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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. I know, but I've seen a few riddles where the answer took on different spellings in accordance with certain sections of the riddle. For instance, there was a recent one where the answer was 'sail', but the word 'sale' was also part of the riddle. Where were you then?!?! ...j/k. They both sound the same if that makes you feel better.
  2. Close enough. This one is really tough so here's the answer:
  3. Yep, good job! Sorry for taking a while to get back to this one. Pchands was very close but had to be more specific in the answer for the last paragraph to make sense.
  4. itachi-san

    What are the criteria for the degrees? If the second degree is that we live on Earth (breath air, have bones, etc...) for example, then we can all be connected with 2 degrees.
  5. Yeah, this answer fits perfectly. Good job to all those who had this or something similar (like crossing guard). I did have another answer in mind though.
  6. I do not seem like what I am For I am rich and bold Dark and thick I am as well And I prefer the cold I was made to last Rarely finished fast But if you are so inclined To have many of my kind You could ask for another To record your endeavor And I will accept your best effort Though it won't last forever
  7. No one has gotten it yet. This answer seems to have a few supporters though. Would anyone like to explain it?
  8. Actually, it's Dr. Dolittle 2 ...just kidding. Here's a bit of a hint:
  9. itachi-san

    Hmm. I like a lot of music, but if I absolutely have to choose, I think I'm going with Radiohead. Edit: my favorite song is Around the World in a Tea Daze by Shpongle
  10. itachi-san

    I think you should clarify the Butterfly Effect. The cause/effect relationship is not direct. Rather, the butterfly's cause generates a lengthy series of events that eventually lead up to a hurricane. Basically, I agree with the idea, but I think it's a silly thing to say. There are an innumerable amount of causes that make up a hurricane. If you dig deep and long enough you can find anything.
  11. over 500 views and not 1 reply? new record possibly?
  12. itachi-san

    Well, you cope without night-vision and sonar! How do you manage?
  13. You're right that you're wrong. usually 4 pages and 3 clues
  14. I think they're usually found sitting down eating donuts
  15. I live in a ruthless kingdom With no queen in the garden History echoes in our names And our wills we must harden Even the supernatural ones died Not living up to their hype Almost all the animals died too At least the zoo and farm types From all directions they come I see them sailing and driving I see them flying and riding But I must not lose sight And hope to live another night.
  16. I am usually found standing up Though I don't like to stay in one place Forcefully, I can be your guide Or just my words can stay your pace
  17. itachi-san

    only when 'm' is the Mth letter
  18. Both Zeus and Hera are Rhea's children. And they got married because incest was highly regarded back in the day.
  19. The husband of ____ is also the son of ____ I am only looking for one particular answer. If you can provide reasoning for a secondary answer, then it will be accepted as well. Think about what fits best, not just what fits.
  20. You got it! Good job
  21. NOTE SHOW FERRET UFO VISE EXIT NEVE HINGE IN Can you find meaning in this?
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