time of 100% fact. Again referring to me as an atheist, that's fine if it makes you feel more comfortable when being challenged. I mean, how could someone who doesn't believe God is an unlimited powerhouse from another dimension who decided one day to create the universe be anything but an atheist. I couldn't have come up with my own theory of what God is without reading it in a work of fiction. There goes that sarcasm detector again... I have never thought you were using your religion to prod mine. I feel that my position is unquestionably more stable than yours. A theory that is not based entirely on solid fact holds more water than a theory based on no facts. Yes, I've rejected the Bible just as I've rejected Zeus and Ra, all great stories btw. I've considered a supreme creator for many years. After considering it for so long, I've decided that it doesn't make any sense and is not founded on anything substantial. And I'm noting that your backing out of the discussion the post after your belief was brought up, whereas I withstood the pounding mine took. Maybe my theory just has more support that I can lean against. Also, I'm not frustrated or irritable. Don't project your feelings onto me. I like defending what I believe and hearing other's ideas.
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